Friday, March 16, 2012

Zero Growth v Economic growth

This was the first entry in my previous post. Actually, the topic has already been covered here. If there was anything else to add, I notice that the talk these days is about "job growth", not economic growth.

But there can be no "job growth" without economic growth. The economic growth pays for the "job growth", if there's no economic growth- there can be no jobs.  Someone in poverty can't hire anyone.  Capiche?

Even Limbaugh used the term "job growth".  You have to be slipping to start using the language of the subversives, who want to trash our system and replace it with another one that reduce us all to misery and despair.

I know all that sounds rather extreme, but what else could this anti-growth phenomenon be?  The thing that we are dealing with is itself extreme.  There's no other way to deal with it except on its own terms.

Recent polls show that the people at large have not given up on economic growth.  The term "job growth" is being used to confuse the public, however.  That's the whole point.  Confuse and lead astray.  Better to use the appropriate terminology, not some bastardization of the language in order to confuse the public long enough to win an election and implement a policy the majority would not want if it were properly understood.

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