Updated on 4/28/23; Originally posted on Dec 14th, 2010
There is a girl from Germany who posts on YouTube. She talked about Adolf Hitler and World War III. When she got to the history of the event, she said something that reminded me of all the guilt tripping that has been laid upon the West. This is communist inspired, I suspect.
As usual, the left doesn't care about the Holocaust. They just want to use it as a political device that can gain them more power. Once you recognize this tactic, you may be able to start counter-acting it. Without any counter, you are totally defenseless against it.
There was a video posted here about how Hitler overthrew the Weimar Republic. The same kind of tactics are being employed today, which is quite an irony. The left wants to impose guilt so that they can get you to disarm yourselves, and become completely subjugated to their will. Hitler disarmed all Germans, it should be noted. Hitler had his Brownshirts. Hitler used his Brownshirts to quell opposition. At the end of the Weimar Republic, Hitler's Nazi Party was declared as the only legal party in Germany. As a coup de grace, Hitler had all allegiance sworn to him PERSONALLY.
Hitler's Brownshirts were led by a notorious homosexual, Ernst Roehm. When Roehm was no longer useful to him, he had Roehm liquidated. A Christian would not have done that. The commies have the homosexuals believing that Hitler was a Christian, and that Christians would have all homosexuals sent to the concentration camps and gassed. All fascists must be Christians, so all Christians are super guilty because they caused Hitler to come to power. Or so it goes.
Germany was put through a huge, huge guilt trip. That has spread all over the West. We are constantly reminded of the past, and how the West colonized the world. The West was responsible for slavery and degradation of the environment. You get the picture. All of this inspires GUILT. Guilt must be expiated somehow. What better way for an enemy to destroy you than to get you to blame all evil on your own existence? Then you commit suicide, as this is the only way to bring justice for all the harm you allegedly did. This is what is happening to the West. The West is characterized as evil, and the only justice is for it to be eradicated.
The appropriate way to address what Hitler did was not to go on some super duper guilt trip. It is to rationally deduce what went wrong, and to correct it so that it won't happen again. Evidently, that isn't happening, for many of the same things that brought down the Weimar Republic are happening right here in the USA this very day.
The US Supreme Court had the chance to address the issue of oaths of office in the elections controversy. They refused the case. If this was addressed, then the oath of office would be treated seriously, which it is not. If it is not treated seriously, then what prevents a private oath of loyalty, such as the one to Adolf Hitler, from being made? The Supreme Court failed us. If there is no importance to the oath, then what inspires loyalty to the document? Anything at all? If there's no loyalty to the founding document, then what is going to preserve it? This could explain the rapidly deteriorating civil liberties that is found in the USA today. If the oath is not preserved, then what preserves the right to vote, the right to free speech and association, and the rest of the Bill of Rights?
The political left has gotten a lot of political mileage out of the guilt tripping. These people make it a religion to feel so guilty. They feel holier than thou when they feel so guilty. But they solve nothing that caused what happened in Germany in the Third Reich. The errors that brought the Nazis to power are being repeated this very day. American democracy and freedom will not be preserved, because that is the Big Lie. The Big Lie is what the Nazis liked to employ, and that is being repeated here as well. The Big Lie is that the left cares about Democracy and Freedom. They only seek to use these words as a means to power. This is what they care about.
Wake up America.
original post
Aaron Sorkin has joined in the kick Palin chorus. It's the old emotional manipulation of laying out the old guilt trip. Sorkin wants Palin to feel ultra guilty.
Sorkin was furious that the documentary showed Palin hunting and killing a caribou. Although she made it clear that she intended to eat the animal, according to Sorkin, she had committed an act of murder and torture.Notice how it has to be justified on the grounds that the animal had to be eaten in order for this to be acceptable. But even that justification isn't even acceptable to Sorkin, who wants to push vegetarianism, if one is to take this to it logical conclusion.
Why does Palin have to justify herself to Sorkin? Why should Palin have to justify herself in hunting caribou for whatever reason? Who cares what Sorkin thinks? Evidently, there are those who do. Hence, the technique is used because it works.
The left can use this tactic in order to manipulate others. It only works if you accept their moral authority. But who gives Sorkin or any others like him the moral authority? Question their authority, I say. They don't have any unless you recognize it.
Here is an previous example that I posted on this phenomenon.