Saturday, November 10, 2018

50k miles beneath my brain

This dude must have stoned when he sang this.  It is hard to understand in many spots.  Still, it has some quality to it.  ( There are those who would argue that, I suppose. )

For some reason, this old 70's tune came to mind.  Maybe it is a type of escape.  Psychedelic stuff.

I want to know you
I want to show you
I want to grow you
Inside of me
I want to see you
I want to free you
I want to be you
Inside of me
Love me 50,000 miles beneath my brain
Love me 50,000 times and then again

Can you love me with a thousand eyes?
Can you see right through my bones?
Can you kiss me with a thousand lips?
Can you melt a solid stone?
Can you hear me from a thousand miles
When you're screaming at the stars?
Can you pull me up to Jupiter
When I'm all hung up on Mars?
Burn my eyes with your flame
Let your world spin free
Let it go, baby
I'll do the same
All depends on me
Let it go
It's all the same
What with jewels that you can't see
Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, babe
Bring it on home to me..

"Don't just do something, stand there"

There is a site that I just came across, which discusses how phrases like this came into being.  It is a twist on the old saying which was "don't just stand there, do something."

The idea behind the twist is that it is sometimes preferable not to do anything, as opposed to frantically rushing about in futile activity that accomplishes little.

But you can twist it back, as a criticism of somebody who really should be doing something, but who is just standing there.  It is an ironic twist on the twist.  It really means, get off your butt and get moving!

In politics, ( you probably were wondering when I would get to that, weren't you?), the phrase might have application to the never Trumpers.  They don't want Trump to do something, they want him to stand there.  Of course, if you are like me, and like Trump, you want to see him do something ( which he does to the irritation of the never Trumpers).

Furthermore, the reason we almost had a disaster in Texas, and also why it was closer than it should have been, is that too many people have their noses in some poll ( or somewhere else).  If we got all our people out, then there wouldn't have been any losses, and "Beto" would have received a thrashing.

Instead, we are all standing around waiting to be rescued, like the dainty little girl on the railroad tracks who is waiting for Dudley DoRight to show up to rescue her from Snidely Whiplash.  Except that Dudley DoRight isn't always there to rescue you, and you might have to help yourself, cupcake.

Curses, foiled again!



The guy who thought he was the mummy reminds me of the fake Latino.  Put the fake Latino in drag, which he seems to have some experience with, and by golly, you got it!

Cue up the screeching violins. 


She really is their mummy.

Whenever I think of the liberals, I really wouldn't be surprised that she is a stuffed mummy they keep around to reassure themselves that is still really alive.

Friday, November 9, 2018

It's a class thing, not a racial thing



11:55 am:

A little closer look at the demographics reveals a potential answer to this riddle.  The seventh district is slightly more educated and slightly more poc ( people of color ) than the second.  The difference is slight, but the results were slight, too.

If anything, the Russia narrative really jazzed up the Democrats, and their people were out for blood.  If not for the higher than normal GOP turnout, it would have been a disaster.

I'd say Culberson didn't help himself by not attending the rally with Trump.  It wasn't an ideological thing.  Culberson was no RINO.  He might have been identified with Cruz than with Trump.  He endorsed Cruz first.  But he did endorse Trump in the general.  Basically, he probably did manage to tick off a bit too many people.

The phenomenon described as walkaway, in which blacks went over to the GOP, is not plainly evident here.  My guess is that it wasn't a big factor.

7:00 am:

The latest thing on Betsy's Page is that she is taking Trump to task for mentioning that there were those who lost to Democrats and did not want to be seen "embracing" Trump.

She calls it "petulant" of Trump.  Petulant or not, it may have been the reason Culberson lost.  Culberson wouldn't join Trump at his rally.  Cruz and Trump had a big quarrel and buried the hatchet, yet Culberson and Trump got along just fine.  Why would Culberson get fewer votes than the newcomer, Crenshaw?

The two districts in Houston are nearly identical in income, racial makeup, education, and age.  How do you separate the two out and come up with a reason for the different outcome?

If Trump's rhetoric is such a problem, why did Crenshaw win?

Whatever the reason is for the different outcomes, it is clear that those like Betsy Newmark want to spin this loss as Trump's fault for being such a meanie.

Probably it is more like a bunch of never Trumpers who cannot get over Trump's success.


Still trying to figure this one out.  Culberson lost to somebody who seems to be an unknown.  Don't see much information on this person.  Is it possible that Culberson ticked off a few too many people?

