Saturday, March 3, 2018

Obligatory, 3.3.18

Been busy the last couple days.  Also, there's the data issue.   I may have that one figured out, but it is still too early to tell.

Aside from that, I read something yesterday that was rather chilling.  Seth Rich's father said that his son really did pass along the Wikileak emails.  In addition to that he said that he didn't raise hell about it because he didn't want to help Trump.  ( or something to that effect )

Can you imagine that????  Politics is more important than getting justice for your murdered son?????

A search on Free Republic doesn't reveal anything new on this.  There are those who doubt that he said anything to that effect.  I am thinking that such discussions may be an attempt at muddying the waters.  It would make a lot of sense that they would whack Seth Rich, if by doing so, they protected the "insurance policy".  But the story may be truly a bit inflated.  I am suspicious, just the same.

Also in my readings, I notice Nellie Ohr's ham radio license is getting play.  Yes, that would seem quite suspicious as well.  The idea there would be to send/receive information with respect to the oppo research that she was doing for GPS Fusion.  Obviously, if she was getting her info from the Russians, then it is the Democrats who have been colluding with the Russians!  Yep, it would make a lot of sense to point the finger at Trump for what they were and ARE doing as I type this.

Other than this, not much to write about.

Friday, March 2, 2018

The Darkness is beginning to fall

You may have heard about all of the policing for "extremist" content on YouTube.

Anybody can call anybody an "extremist".  It reminds me of what happened to Goldwater and Judge Roy Moore.  We are entering a new phase in our culture, in which dissenting thought is going to be suppressed.

This is what the election of Donald Trump was really all about.  You people voted for the wrong person, and now you will be punished for it.

They will attempt to seize all guns, or make it look like a legal thing that our "democracy" requires.

Bullshit.  Everything is a scam.  It just so happens that the truth and a scam don't go together.

I am sorry to see that George W. Bush wouldn't go pay his respect to Billy Graham.  I guess that pretty much cements what the Bushes are.

Scams here, scams everywhere

Today, I did not do anything with my phone.  In fact, I turned it off for most of the day.  Yet, for the last 24 hours, they say I have used half of my daily budget of data.


This kind of thing just pisses me off.  But there's nothing you can do.  Everything in this country has turned into a friggin' scam.  I am sick and damned tired of it.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

America’s Fractured Culture - by Robert Ringer

America’s Fractured Culture - by Robert Ringer: Life is a dangerous experience.  It’s dangerous at birth and dangerous every step along the way of our journey to another dimension.  The Parkland, Florida school shooting is yet another reminder of the painful reality that there are some dangers we simply cannot eliminate. Coming to grips with this fact is an insurmountable obstacle for …


Excellent article.  Let someone else say it, who can say it better.

Ringer points out that the fifties, the culture was much nicer. Besides this, keep in mind that Rush Limbaugh also noted that in New York City, the crime stats were much lower during the forties.  This fact was pointed out in his first book, "The way things ought to be".  Although it is now over twenty more years since Limbaugh wrote that book, those observations, with respect to the culture, have not changed.  It is the culture, not the guns.  It is always the culture.

Don Surber: Common sense gun control

Don Surber: Common sense gun control: Republican Senator Susan Collins introduced what she called common-sense gun control. If you get on a no-fly list, you don't get to buy ...


You have to hand it to Surber on this one.  The ridicule of this proposal beats any that I have seen.

Yet, why are we even talking about this?  /sigh

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Not a slow news day, but a slow blogging day

The other day, I was quite active in blogging.  But the last two days, not so much.

What explains this?  I dunno.  Sometimes you got it, and sometimes you don't.  Maybe in my case, most of the time, I don't.  Couple days ago, I had it.

Ideas for blog posts may be hard to come by sometimes.  You can read stuff, or you can talk with people, or something could just happen that might give you an idea.

An idea from history just now hit me, and so I may run with it for a little while.

Part of the history is from my own past, the other part is from the larger scene.

The part from my own past comes from the many arguments that I have gotten into with my kinfolk over politics.  There was no argument today, but there could have been if I pressed the issue.  But I didn't.  I don't know if this means that I am smarter than before or dumber.  All I know is that by arguing, you don't seem to get anywhere.  By arguing, I mean in trying to prevail with your point in such a way that the other participant says something like "uncle".

