Saturday, June 27, 2020

Sunflowers growing wild

These were growing a few miles from here. From the pic, it is not readily apparent how large these are. If someone was standing there in the pic, they would have to look UP in order to see the tallest ones. Yep. Over 6 ft. tall. Big suckers.

Maybe I got the identification wrong and these aren't sunflowers. If they are not, they sure do a great imitation. I've heard of larger ones than these. Most of the sunflowers around here are a lot smaller. Lots of Indian brushes, too. However, the season for those is in spring. They appear in the spring, but these big suckers are here NOW.

This is all a part of my self-education program. It is necessary to learn what kind of plant life there is out there in the desert. It is a new thing for me, for in the past, I would totally ignore these kinds of things.

Another short comment before I close. It has been an ongoing thing that I have been doing since I bought the land, yet I still don't know much. I need to accelerate this process. Six years and I still don't know very much.

Friday, June 26, 2020


This is a test post.  It is a link to a story I saw on Parler.  Parler is an alternative to Twitter.

It seems to work, so I will post it for your information.

That was so good, I came back for seconds..

Hmm.  This one really IS good.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

It makes sense that the leftists want to use business as their enforcers

That's why I won't buy from the big box stores. They are the first to cave in. Perhaps the last ones will be the small businesses.

They aim to force everyone to capitulate. Somebody has to step up to the plate so to speak and say "no more of this, I refuse to be intimidated". If nobody does, game's over comrades.

The last post has nothing to do current events

Just in case anyone had any question about that.

>Whirlwind of activity

Just too busy to post lately. Stuff seems to be flying all around, as a manner of speaking.

It isn't necessarily bad stuff, and could be good stuff. For now, just call it "stuff".

When my head stops spinning, I will do a post. BTW, I didn't win the lottery.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Easier said than done

These banks are proving to be a bit difficult.

As mentioned earlier, I want to close the account to the "too big to fail" bank, and open one to the local bank. Neither bank seems to want to cooperate.

The local bank's security seems tighter. That may seem good, but it is also bad. I've been using online services with banks for well over a decade now, but this bank does not make that easy. Even now that I've set it up, I have this sinking feeling that it won't work. We'll see.

But the "too big to fail" bank wants to do EVERYTHING online. If you want to get paper checks, it is like pulling teeth. For a checking account, it is okay. But for any other account--- fuhgedditaboutit.

I'm not planning to forget about it.

This little chore is taking a lot longer than it should, but that's the way it is these days. At this point, this idea may not even work. Imagine not being able to smoothly transition your banking account to another account. That is what I am talking about here.

Is that anti-competitive? Where's the anti-trust laws? What law? "Laws? We don't need any stinking laws."

That last line probably went over most people's heads. Otherwise, they wouldn't be acting like such scared little mice hiding out in their holes.

Monday, June 22, 2020


It is six years ago today that I bought my property out west. At least I still have it even though there is nothing on it yet. Correction: There is some wreckage of a previous attempt at building a shack out there.

It has been a long haul, but I am getting there. The xbox was a part of that plan, if you can believe that. Thanks to this thing, I know a bit more about handling the trailer than I did when I started. It may not seem possible to learn it this way, and it doesn't mean that I know how yet, but I have a running start.

By the way, I haven't been blogging on the other blog lately. Rather than keep two blogs, I may take that blog private. Updates on what is going on may be found here if I think about it. I have a tendency to spread myself too thin. One blog is enough.

Now that I have that out of the way, let me expand upon this a bit. The property was obtained in order to go off the grid. It is easier said than done, like a lot of things.

Given the current events, it is all the more clear why this was a good decision. It would be better to get out of the big cities. I got out a bit sooner than I figured on, but that is a blessing in disguise. How I got here is not exactly the way I would have chosen, but that is the way the old cookie crumbled.

