Monday, October 26, 2020

Washington Post pushes censorship and disinformation

Remember, the Washington Post says "Democracy dies in darkness". Isn't that what they are supposed to be fighting?

The Washington Post op-ed piece says the Hunter Biden story should be treated as a Russian plot even if it isn't so. That is just advocating that reporters should just LIE about it then. In the bad old Russian KGB days, that was called "disinformation". 

Censorship is simply suppressing a news story. That's what Twitter and Facebook are doing.

It is certainly news that a hard drive with sensitive information is turned into the FBI, which has to issue RECEIPTS when they take something, and have to issue a number, which identifies it to their system. The number indicates that it is a money laundering case. They don't do this lightly, say Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent.

The receipt confirms the existence of the hard drive, the DOJ has commented upon it, therefore it EXISTS. You cannot pretend otherwise. But these guys are. When Twitter and Facebook's effort at censorship FAILS, then they LIE about it. Not only do they LIE, they suggest that others LIE about it.

It should be pointed out that Adam Schiff cannot have any intelligence that wasn't given to him as a part of the briefing that they get from the agencies. Director Ratcliffe says that they never briefed Schiff on any such intelligence as Schiff is claiming. It is nothing but a LIE from Adam Schiff.

By the way, the article refers to the hard drive and the information therein as being ALLEGED. It isn't ALLEGED. It is REAL. It has indeed been verified as to its existence, and the pictures of Hunter Biden are of Hunter Biden. If they are not, let the Bidens formally DENY it. Which they have not. They have only made counter-accusations which is not a denial.

This amounts to censorship and disinformation from a publication that claims that Democracy Dies in Darkness. The Washington Post and their accomplices appear to be the Princes of Darkness themselves. You'd think the Evil Empire has descended upon us. Not to make light of this, but these are the people who represent themselves as the enlightened ones. It is hard to see how that can be true when they act the way that they are.

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