Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Weinergate" looks like a media war

Breitbart's story looks like media advocacy in politics. It's left wing media going at it with right wing media in order to play politics. It looks worse for the left wing media here because they appear to be trying to cover up for Weiner and not only that, but to slander others in order to protect themselves.

Says he doesn't have an opinion on Weiner resigning. 'Blame the messenger' reporting.  Accused Breitbart of being the hacker.

I thought of the thing as a joke, but if somebody starts naming names like naming Breitbart specifically as the hacker, then I don't blame him for taking offense and fighting back.

This isn't so much about Weiner ( unless he named Breitbart himself) than it is about the media that is covering up for politicians.  That's what I wasn't paying attention to, but now I am.

One of the reasons I don't like the left is that seem to have an allergy to the truth.  You may not think that is such a big deal for politicians to lie, but for media to do it in the service of politics is definitely a big no no.

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