Sunday, August 20, 2023

Target and Bud Light Culture Wars

Target and Bud Light

If this is victory, then we're done. Spanking the big corporations for pushing leftist social goals doesn't sound much like victory. What are the alternatives? If it has gotten to the point that they can dictate to us what we are to think, then we need a whole lot more leverage than just a kick in the pants. The corporations won't change their tune after this because they've got market power. Who can compete with them?

Let's put it a different way. Aside from Target, where are you going to go to shop? Walmart? Walmart is getting a bit strange as well. If that is the alternative, then we're screwed.

Walmart isn't my idea of traditional American values. They pushed Miley Cyrus pretty hard with that Hannah Montana craze several years back. The music in there is just weird these days. It won't be long and they'll be just like Target. Just watch and see.

Same across the board with the beer wars and any other mass marketing box joint.

It's not like smelling napalm in the morning, don't you know. It isn't victory.

Taking that further, it is little wonder that with such a low bar for "success", that Congress can sit on its hands and allow the commies to do whatever they want with the "opposition". The GOP is all but a hollowed out institution as far as an opposition party is concerned. People will figure that out and probably stay home in 2024. Just putting another poltician with an "R" next to their name isn't victory when victory doesn't address any issues.

We are so powerless that tiny signs of resistance is thought of as victories, when they are just minor inconveniences for the powers-that-be. The wolf is still devouring the sheep. Bleating louder doesn't stop the wolf.

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