Monday, June 6, 2011

PRWatch: Media Ignores Energy Breakthrough: Worry-Free Nuclear Power

Most of the news about the E-Cat has been reported in blogs operated by people and organizations interested in energy issues, and in the general press and media in Italy, Sweden, Greece and throughout Europe. By contrast, the Energy Catalyzer has received virtually no coverage in the U.S. mainstream media.
By Anne Landman : CMD's Managing Editor. 

It looks like a lefty site.  Doesn't matter to me.  All along, I've been for energy solutions that are cheaper and better than what we have now.  I am against energy taxes and penalties that are designed to punish people for using energy when there are no good alternatives.  Let the greenies come up with something better instead of punishing people.  Then everybody will be glad to give up their fossil fuels.

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