Friday, August 25, 2023

Booster 9 static fire test


This is pretty amazing in terms of its speed.

As for the test itself, it seems incredibly violent. The comment section says only 50% power?! Oh my God.

There is some worrying in the ranks.

The results of the test are not in yet. Speculation is that the test was full duration, but that is not confirmed. Also no information with respect to number of engines firing.

The area looked fairly clean by the end of the video. The video skipped through a lot of preliminaries and got down to business near the test...

Lots to talk about after this one.

Mike Wallace interviews Ayn Rand

There is a lot of give and take on this interview... Question: What say you about the meaning of it? Of course, if you are reading this, you must be curious about what I think...

But first, I looked through the comments to the video. By the way, this interview was probably made 50 years ago. As I have written many times, this was about the time that the USA peaked, and has not reached that peak again. The rest of the world has caught up, and some may well have surpassed us. For example, India was the first country in the world to land a spacecraft on the lunar south pole. But America was first to land a man on the moon over 50 years ago.

Back to the comments on the video. Those who commented were in the current time frame. Many of them are probably too young to remember the time in which this interview took place, or weren't even born yet. There are many in the comment who disagreed with Rand, but to me, she is right on the money about the direction the country took since that time to this time. We have declined, and everybody in the world knows it.

It is also interesting to note that Barack Obama once replied to the question about taxation. He said that even if lowering taxes increased revenues, that he would still favor imposing higher taxes... That should say something about his priorities. It is also interesting to note here that he refused to allow the technology for molten salt reactors to stay in this country, but gave it to China. This technology proved the feasibility of the technology, but was prevented from being commercialized. The government was responsible for that back then, and Barack Obama was the head of the government nearer this time when he sent that technology to China... It seems that our government's priorities these days are not in favor of our own people or nation... It says a lot, if you bothered to notice.

Now we've got a President, who would rather see SpaceX destroyed, than to have it succeed or fail, based upon it own merits. That is solely because Elon Musk bought Twitter, and Twitter was acting in HIS interests by censoring his opposition. This is actually against the law, as it is written, and certainly against the spirit of what the law intended. "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW" respecting the right of people to express their own opinions and beliefs... But they CLAIM to be for the rule of law... Also they claim to be for "DEMOCRACY", but are they really? When you suppress another's opinion, you make it impossible to make any comparisons. If the comparisons are made, and the government in charge has fallen short, should they not be held accountable for that? What happens if they cannot make an informed opinion based on the free flow of information???

There is a reason why the country has declined in the last 50 years. It is staring you right in the face, but many of you refuse to see it. Indeed, if anyone pointed it out, many of you would prefer that person to be silenced... Yet we wonder why things are falling apart. To me, it should be obvious. Anyway, that is what I think.

The government has gotten way the hell out of control. It is destroying this country, and I think everybody down deep knows it's true. But nothing can be done because nobody is willing to do anything about it. It is a shame.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Aggressive lying

August 24, 2023: Update of post made on March 17, 2021

Supposedly, there was a GOP "debate" recently, or maybe even last night. The fact that I don't know shows how little I think of it. To even think of it makes me want to spit in disgust.

Sorry to have to say this, but Trump hasn't much credibility either. It really is just a big drama queen show. The real action is with the enemy. You know that they are an enemy because of the aggressive lying.

Trust is not being built, but the opposite. That is the point. Someone with good will could have averted all this, and there isn't any of that present. The con job is that the GOP is actually opposing the Democrats, but they are linked together in a conspiracy against the people and the Constitution, which they swore to uphold. You can see how little they care about this due to their reaction to recent events in Maui and other things. The examples are numerous---Covid comes to mind. Yeah, and they want to push that crap again, too.

This begs for some type of resistance, but as it can be seen from their actions, the powers-that-be intend to have their way with us all. Even if there are dead bodies. But it won't do for people to have guns. They will rig a means by which they can confiscate all guns, and it may happen soon. The idiot lights on the dashboard are lighting up like a Christmas tree. The system is complete dysfunctional mode now.

