Monday, January 6, 2025

With respect to the Vegas situation ( exploding Tesla in front of Trump's hotel)

Video joined in progress,

Get a load of this...

This is either a hoax ( not by Bongino ), but someone else; or we're in some deep doo-doo. I suspect a hoax. Such a means of propulsion would be so far advanced, that I'd say it was extra-terrestrial in origin. Our science has not progressed to this point, unless I am mistaken.

An Elon Hit Piece

But I'll embed it anyway...

Killing off your offspring is a decidedly leftist idea..., they are straining themselves here. Why post it? I'll look at developments critically. I don't think anyone should be raised up on a pedestal.

Elon's IQ Shredder by Johann Kurtz

Our immigration strategy accelerates Idiocracy (& we can't colonize Mars with idiots)

Read on Substack

Behold the future

There's no stopping this

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Wile E. Coyote vs. Gravity

It's analogous to artifical intelligence and virtual reality, but can you tell the difference?

If you depend too much upon computers, we will all become like Wile E. Coyote. Chasing an illusive goal and always failing because the rules will get changed up on you right in the middle of whatever you're doing. Don't think so? Why else would Big Tech invent it! That is to say, they'll fool ya in order to screw ya.



Forget about H1-b taking jobs

AI is the culprit; computers doing the code writing and more

This was being warned about over 40 years ago ( in a class I was taking). Just thought I'd throw that one in.


Obligatory, 1/5/25

Posting is light

Scanning the webs, and...

Nothing appeals to me today. The tank is still dry. That was a Mark Twain reference, in case you were wondering. The tank goes dry, and you have to wait till it fills up again. So the old tank needs filling. Fill 'er up.