Trouble is, nobody is ever going to say "uncle".  Even if they do say it, they won't mean it.  They'll resent you for it.  So, you don't win by arguing like that.

So, is it smarter or dumber?  I don't know.  I don't think I got anywhere anyway with my arguments.  But it didn't change my mind either.

That's the smaller scene.  The larger scene is from ancient history and the Greek city states.  The Greek city states wouldn't unite against the bigger outside threats, and eventually, the Greeks were conquered.

The warning here is that we all argue with each other like the ancient Greeks did.  We won't unite, and in failing to unite, we just might well be conquered.

So, there you are, conservatives.  We have different brands of conservatives that are all arguing with each other right now.  But the left is united in that they hate all conservatives anyway, unless you are a John McCain type.

They love John McCain types because they sow dissension throughout the ranks.  Therein lies our problem.  If the John McCain types won't support us, then they should leave.

Maybe we are better off without them.  Maybe not, but we just cannot have them undermining the rest.

Which reminds me of what I saw about John Podesta earlier today.  If you cross the Dems, they will have you murdered.  See Seth Rich.  But our side will tolerate a John Dean / John McCain type to go schmooze with the left.

Is that how we unite our side?  I dunno, but what we are doing isn't working.

The "Day of the Dictator" is back

Former POTUS, George H. W. Bush ( Papa Bush ), in his inaugural speech, said that the day of the dictator was over.

Looking around the world, it looks like China has returned to one-man rule.  Russia has done it.  Venezuela did it.  It seems to be the latest rage.

Oh, my.  What Ronald Reagan giveth, the Bushies taketh away.  Now, how did that happen?

Let's see.  What does Judas Iscariot, Benedict Arnold, John Dean,  and John McCain have in common?  Yeah, the "heroes" ( still alive ) don't like this to be pointed out about what they did.

They made it good for themselves while making it bad for others.  They got their pieces of silver, which opened the door to oppression.

Hey, if you are going to be a hero, be a real hero.  Don't fake it.  You don't say that you will do something, and then turn around and do the opposite.  Not only that, but by doing the opposite, claiming that this makes you a hero.  ( hear that, John McCain ? )

Just sayin'.

Updated, same day, 2.28.18:

8:43 am:

A quote from a commenter on Free Republic seems apt.  It preceded Jesus Christ, so it can be said that it isn't religious, in case that bothers you:

A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city.

But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.

He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared. The traitor is the plague. — Marcus Tullius Cicero, from a speech given to the Roman Senate, recorded in approximately 42 B.C. by Sallust.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Slow news day

So here I am, what to write about today?

Nothing to write about.  The world isn't about to end.

That's a relief.

( BTW.  It isn't unusual for me to be without something to say.  Better to say nothing and look stupid, as opposed to opening your mouth, and removing all doubt.  )

I was looking at "Good Morning Vietnam" quotes.  Yeah, that was a pretty good opening he got there.  How does anybody come up with all that?  A lot of talent there.  Too bad he decided to kill himself.

What about songs?  Did you know that the Stones' " Satisfaction" is number two on the all time greatest songs?

Nope, just not much going on.

..I can't get no...  satisfaction.

I know this is junk.  But what else is there?


Well, here's something.  People who support Trump are part of a "cult".  Once again, there seems to be this psychological projection being demonstrated.  These people are fanatical in their hatred of Trump, but it is Trump's supporters who are irrational.  It isn't even debatable when it comes to their hatred.

Just speaking for myself here, since I support Trump:  it is this kind of irrational opposition that caused me to support Trump.  It exists not only in the Democrat party, but is in the GOP as well.  If they were more rational in their opposition, I could understand it.  But they are nuts, and therefore represent a danger to our society.

Besides that, then screw you.  I don't project, you do!  Nyah, nyah, nyah-nyah, nyah!

Monday, February 26, 2018

A bit of Texas History

Seems I heard something over the weekend about them trying to get Texas history to match up with Mexican history.

Before you know it, Texas may be back into Mexico.  /not!

Anyway, Texas was an independent country at one time.  It was recognized by the USA, Britain, and France.  Mexico itself was willing to recognize Texan independence IF Texas didn't join the USA.  This isn't fakery, it is fact.  It was on the ballot next to the proposition of US statehood.  The people of Texas at that time, by a 3-1 margin if memory serves, decided to join the American Union instead.  To think that America would give Texas back is a non-starter.  Texas is not America's to give back. 