This country will be unlivable soon, thanks to these maniacs. A lot of big city mayors gathered and apparently joined a movement to ban beef, and perhaps all meat. People will be reduced to eating bugs. The effrontery and brass of this is beyond belief. So confident are they of eventual success that they are showing that they do not give a rat's rear end what the rest of us think about it.

This and everything else should be convincing evidence that the elections mean absolutely nothing. It is a totally rigged drama queen exhibition that will yield the results the enemy seeks. There is no organized opposition to it, and to believe that the GOP is actually opposed to them is nearly masochistic at this point.

If they were really opposed, they would unite. But they hold the clown show instead. I don't normally write anything like this, but I'll write it now--- God help us.

By the way, the original post shows that I thought I had a friendly audience. At this point, I may have to accept that the people are so brainwashed that my idea of a friendly audience may be delusional. I suspect that the only ones monitoring this blog are the enemy! The enemy is power mad, and will stop at nothing...

the original post of March 17th, 2021


For those of you who read this blog, and who may be of friendly inclination towards it, let me tell you why I am so fanatic about the TRUTH. It is because of a number of things, of experiences long ago PLUS something that happened that cemented it into place into my psyche.

I cannot tell all of this story because it is so bizarre. But some of it, a very tiny point of it, will suffice.

The tiny point is this aggressive lying that we see today. I have seen it before, and it is this what I'm referring to. If someone wants to subjugate you, as I believe was attempted against me in the past, they'll employ this aggressive lying tactic. This is what is happening on a societal scale this very day. America is being subjugated with relentless and aggressive lying.

So I am opposed to it. In order to survive this relentless and aggressive lying, you must get stronger and tougher. YOU MUST. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION.

I survived it. But I am amazed that the attempts go on to this very day. Whenever I catch someone trying it on me again, my training will hopefully come to the rescue.


I use all caps because I think it is vitally important for those who are friendly to this blog will understand. That is, if you haven't known this for yourselves all along.

For those who aren't friendly, this is more of a notice than you deserve. Consider yourselves warned. The writing is on the wall.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

De-dollarization is a lie?


A couple videos today that I've seen brought up the subject. Unfortunately, I didn't make notes, and I cannot point to both of them. Since one said one thing and the other said the other thing, but both say the other is lying, then who to believe?

That's the crux of the issue. Who do you believe, and why. Here's what I think. That and some pocket change might buy you a cup of coffee, but here goes anyway...

Biden is maintaining a high approval rate in the Rasmussen Poll. Other polls say he's not. So there's a disconnect there. There's a disconnect there because of how the people sampled are doing financially. The ones not "likely to vote" are not sampled in Rasmussen's poll. Other polls are more inclusive of all potential voters. In NORMAL times, this would hold consistently. 

 Will it hold now? Lower classes are the ones not being sampled, that's the point. Lower classes are not doing well these days. In Maui, they got burnt up. Biden doesn't give a crap until it might hurt him.  That should have hurt him inthat poll, but NO.

Let's put it another way. People who are well off are sticking with Biden. All Biden needs is to keep them happy until he's safely installed for another term. His polls are not that great even at their best, but he's keeping them happy with the FUNNY MONEY. The government doesn't even try to be fiscally responsible anymore.

Okay, there's that. Another part of this is this "rule of law" nonsense. If there was "rule of law", then a whole lot of what's happening would not be happening. Just my opinion here, but the Trump legal woes nonsense is just that. A bunch of nonsense. Biden needs an equivalency between himself and Trump, so he needs Trump to be dirtied up. The way they do it is with a lot of phony legal woes. Phony scandals for Trump, and real ones for Biden. This allows his supporters to keep believing in him, because those who are his detractors are just partisan. But the Dems are not. /eyeroll

The "rule of law" nonsense may fool American voters, who are being pacified with phony money. It doesn't fool the rest of the world. The numbers of people in the world who have had enough of this is growing. It may not change the game before the election ( if there is one), but it will change the game eventually. An election is a rule of law thing and a democracy thing. How is the rule of law thing and the democracy thing doing? If you don't agree with the Dems you might be jailed soon.

