Saturday, October 31, 2020

When the thing is not the thing

This COVID-19 thing is getting curiouser and curiouser. This business about the "novel" corona virus looks more and more like a fraud. Before you jump off and dismiss this out of hand, please consider that you cannot get beef stew by starting with beef stew. You get beef stew by adding things to it. With the cornonavirus, they are taking a mixture of things, and trying to convince you that it is pure coronavirus.

The excellent blog by Jon Rappoport put me on to this. A hat tip to Ann Barnhardt, by the way.

Rappoport is on to something when he said that the CDC never said that they had a pure sample of the cornonavirus. The only thing they have was a "stew", a mixture of stuff. From that, the CDC claims that they can get the "real thing".

This is fallacious reasoning. It is the correlation as cause fallacy. Sure, cornonavirus might "go with" people dying, but it may not necessarily be the cause of it. Just like potatoes going with beef stew, the stew isn't potatoes. You don't "gene sequence" with a MIXTURE. You gene sequence with the real thing. With the correlation as cause fallacy, you could have a killer in the mixture, but it may not be what you think it is. The fact is, the CDC admitted essentially that they don't know what they are talking about. The other possibility is worse.

Before you go off on me again, just consider this: the CDC is a government agency. What makes them so pure and noble? If they had an agenda, they could push it off on the rest of us and maybe we wouldn't be the wiser.

It's true that I don't trust the government. After what has happened this past four years, with the government throwing everything but the kitchen sink at Trump just to get him out of office, I can see how a government run agency could cook up a foul brew and pass it off as the real thing.

We cannot question their good intentions. That alone is a cause for suspicion. "Just trust me" doesn't cut for me anymore. I'm the man from Missouri from now on. You'll have to show me. So far, the only thing that they have shown me is that they are political hacks.

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