Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Walking away

Market ticker dot org:    What it says pretty much confirms what I'm doing by going to da Ranch.  You can do better by reducing your income as opposed to increasing it.  In my own case, it may be a matter of survival.  Perhaps yours too, as I might be the "canary in the coal mine".

Look, the whole reason I started this blog was that my job turned to garbage and I was wondering why that happened.  This blog was a research project into the many ways in which this could be turned around.  Nobody seems interested, so you have to take matters in your own hands.

Now that I just wrote that, I think I've struck upon the very core of the problem.  What we have here is a bunch of people in this country who trust the politicians, as what was demonstrated in Switzerland when they rejected the gold standard.  The gold standard will set a real standard of value for the currency and stop the manipulation of the monetary base.  These politicians really think they can bring about prosperity by a wave of their hands.  They don't have that kind of competence nor power.  By going to the gold standard, you are allowing the collective genius of the people work.  Putting it all in the hands of politicians is a guarantee of failure.  Once again, people trust the politicians, and that is a BIG MISTAKE.

Taking things in your own hands is the way we use to do things in this country.  It's what made the country great.  Politicians didn't have a damned thing to do with it.  In fact, politicians are tearing down what the genius of Americans produced.   It's not only happening here, but all over Western Civilization.  We have gotten away from what made us great, and we are sinking into "the swamp", instead of going to the stars.

This will go into my off-the-grid series under the general category.

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Update:  It will also form the basis of the new subseries starting here.

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