This post has to be short because I am pressed for time. As I mentioned last night, I have a busy schedule today, so there won't be time for a lot of reading and then writing about that.
Instead of reading, I am thinking about the past a bit. You know, sometimes I get the impression that someone I once knew years ago is coming here and sending me hints of her presence. Yet, if she is doing this, she won't write--- neither in an email nor in a comment here on this blog. If so, why not?
Now, you may think my imagination is getting away from me, and you may be right. On the other hand, I have known women who sent out the hints and I KNOW that they were doing it. Why do women act like that? It has always struck me as completely self-defeating to send out a hint, but then not respond when I respond to it. Quite frustrating and incomprehensible. But as I noted once before on this here blog, there may well be good reason for that kind of behavior. But it leaves me in a bad position. What do I do about this? Man up? Puh leeze! I am just a man, not a mind reader. I don't know what you have on your mind if you won't say. Not for a lady to say? Then friggin' talk about the weather. Just don't sit there like a knot on a log.
There's a little scene of how you can get a "pregnant pause". It was from the movie
As Good As It Gets, starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. She did manage to communicate, but not without difficulty. She came all the way across town in the rain to tell Jack Nicholson's character that she wouldn't ever,
ever sleep with him. You know what? I would really like that kind of candor. Trouble is, there is no way in hell you are ever going to get that from any woman. It would take someone unusual to do something like that. Maybe even a bit crazy. But on the other hand, what's wrong with it? Hell, if you feel that way, why not say it and save a lot of time and effort? I like things to be cut and dried. Obviously, in this life, you don't get things the way you want. You may have to make compromises and so forth.
On the other hand, if you
do feel that way, why not say it? Of course, it is not "lady-like" to say it. OKAY, I GET IT. Just stop it with the mystery, okay? I don't like that. All the hints and stuff make mystery and that ticks me off. I like
answers, not more questions. Romance is ridiculous and highly overrated. It's not all about
skyrockets in flight and all that bullcrap. Come to think of it, I think people prefer the bullcrap.
Maybe that's the reason this blog isn't successful. People just can't nor won't handle the truth.