If I lived out there today, my groceries would have to come from a small time operator. The "big box" store chains would not be interested since it is so far away from where all of the people are. As my next step in preparation, I won't buy my groceries from the big chains anymore. There is a grocer down the road a bit. I'll get my groceries there for now on.

Eventually, I may not have to buy groceries. I should be able to grow my own food. How 'bout them apples?

That concept can be expanded. Even though I got the xbox before I got this idea, I'm going to stop buying stuff from the big operators. That would include Microsoft, if at all possible.

There are still alternatives. Maybe not in the future the way things are going. But you can still disengage from Corporate America.

Corporations are in the pockets of the Democrats now. That's an added motivation for doing this.

Trump's tax cut for corporations doesn't look any better to me now than it did then. In fact, it looks worse.

I'm not abandoning Trump. But he isn't perfect. Nobody is.

That is all.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The real crisis

Recent events have gripped the nation.

My reaction has been fairly consistent over the years that I have been writing this blog.

There have been fears of a civil war, but I disagree. This isn't a civil war, it is a coup. If I've written it once, I've written it a dozen times that it isn't a civil war. In order to have a war, there have to be at least two opposing ARMIES. There is only one army in this nation, and at the moment, the left has nominal control over it. The Generals may rebel if Trump should call upon them. This is a very serious threat. It is symbolic of the power play in motion.

The Establishment is on one side, the people are on the other. The people won in 2016, and the Establishment will not accept it.

The punditry on the side in opposition to the Establishment is not organized. Neither de jure organization nor de facto. It simply does not exist. If the left regains power in November, they will only be doing what they have always done. Sadly, so will those who say they oppose them. This might well include Trump himself.

This isn't a rebellion of the proletariat. It is the rebellion of the bourgeoisie. These guys are trying to put a popular front upon an Establishment face. The rioters are their muscles to bring the plebes back into line. They seek to overthrow the legal and rightful head of state over pretended crimes. The riots are just an extension of the same old tactics. That is to delegitimize and ultimately remove the POTUS from office by "any means necessary".

Trump for his part has assumed a populist front, but he courts the Establishment which hates him. The Establishment for their part has a mob of "brownshirts" to reinforce the discipline that they wish to regularize over the entire population. Trump's people are a bit too timid to organize themselves into a real army. The leftist mob is already organized. These riots have been planned for a long time. The George Floyd affair, assuming that it really happened, is just an excuse for what they wanted to do all along. If the Trump people would just organize and take control, this treachery could be crushed.

So we have a nation full of scared people right now. Scared of the rioters. Scared of the virus. Scared of Trump. Maybe these people are just scared of their own shadows. Fake shadows being paraded before them nightly in the news.

One way or another this thing gets resolved. I wouldn't count on the election working out the way the Trump people think. If these people can disrupt the nation this much now, what makes anyone think that they plan on stopping?

There is no Covid-19 health crisis. There is no police misconduct crisis. This crisis is being completely cooked up to disrupt the democratic process and the peaceful transition of power. The Democrats never accepted Trump's victory in 2016 and dragged the country through the phony Mueller investigation for much of these past four years. They impeached him over a nothingburger. They've wrecked the economy with a phony health care crisis and now they intend to disrupt law and order right on up to election day. The crisis is manufactured, but the divisions within the Establishment are real.

What will things look like in November? Will we be able to vote? It's not looking good right now. The real crisis is a political one. The Establishment is losing its grip. Pelosi has lost a grip over her people and decided to "take a knee". This symbolic move demonstrates who is really running the show now. It isn't the so-called moderates. In order to keep their tenuous hold on power, they had to submit to the wildest, most uncontrollable faction of their party. If they are victorious in November, there will be a debt to pay to their foot soldiers.

Trump may be playing for a victory at the polls. It may not happen. The Establishment has too much to lose. They are prepared to unleash the dogs of war upon the public at this very moment. The Generals have spoken. The People must answer. Hiding out in your homes is not a very good answer for these desperate criminals.