Saturday, October 31, 2020

Looking back

Someone once said not to look back, because something may be gaining on you.

I guess I'm not always so good at taking advice. I'll look back. If something's gaining on me, maybe I can do something about it.

Maybe I like being the oddball.

With that, I post about what I saw going into the election of 2016. The answer appears to be--- "not much". Seems like I didn't have a whole lot of predictions up my sleeve back then. Actually, I had concerns much closer to home. At any rate, I DID vote in 2016. I remember that too.

I recall the weather was overcast. Probably not real cold by the standards around here, or for Houston's standards either.

It seems my recollection was not surprise at Trump's victory. Nobody seem to be expecting it, but being the oddball that I am, I was kinda thinking it could happen. Not sure that it was posted on this blog though. I did go through a few posts, but not that many. I'm not THAT curious about it.

One election that DID surprise me was the Reagan-Carter election. The thing that surprised me was how FAST it was over. Carter conceded even before all the polls closed. Carter wasn't really all that sharp, after all.

I was really disappointed that Romney didn't beat Obama. Considering what an ass Romney has been lately, it is not hard to see why he lost. At the time, it seemed like he wasn't trying hard to win. Say what you will about Trump, he pushes it HARD. If we got that out of Bush in 1992, Slick Willy would still be an Arkansas hick. If, If, If...

Well, we coulda done without the Slickster. But Papa Bush blew it all the same. Trump isn't blowing it. What else could you ask for? Perfection? If perfection is required, the GOP might as well pack it in. If a Dem shows up, he is claimed to be a shoo-in.

The country needs a house-cleaning. But Trump needs to be carrying the Broom!!

If that puts me in the minority, fine. I'm used to it.

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