Thursday, June 9, 2011

Widom Larsen: Absorption of Gamma Radiation ( LENR )

This is a pdf of a US patent on file.  The patent is for absorbing gamma radiation and making it less penetrating and less energetic.  I presume this is either an explanation for the lack of gamma radiation in LENR, or a way to shield against it, or perhaps both.  (source of link: NewEnergyTimes)


Also, there appeared to be an extract with more information, quoted below:
The article simply assumes that proton capture at room temperature is possible, using classic nuclear reaction tables to calculate the corresponding gamma emission and residual activity i the reaction products to be expected. Having a look at figure one, to be able to be in the room, the catalyzer would need to be shielded by at least 40 cm of lead, as a result of the 1-7MeV quantas released per reaction, a lot higher than corresponding levels of a fission process with Uranium. Rossi Use only centimetres of lead. If true, the reaction energy is split up in a 10- 100 times more x-ray quantas, and I've heard about alphas, that is easily shielded. However, this clearly breaks the current known behavior to the isotopes involved. 

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