Who to believe, then? I think you believe your own situation. If you are suffering, you can believe that. But if you are not, then the blame will go elsewhere. People cannot think beyond the length of their own noses, or anything outside their own skins. It's all about the money, especially their own money. Never mind that the money they think they've got won't last. If they thought beyond their own skins, they might have a better clue about who to believe.

So much for my opinion. Now go buy your coffee.

Who is to police bad speech?

Who is to police bad speech?

Those who would re-write the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would like to be the one to police speech as well. But the first amendment says that "Congress shall make no law". Clearly, the totalitarians do not respect any of our rights, ESPECIALLY the right to vote, and the right to speak freely. All of our rights are inviolable, but they don't think so.

Keep that in mind when they want to do away with the Second Amendment. By the way, in case you haven't noticed, they the totalitarians are taking ALL of the Bill of Rights away.

You have the right to a fair trial, but that isn't what's happening to Trump. If the totalitarians can do that to Trump, they can do it to ANYONE. Even those who were highly regarded before. Right after 9-11, Rudy Giuliani was known as America's Mayor. Look what the totalitarians have done to him now. They also toppled a lot of statues of historical figures. Never forget those things, because it should tell you their intentions. In fact, nobody should have to remind you of that. But people forget so quickly.

Now the totalitarians want to hijack an Article V convention. These guys play to win. On the other hand, we let them do this to US without any accountability whatsoever. The totalitarians claim that they don't want to take away our civil rights. Oh???? Are not the other amendments a part of our rights? The Second Amendment too, for it was put in there for a reason. The reason was that we'd have totalitarians just like themselves, who would want to do just exactly what they are doing now.

When the totalitarians speak, they speak lies. If they are not going to hijack it now, that means they will hijack it later. The lies are the reasons they give why they won't do it now. It is the truth that now is not the time. When it IS time, it will be too late for us. For the right time is good for them, and not for US.

Our only line of defense is our guns. That's because those who took the oath to support and defend the Constitution have abandoned their duties. We are ALONE. We got people supposedly on our side attacking their own people. Those people, like Pence, are NOT conservatives. Their don't conserve anything, they just sell out to the highest bidder.

When are the people going to wake up? Probably never. It has gone very, very far. It may not be recoverable.

If they are thinking that way already, then they will do it. It is money in the bank. If you've got any money, count the days when you will still have it. Maybe THAT will wake up somebody.

We are in big, big trouble.

Booster 9 on the launch mount

This is over an hour long video. Of course, I'm not going to sit there an hour and watch this thing. The important thing is that they're going to do some more testing on the launch mount.

There may be more information here than what is being disclosed with respect to the FAA. If the FAA is to be taken literally, there won't be any launch this summer. Summer has several weeks left, so SpaceX can do all this alright. But they cannot launch without that license.

So, what happens when this thing is ready to go and there's no license? Somebody might be getting ahead of themselves.

Constitution Convention being considered?


Gavin Newsom'snational Constitutional amendment to limit gun access put on hold

Like everything else, what should be a uniquely patriotic means of getting our government back is going to be perverted into something that will destroy our way of life, and impose a totalitarian form of government. It is only being held back because the totalitarians feel that this will finally arouse Americans into actually defending the freedoms we are about to lose forever.

Consequently, they blinked at the edge of the abyss. They claim to be worried about our civil rights, but they are really worried about their themselves.

Make no mistake. If the totalitarians put it all on the table, they are going to risk what they have already managed to achieve. A legal way toward their goals isn't really in reach. Their way has been usurpation by stealthy means. If the tyrants are to succeed, they have to sneak it in through the back door.

This is a shot over the bow yet again for the patriots, if such still exist.