Looked at the demographics, and they are very similar to Crenshaw's.   Perhaps a few more college educated people in Culberson's district.  The turnout in the Crenshaw's district was HIGHER.  Neither district saw huge turnout.  Crenshaw won more votes than either of the candidates in the seventh district.

If Culberson lost, it may have been because of failure to get his voters out.  I hear that Culberson didn't attend the Trump rally in Houston just prior to the election.  A factor???

Culberson was no RINO.  But he's getting a little old and chubby looking.  Crenshaw in younger.  Culberson's rival was a younger female, but older than Crenshaw.

Lot of talk is made of females winning more offices.  That may be so, but a long time Houston radio personality, Dayna Steele, attempted to unseat a GOP incumbent.  Steele is no spring chicken herself, but being female didn't help in her race.

Chalk this one up to lackluster turnout.  Maybe class differences too, but those aren't as big a factor as I thought.  Maybe one is a bit older money than the other.  But the districts look quite similar.  This analysis could use a bit more work, and I am still guessing.


Well, let's walk back that title a little.

Here's the reason for the title.  The guy who was the butt of jokes about his eye patch, is now the new representative from Houston's congressional district where I lived just prior to coming out here.

Funny that Culberson lost.  I figured his seat to be safe, and the one that Crenshaw won as being vulnerable.  Culberson was my representative up until about 2010, when redistricting changed the boundaries somewhat.

The significance?  Culberson's district was more well-to-do, and my district was more working class.

Trump is a hero for the working class, and a villain for the well-to-do.  That's my theory of what happened last night.

Race still figures into this, but it may be subject to change.  The truth may leak out eventually, but the media will work overtime to make sure that doesn't happen.

The event horizon has been passed

A point of no return.  In science, it is when no light nor matter can escape a black hole.

In a metaphorical sense, we may have passed through the event horizon as to the future of this country.  There is no turning back now.  Whatever happens now is pretty much unavoidable.

No matter what Trump does, even if he resigns, will do anything to alter what is going to happen next.

Let me be clear about this.  I do not wish for him to resign.  I do not think that resignation is warranted nor desired.  I am simply saying that the forces which are aligned against him will force his hand to do something that will change things in this country forever.  That includes resignation, if that is how Trump decides to handle it.  It makes no difference.

You cannot put this genie back into the bottle.

It may be pointless to assign blame for why this happening.  Makes no difference either.  Seems to me that something is going to happen one way or another.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Behind the Black blog: Freedom is dying

Amen, bro.

Just keep in mind though that a small number of Texans managed to defeat an entire nation.  A small country like Israel has managed to continue to exist amidst an ocean of humanity which seeks to destroy them.

But you cannot succeed if you do not organize.

Home room angel

Saw on Facebook that a guy I knew slightly in school was looking for a gal whose name I remember, but that's about it.  Almost, anyway.  It all reminds me of this song.  Was he looking for his home room angel?  Would he have been disappointed to find out what became of her?

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

One more election thought....

After going into town, and doing some work on the Nissan there, another thought occurred to me from watching the TeeVee.

This is the biggie of them all, the one that all of the RINOS seem to love to criticize Trump for, and that is the "civility" issue.  For them, "civility" is docile servility to the powers-that-be----meaning themselves.  There is no way that they will countenance any back talk to the almighty and all knowing media flunkies of theirs---who are their surrogates.  Nope, can't be doing anything like that.

Trump was giving as much as he got in a presser today, and my reaction was amusement.  This was true even though the sound was turned down.  You know what?  It really is Wrestlemania up there, and people are tuning in just to hear Trump and the media flunkies going at each other.  It is a real catfight.

I didn't turn the sound up.  I didn't need to hear it.   I knew from the body language that Trump was giving it right back at 'em.  I say excellent!  But your everyday average RINO limpwristed wuss would say that it all so regrettable.  To that, I say that if Trump was any different than this, he wouldn't be POTUS today.  Not only that, you would be happy that no GOP as POTUS would last because you prefer to play second fiddle to the Dems.  You are just too scared to take the bull by the horns and get 'er done.  You'd rather whine and cry about the mean old Democrats, when you just cannot find the gonads to actually oppose them on anything of substance.  Even when you vote for Kavanaugh, you turn it into a circus.  Indeed, you love the circus just like you love being in the minority.  Then you complain about it all.

As for me, I don't care for the circus, but I realize that some of it is necessary.  If we had a real opposition party, Trump wouldn't be necessary.  If we had real respect in our politics, Trump wouldn't be necessary.  Trump is necessary because that is the only way that an honest opposition can ever be heard.

If it weren't "civility" it would be something else.  Fact is, they hate Trump because it disturbs their comfort zone.  It shows them up as the weenies that they are.

