Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Red pill alert, red pill alert


Everybody seems to say that they are for the truth. But is that true? What accounts for the proverbs that say that anyone who tells the truth is in danger? The Mexican proverb says that "only fools and children speak the truth". The Arabic one ( said to be arab from what I've read) says that "the man that tells the truth must have one foot in the stirrup." Sure, if you tell the truth, you aren't going to be welcomed in some circles. In fact, many circles are like that. How then can it be truly said that people are for the truth? Maybe they like the idea of being for the truth, but when it is inconvenient, not so much.

Then there are cases in which you really believe a thing to be so, only to find that it isn't. If you repeat these things that aren't true, does that make you a liar? I say no. Only that you are mistaken. Anybody can make a mistake. But how many people out there are willing to own up to one? If you don't own up to one, then it is akin to lying. For you know what is true, but you won't admit it. Let's face it. Some folks are just blatant liars.

I've changed my mind about things before. I suppose I could do it again. Does this indicate a lack of conviction? Some folks might say yes. I say no. The reason is that I value truth. If the truth does not support what I believe, then an adjustment is necessary. Someone once said that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind. So when does one engage in a foolish consistency? By clinging to something that is obviously false that even a child can see it. A child will point out the foolish inconsistency by saying that the emperor wears no clothes. But the foolish consistency is to insist that the emperor is not naked. The world must be full of those with small minds.

I don't think that kids are foolish to note the truth. People learn to be "wise" owing to the fact that the truth is not welcome. A kid may not know that. An adult will find it out along the way to growing up.

It is pretty interesting to note the case in which Jesus Christ stood before Pilate and said that he speaks the truth, and Pilate asks "what is truth"? A post modernist would say the truth is whatever you choose to believe. This is like taking the blue pill ( from the Matrix film). Those who want to see the truth will choose the red pill. You don't get "red-pilled". Rather, you choose to follow the truth that will take you down the rabbit hole of Alice in Wonderland that the world puts in front of you to fool you. The world is like the Matrix in the film. It is designed to deceive you so you can be enslaved. Jesus said the truth will set you free. An irreverent wag said that the truth will set you free, but you will get pissed off first. Sure, get mad. It might well be good to get mad if indignation is the thing that is called for. It has also been said that a fool cannot get angry, but it is wise not to get angry.

The entire point of transexualism is to fool people. But you cannot fool your biology. Maybe you can fool gullible people, but the chromosomes always stay the same. Sex is biologically determined, not decided by a little child who doesn't know any better. Nor by someone who is in the grips of mental instability.

So the media, which is primarly owned by major transnational corporations, tell most people what to think. Most people seem to swallow that blue pill, because it is easier to believe whatever you want to believe. Those who take the red pill path are taking the harder path. The media and the government complex ( like the Matrix) wants to punish those who refuse to swallow the fakery that those in power want you to swallow. This is called "cancel culture". They might as well be an army of Agent Smiths out there. Nobody has defeated the Agent Smiths yet. But somebody out there might.

So Tucker Carlson decided to go up against the "Matrix". Limbaugh did it. Or tried to. Others are trying. But the Matrix seems to be winning. But that could be one of the Matrix's smoke screens. You could let yourself be deceived by the latest smoke and mirrors coming from the government media complex, or you can take that red pill. Accept the world with all its warts, or fight it. Acceptance is not believing in what you are told, but coping with it on its own terms. By coping with it on equal terms, it can be kept at bay.

If you are Christian, then you believe that truth will win out in the end. If you are not, then are you for the truth, or are you kidding yourself and others? I cannot believe those who keep talking about truth, but keep peddling stuff that just ain't so. Boys are boys and girls are girls. Nothing less than that is acceptable. You can extrapolate that all of the way down the line. If they can lie to you about boys and girls, they can lie to you about anything. Swallowing the red pill is seeing truth for what it truly is, not what you wish it to be. That's not the easier path. It is the harder path. The more risky path. In the end, it is the danger put forth in front of you that gets you enslaved to the lies. Danger is fear inducing. Fear can be painful. So people are succeptible to the lies because that is the easier way.

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