Blogger unpublishes No Pasaran blog post about Hitler not being a Christian
It reminds yours truly of a similar event on the same blogging platform, but it had nothing to do with politics. The blog post on the No Pasaran blog was unpublished for some vague reason not clearly stated, which is also the same as for the post on this here blog. Consequently, it is worth a brief mention.
The blog post on this here blog was re-published by yours truly, despite not finding anything at all wrong with the post. To the author's knowledge, the post hasn't been unpublished again. It appeared to be a mistake.
This allows the author to segue into the nature of the blog post on No Pasaran. It was about Hitler's non-Christian point of view. Hitler may have been born Catholic, and it says something to that effect on the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which has been mentioned on this here blog recently. However, the Nazi philosophy is decidedly neo-Pagan, and has absolutely nothing at all to do with Christianity. In fact, Nazism was hostile to it.
What was the Catholic attitude towards Hitler during his rise to power? It isn't mentioned much in Shirer's book, but indications were that the killing of the Jews was done largely out of the sight of the German people. Only when the Allied Armies conquered the German lands, did the fact of the killing facilities become common knowledge. It may well have been mentioned in the press, but it wasn't considered a real thing until the reality of the ovens and gas chambers became known.
It is simply not credible that Hitler did what he did as a consequence of a Christian belief. Quite the contrary. From Shirer's book, it was noted that Hitler did not want to force a religious reformation upon the Church. But if he were to be victorious, the Catholic Church would have been in deep trouble. According to Shirer, the intellectual roots of Nazism were based on Nietche and possibly to Hegel. These are not Christian thoughts. Hegel's ideas formed the basis of Marxist thought, by the way.
If Google suppressed the post because of an assertion of the obvious, which is that Hitler was NO CHRISTIAN at all, but a neo-Pagan, then Google was wrong.