Make no mistake, these manipulators are going to get their way unless people stand up soon. So far, it isn't happening. If there is to be a constitutional convention, patriots should be in charge of it. For this article is a bit deceiving as the totalitarians do not worry about taking away our rights. They are more worried about losing their grip on the country.

If there is to be a constitutional convention, it will be done in secret, and sprung upon us before we know what is happening. People are asleep. This is actually quite alarming that they may be very close to doing this.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mach 5 hypersonic engines will revolutionize air travel

It utilizes a combined jet engine and ram jet engine design. As explained, a conventional jet engine cannot go at such speeds because the air gets too hot for the engine to handle. To get around that problem, there will be a precooler that will cool down the incoming air so that the conventional engine can get up to mach 3, which is the speed that ramjets require in order to run efficiently.

By the way, the Skylon SSTO concept uses a precooler as well. But it is a rocket engine that is also breathable, meaning that it doesn't need as much oxidizer as a conventional rocket engine. I'm wondering if an SSTO could be built using this design as well. The complexity would be too great to combine them all, so perhaps the breathable engines could give way to rocket engines after Mach 5.

But these are intended for military applications first. In perhaps a decade, there will be a passenger craft version available.   More info here.     And here...

Multiple small generator comparisons for a possible off-grid application

Can you do better than the Honda small generator? This review sets out to answer that question.

Honda generators aren't cheap. But the competitors are. You get what you pay for, if you are lucky and you are careful. It looks like the Honda won the competition.

E-bike review

Once upon a time, I owned an electric scooter. A really cheap one, by the way. It didn't have much range, and it wasn't much good for anything but short trips around the block back there in Houston.

But this one, hoo-boy! It has a top speed of nearly 40 mph. Range isn't exactly clear on this review, but it beats the living crap out of that one I had. The website says dozens of miles. When it comes to battery powered devices, though, I'd be skeptical of range claims.

It shows him going through sand. That's good, because there's a lot of sand out there on my property in West Texas. Nice thick tires and plenty of power will get you through that sand. Goes up those steep grades with plenty of pull, too.

Comparing this to my old scooter, it is vastly superior. But it will cost you. Price is nearly 3k, and it is only available on some type of pre-order basis.

If you can afford to spend 3k on something like this, it would be very interesting and fun thing to have.

The bike is heavy though. He says that the pedal power option is not recommended because of the extra weight. Then it might as well be an electric scooter masquerading as an electric bike.

Too expensive for my blood. But it looks pretty cool.

SpaceX in trouble?

Answer: Yes, most likely. But it is not for their alleged technical failures. The thing that makes me suspicious is this continual harping on the "explosion" on the first test flight. The "failure" is being hyped, and I suspect being used as an excuse to punish SpaceX.

If SpaceX fails, it fails. But anyone watching this should keep in mind: SpaceX is the US space program right now. It is outperforming all others. If it fails, it most likely will be because of what the government is doing in order to sabotage it. By the way, who is the main competitor to the USA in space right now? China. Who interests are being served here?

In my opinion, NASA needs SpaceX, not the other way around. NASA can cancel the Artemis contract with SpaceX, and it won't matter to SpaceX. What WILL matter is if the private company is prevented from finishing its development of the Starship launch system.

I suspect that the government does not want SpaceX to succeed. If they sabotage this, they are sabotaging America. The government hasn't been able to replace the Shuttle until recently. This was done at an enormous cost and numerous delays. In contrast, the Starship has been developed for a much cheaper price, and is far more capable system once it get going.

The big question is whether the government, led by this corrupt administration, will allow the Starship development to continue. It looks to me like that they doing their best to sabotage it. It is retaliation for Musk taking over Twitter, which was censoring all political opposition to this corrupt admininstration. Musk uncovered that, and that has invoked their fury. SpaceX just might be in trouble after all.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Starship Update, 8/21/23

No further comment, it is pretty much self-explanatory.

Starbase Weekly Update

There are some who believe that SpaceX will fail. Well, if they have enough time to succeed, then they will, but will they have the time?

