Recent events have gripped the nation.
My reaction has been fairly consistent over the years that I have been writing this blog.
There have been fears of a civil war, but I disagree. This isn't a civil war, it is a coup. If
I've written it once, I've written it a dozen times that it isn't a civil war. In order to have
a war, there have to be at least two opposing ARMIES. There is only one army in this nation, and
at the moment, the left has nominal control over it. The Generals may rebel if Trump should
call upon them. This is a very serious threat. It is symbolic of the power play in motion.
The Establishment is on one side, the people are on the other. The people won in 2016, and
the Establishment will not accept it.
The punditry on the side in opposition to the Establishment is not organized. Neither de jure
organization nor de facto. It simply does not exist. If the left regains power in November,
they will only be doing what they have always done. Sadly, so will those who say they oppose
them. This might well include Trump himself.
This isn't a rebellion of the proletariat. It is the rebellion of the bourgeoisie. These guys
are trying to put a popular front upon an Establishment face. The rioters are their muscles to bring the plebes back into line. They seek to overthrow the legal and rightful head of
state over pretended crimes. The riots are just an extension of the same old tactics. That is
to delegitimize and ultimately remove the POTUS from office by "any means necessary".
Trump for his part has assumed a populist front, but he courts the Establishment which hates
him. The Establishment for their part has a mob of "brownshirts" to reinforce the discipline
that they wish to regularize over the entire population. Trump's people are a bit too timid
to organize themselves into a real army. The leftist mob is already organized. These riots have
been planned for a long time. The George Floyd affair, assuming that it really happened, is
just an excuse for what they wanted to do all along. If the Trump people would just organize
and take control, this treachery could be crushed.
So we have a nation full of scared people right now. Scared of the rioters. Scared of the
virus. Scared of Trump. Maybe these people are just scared of their own shadows. Fake
shadows being paraded before them nightly in the news.
One way or another this thing gets resolved. I wouldn't count on the election working out the
way the Trump people think. If these people can disrupt the nation this much now, what makes
anyone think that they plan on stopping?
There is no Covid-19 health crisis. There is no police misconduct crisis. This crisis is
being completely cooked up to disrupt the democratic process and the peaceful transition of
power. The Democrats never accepted Trump's victory in 2016 and dragged the country through
the phony Mueller investigation for much of these past four years. They impeached him over
a nothingburger. They've wrecked the economy with a phony health care crisis and now
they intend to disrupt law and order right on up to election day. The crisis is manufactured,
but the divisions within the Establishment are real.
What will things look like in November? Will we be able to vote? It's not looking good
right now. The real crisis is a political one. The Establishment is losing its grip. Pelosi
has lost a grip over her people and decided to "take a knee". This symbolic move demonstrates
who is really running the show now. It isn't the so-called moderates. In order to keep their
tenuous hold on power, they had to submit to the wildest, most uncontrollable faction of their
party. If they are victorious in November, there will be a debt to pay to their foot soldiers.
Trump may be playing for a victory at the polls. It may not happen. The Establishment has
too much to lose. They are prepared to unleash the dogs of war upon the public at this very
moment. The Generals have spoken. The People must answer. Hiding out in your homes is not
a very good answer for these desperate criminals.