campaign2012.washingtonexaminer barone
The bottom line is that despite his third place finishes, Romney has been doing just fine in delegates this week.
Well, I had to write something about this, but words are hard to come by. Just one word can describe this outcome:
Someone, who might be a little curious about my reaction, could ask "why?"
Ok, according to some polls, Obama has taken a hit recently. If you believe polls, that is. Anyway, what could explain his drop in the polls? The price of gas? That could be the explanation, but look who is making the case for that- none other than Gingrich.
Now that Gingrich failed to win where he needed to, this entire argument has been brushed aside. I guess people must not be thinking about how this argument got out there. Gingrich put it out there. Sure, some people may be unhappy about gas prices, but that may not translate into much of a change in the polls. This means Obama skates on this issue, which is the big disaster. If you can't vote for Gingrich, who has given you a bump in the polls, you cannot vote for what could win in November.
Who will make this argument about drilling more? Will Santorum or Romney? Yes, but not with the same vigor and conviction. Without that, they may as well be whistling Dixie.
Barone likes to say that Romney can get back upscale white voters. Big deal. These same voters helped put Obama in the White House. How does Romney improve things? The only difference with Romney is that he's white. Sorry if this sounds like a Democrat talking point, but if the Dems say it, for once they will probably be right. Romney offers nothing new, but a change in skin complexion.
This may sound like a bit of a sore loser. Hey, I'm not the only one who is losing here. We all are. That's why this is a disaster. Everybody is going to regret this. Mark my words.