So hats off to Trump.  Even though this was a loss ( let's be honest ), he isn't going to change a bit.  If he were like them, he would be kowtowing to them about right now.  I'm glad he's going to continue being Trump.  If he stops, we are in even more trouble than we are already.

Don't know if this is all.  If I have any more thoughts, I'll be sure to let you know.

Trouble signs in the state of Texas

This state is considered as being one of the reddest of the red states.  But there were a lot of very close calls last night.

Heap big trouble kemosabe.

The so-called conservatives had better get their heads out of their backsides, and figure out how to keep Texas red, or we're going to have another Collyfornia on our hands.

The race thing is working for the Democrats.  How to beat that?  I think Trump has the answer for that, but he risks losing the RINOS, who tend to side with the white gentry liberals against the working class.

Quick take on the election results

Posting will be light, as I have to go do an errand, which will take up most of the morning.

As of now, which is shortly before 5 am., it looks like a Democrat takeover of the House, by a very narrow margin.  They needed 24, they got 26.  This is not a big victory, but it is a victory for them.

In Texas, Cruz beats O'Rourke, by not by all that much.  In my old neighborhood, the GOP seat held by a long term incumbent, John Culberson, was lost.  This was very unfortunate, as Culberson was good for Texas, and served the state and country well.  That loss was a bit hard to fathom for yours truly.

All in all, it seems like little has changed.  The tribes remained in their places, just as dead set against each other as before.  The crossover of Latinos and Blacks probably didn't happen.  Or, if it did, it was of limited effect.

I suppose I could go into further commentary, but there will be plenty of time for that, and I really don't have the time right now.

Hoping for best, but preparing for worst



It turns out that this concern that I briefly mentioned was being echoed elsewhere.  Unfortunately, it appears to be too little too late.  If you get outsmarted and outhustled, you are going to lose.  This may have been what happened yesterday.


Seems like I heard that phrase somewhere before...

Anyway, there's no preparation for the worst that I can see anywhere, and that includes yours truly.  No, there just isn't any way to prepare for an army of one.  If you are the only one willing to take the bastards on, then you are going to lose.

Not that I give up or anything.

Here's another one of those news tidbits that make me suspicious about what is going on.  It seems that there's an app that find out if you voted or not.  This app is being used to pressure people into voting this time, and today was the first time that I have heard of it.

So, the big, big question for me is why wasn't this discussed so that everybody will know about it?  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?  Why should only one side have this informational advantage?

Information wins or loses a war.  Yet, these people keep talking about a war.  This informs me that they just aren't serious people.  You can bet your sweet bippy that this blog would have mentioned such information, but evidently somebody knew about and sat on the information.  Why???????

So nobody is really serious in this country, except the people who are out to destroy it.  Hopefully, this won't work, but it MIGHT.

If my preparations were any good at all, then the thought that tonight might be a bitter disappointment won't be that big of a surprise to me.  I remember 2012, in which a GOP nominee just about threw away a golden opportunity to defeat Obama, and refused to use it.  It might have made a difference.  So that year was very, very disappointing not only for me, but for a lot of people who are sincere about our country.

Just saying.  Lots of news sites are out there saying how good everything looks for MAGA.  Sorry to burst your bubbles, but we have a significant number of people out there who don't give a hoop about MAGA--- even though they pretend to be on our side.  This might make the difference tonight.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Today is the day.

And I have cast my vote.

How about you?  Vote early and vote often.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Supercomputer can mimic a mouse brain

A human's brain is a long way off yet.

But they can still play a mean game of chess.

I don't think a mouse can beat me at chess, but I never tried it.

Like the Kavanaugh circus, I'll be glad when this is over

Just sitting here trying to figure out something intelligent to say.  Come to think of it, there is nothing here that requires a lot of intelligence.  What is required is that you get off your butts and get out there and vote.

It is not rocket science, for if it were, almost nobody would be qualified to vote.  Even intelligent people seem to have trouble making good voting decisions.  Just saying...

It is not rocket science.  All that is required is that a decision be made, and be willing to live with the result afterward.

It's too bad when the losing side won't accept the outcome.  Hllary said in the debate that she would, but that was only because she expected to win.  As soon as she lost, it was a problem all of a sudden.

If people would accept the outcome, then things may not be all that bad no matter who wins.  But people are making too much of this.  So have I, but that is letting the emotion of the thing override your reason.  I'll try not to make that mistake too often.

Just vote and be done with it.  That is all that is required.

One final thing:  the paranoia has gotten out of hand.  The world isn't going to come to an end.  Just accept the inevitable, whatever that is.

