Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Earth Is Full

After that Weenie boy rant, I came across Thomas J. Friedman's essay on the New York Times and I wonder- is there something in the water up there?

There is continual theme among those on the left. Whatever problem they say exists, you need more government to "fix" it. Government is an agent of coercion. Evidently, that's what the leftists like about it.

Friedman says the Earth is Full. Then he talks about China, which is full. Or mostly full. He says the world can't take its current rate of growth. This reminds me of what Jerry Pournelle was talking about in relation to the seventies and eighties, which was all about zero growth. That's what its all coming down to. The left wants zero growth, and by golly, they are going to get it if they have to crack skulls to do it.

If you think the left is there to help the "little guy", think about this: if they are successful in stopping all growth, a lot of little people are going to die. That's a fact, jack. The current level of population requires growth. Until such time that population growth can be throttled down, economic growth is going to be necessary.

Frankly, I don't want a guy like this telling me I have to take one for the team and disappear so that Mother Earth can survive. That's because I'm pretty sure that lefties like Friedman won't take one for the team. It's always somebody else that has to play by the rules- not them.

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