It is also not Mexico's to take back.  Mexico held Texas for not that much longer than Texas was an independent country.  Mexico had just won its independence from Spain, and Texas actually belonged to Spain.

Did you know all of Texas' public lands are owned by Texas?  Not so in many other states.

Another bit of Texas history....  Texas has a weak governorship.  The reason was because of the time that Texas had two governors.  You see, the guy who lost wouldn't give up.  This was during Reconstruction, and the time for Reconstruction had finished.  Only this guy didn't want it all to end, so he wouldn't leave.  Does this sound familiar??????

Anyway, the reason I mentioned it was that Texas has a lot of statewide offices.  One of those is Lieutenant Governor.  Actually, it is considered to be a more powerful job than the governor's job.

The guy running for the job is being challenged by a guy who is probably the Establishment's guy.  Haven't checked that deeply, but I smell a rat.  The guy in there now seems like a Tea Party guy.  I don't know that much about what he's done in office, but I know who he is, of course.  Just thought I'd mention this.  He seems like a good guy, but the Establishment probably hates his guts.

Conservatives had better watch their backs.  The left is working this from many angles.

REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting

REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting: Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious... There’s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15.... But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas....


When anything contradicts the left's messaging, it gets flushed down the memory hole.

Agent Smith and Cypher


This war is going on a large, large front.  People might forget that there are local elections.  So, even if Trump survives, he will be surrounded by enemies.

That is why I wised up a bit late, and I will be paying more attention to the local primaries.  You can be assured that they are heavily invested into getting Trump out, and they have very deep pockets, and they are very powerful.

9:30 am:

The Mueller gang wants to find a "Cypher", so that they can bring down Trump.  But Cypher is just another Judas Iscariot.

Let's not compare Trump with Jesus.  However, let's not make a hero out of a traitor.  The traitor is only a "hero" to the enemy, which only uses the useful idiot to bring down the country.

I saw useful idiot on a webpage.  It was in Russian.  Let's see if I can find it again.

Ah, here it is :  Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐ·Ð½Ñ‹Ð¹ идиот

Now, the problem here isn't in trying to save Trump.  It is to save ourselves.  The story of Jesus is apt here, because after the crucifixion, the Jewish state was destroyed by the Romans just 40 years later.

The Jews didn't come back to together in their own state for 2000 years.

But the Jews thought in crucifying an innocent man, that they could save themselves.  It didn't work out that way.

The truth is your protection.  You don't get it by forcing somebody to betray.  If somebody can be forced into making a "confession", it is only because they have no honor, nor integrity.  Such people cannot be considered as heroes.

The Mueller gang is getting "confessions" by force.  These won't hold up over the long term, but they only need to hold up long enough in order to get Trump ousted.

Originally posted 7.18.13:

The nature of betrayal.  Seeking personal gain at the expense of the many.  Cypher betrays his own people in order to help an enemy who enslaves his people.  He does this because his misses the comforts of slavery.  He knows exactly what he is doing but that doesn't matter.  Just as long as he gets what he wants.

The GOP will betray and pass "immigration reform".  Who are they betraying for their personal gain?  The rule of law and those who support it.  (That's for starters.  There's a lot more betrayal here than meets the eye.)  The illegal immigrants broke the law by coming here.  The GOP faction that supports this so-called reform is going to reward the lawbreakers for their lawlessness.  The Democrats will be the beneficiaries and will destroy the GOP and the rest of it that remains true to the Constitution and the rule of law.  They are doing it for personal gain regardless of all the high-minded excuses they are giving for their betrayal.

This is how the nation of the enlightenment will end.  Betrayal will lead to its destruction.

Made my day

The day is just getting underway, and I am reading the news.  After all of this idiocy regarding the so-called Russian collusion "investigation",  I guess I needed a good laugh.  A good laugh is good for a bad spirit, and this idiotic crap was getting me down, I guess.

Anyway, animal rescue saved this pig called Molly.  Yep, they gave the porcine beastie a name.  So, what tickled my funny bone was to hear that the new owners ate the pig.

Those animal rescuers are a bit mad about that.

Bwah, hah, hah!

Made my day.  Now the rest of the day might be more bearable.