You don't win by losing

Don't care what anybody says.  If the Dems win control of the House, it will be a very bad thing.

Not that I like the GOP all that much.  But the Democrats are so over the top that it is absolutely nuts to advocate anything like this.

Talk like that is worrisome.  It may indicate that a number of GOP types may slip over and vote Democrat just because they cannot bring themselves to support Trump.  This has always been the chief number one problem with the GOP.  The have this faction that discombobulates everything that the conservatives wish to bring forward.  It is almost as if they do it out of spite.

If the Dems wins, there will be no wall.  Even if the GOP wins, there still may be no wall.  But the odds are much better if the GOP controls.  Trump doesn't need to be checked and balanced.  The Dems need to be checked and balanced.  It is almost impossible to conceive why somebody who claims to be a Republican can even consider the idea of losing as somehow a benefit to Trump.

If the House is lost, the chances of Trump being re-elected go down.  The conservative wing of the GOP is un-electable.  Cruz could not have won.  Nor could have the rest of the field.  I still say that Trump is the best way forward for the GOP, but there's a large number of never Trumpers left who resist that common sense proposition.

Anybody who says differently is full of it.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A different perspective

There is a supposedly popular show that plays on Israeli television.  It is called Toffee and the Gorilla.  There is no proof that the show is popular and who watches it.

Now, I saw this on a blog, and you can google it for yourself.  This story does not seem to be fake.  The blogger said that Wordpress shut down the blog when this story was posted.  The blogger did not say that this story about this show was specifically the reason for the blog to be shut down.

There is an episode of this show here which is a bit sick, if you ask me.  Not only sick, but blasphemous.

After seeing this, and should it be true that it is popular in Israel, I think that an explanation should be forthcoming.  There was a mass murder of Jews in the US which is being attributed to POTUS Trump, and yet this show receives no condemnation from anybody over here--- it may be getting censored.  It could be an incitement for a mass murder.  It would seem plausible how someone could be incited to murder over this.  Yet at the same time, those who blame Trump may be suppressing information about shows like this.

There is no blame for Trump, by the way.  Only that Trump gets blamed for anti-Semitism by a media that suppresses this kind of information.  It is inconceivable to me that Trump would have anything to do with a show such as this, one way or another.  This would be something that Trump would do if he were anti-Semite, and wanted to stir up the American people against Israel and the Jews.

Israel gets very favorable treatment from the US government.  This post is not to be construed as to  suggest that such treatment should change, only to mention that this show is pretty bad stuff that maybe people in high places don't want you to see.  If anything like that was shown on American television, the people here would be scandalized.  It might even change attitudes towards Israel.  It is that bad.

About those economic numbers...

There is a lot of hype about the economy right now.  How much hype?

The unemployment rate is at a 50 year low, but the participation rate is still in the doldrums.  Some say because of the aging baby boom generation.

There is a positive in the growth of wages, but that is also depressed.  It hasn't returned to the levels of the dot com boom.

The stock market is quite volatile right now, and a reading of Shadow Stats suggests that Federal Reserve policy has something to do with it.  If so, it is not showing up in the interest rates.  In fact, interest rates are not inverted, so there probably is not going to be a recession. 

Cross your fingers on that one.

Things are going well, but there is a bit of hype out there.  Just one more thing to go into the mix as far as the economy is concerned.

One more thing:  I'll add my own experiences, for what that is worth.

The ACA is in its enrollment period, and I note that the subsidies are increasing considerably.  This was unexpected for yours truly.  In each of the last several years, my premiums have been going up.  This year, they will be going DOWN.  Imagine that.

With all the talk about pre-existing conditions, I find it odd that my own situation seems to be improving with respect to the ACA ( aka Obamacare ).  I have a cancer, so that is what you would call a great big pre-existing condition.  Even though I have this condition, I am not suffering financially because of it.  I have to call bravo sierra on that claim.

Don Surber: Republicans will surf that blue wave

Don Surber: Republicans will surf that blue wave: Pundits argue among themselves on whether there will be a blue wave or a red wave on Tuesday. The answer is both because the election is...


Interesting post.  Democrats won't get as much help as you would imagine because all of their votes are in Democrat areas already.  In other words, they'll do well in California and Massachusetts, but they already do well in those states.  Their pickups won't help much in those areas because there's nothing there for them to gain.

This is on top of what I suspect to be true, and that is that the electorate's habits may be changing.  There is subtle evidence of that, so there may be a difference in even previously blue states.  After all, Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania in  2016.  It could happen again.

Everybody wants to speculate on the horse race.  So there's my two cents worth.