The problem may be with the Twitter acquistion. They powers-that-be really didn't like Musk trying to interfere with their interference.

Musk's Faustian deal (with the powers-that-be over the Twitter acquisition)

Twitter ( now "X" ) is doing a massive cash burn. If that causes enough economic pain, it could affect all of Musk's endeavors. Or will it?

There is a real culture war going on here, and the corporations are at the center of it. I've mentioned this before, but it didn't seem to make any splash out there "in the world".

Maybe too many people are focusing on the little stuff. The big game is the money.

I've got a bad feeling about this. There are some dark clouds on the horizon. The FAA could leverage the pressure even further with an unreasonable time frame for licensing the next test flight. The government and the corporations have a lot of leverage, and SpaceX could feel a big squeeze coming.

If SpaceX fails, it could be because the powers-that-be will not allow it succeed, nor any other enterprise or cultural movement. They will use their economic and political power to crush all opposition.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Target and Bud Light Culture Wars

Target and Bud Light

If this is victory, then we're done. Spanking the big corporations for pushing leftist social goals doesn't sound much like victory. What are the alternatives? If it has gotten to the point that they can dictate to us what we are to think, then we need a whole lot more leverage than just a kick in the pants. The corporations won't change their tune after this because they've got market power. Who can compete with them?

Let's put it a different way. Aside from Target, where are you going to go to shop? Walmart? Walmart is getting a bit strange as well. If that is the alternative, then we're screwed.

Walmart isn't my idea of traditional American values. They pushed Miley Cyrus pretty hard with that Hannah Montana craze several years back. The music in there is just weird these days. It won't be long and they'll be just like Target. Just watch and see.

Same across the board with the beer wars and any other mass marketing box joint.

It's not like smelling napalm in the morning, don't you know. It isn't victory.

Taking that further, it is little wonder that with such a low bar for "success", that Congress can sit on its hands and allow the commies to do whatever they want with the "opposition". The GOP is all but a hollowed out institution as far as an opposition party is concerned. People will figure that out and probably stay home in 2024. Just putting another poltician with an "R" next to their name isn't victory when victory doesn't address any issues.

We are so powerless that tiny signs of resistance is thought of as victories, when they are just minor inconveniences for the powers-that-be. The wolf is still devouring the sheep. Bleating louder doesn't stop the wolf.

Candace Owens on PragerU (link to video)


Candace Owens interviews Melissa Tate

Candace Owens interviews a native African from Zimbabwe, who describes who Robert Mugabe managed to convert a prosperous nation into a socialist hellhole. It has a strong resemblance of what is being attempted on the USA. By the way, if it succeeds as it did in Zimbabwe, the USA will have a very bleak future.

The link is to a video which can be watched. It can be watched on the PragerU site, but it cannot be watched on YouTube. Consider that for a moment. If YouTube can ban this, then why? Here is somebody who was there, and who knows what happened there. It would be quite instructive, yet that voice is being censored.

Considering my own recollections, I can see how the left is trying to transform this country into a socialist hellhole, and how it is succeeding. This would have been impossible 40 years ago. The country must be deceived first, and the deception works. The people get sucked in, and before they can realize it, they are trapped with no escape. The deception here began with our so-called conservatives, who fail again and again to rally the country against this Marxism. You can see that this very day in the way the so-called conservatives are failing to rally against the very real threat.

How is it possible? The deception cannot work in a nation of virtue. There must be an opening on the basis of corruption. The left infiltrates and begins to work on the weaknesses until the weakness spreads and spreads until it becomes pervasive. Hasn't that been the case today in this country?

The deception is that the left seeks justice, but that is NOT what they seek. Nothing these people say can be trusted. This woman was there, and she describes why the left must not be trusted with their phony words. Not only that, but why we have to guard against the weak element within our own ranks, who are likely to fall for their phony promises, and drag the rest of us down with them.

The left is at war with us. We must join that battle or perish. Too many people do not realize the trouble we are in.