Saturday, July 17, 2021

The alternate economy

Dan Bongino is advocating that people seek alternatives in the market place. Not only as a consumer, but as a producer. Seems like a good strategy, so I have tried to follow that path as much as possible.

But there aren't always any alternatives, or very good ones. Therefore, whenever feasible, I will do that. For example, if there are any social media alternatives, I'll try them. The most recent one I became aware of is Gttr. It appears to be like Twitter. Therefore, I will use it like Twitter.

As for this blog, it is on Blogger, which is owned by Google. I once tried another website for a blog, but it wasn't worth the expense for me. Besides, it required the use of Wordpress, which is no better than the rest of big tech. Wordpress tried to cancel CTH, as you may recall.

This business about cancel culture is way, way, way out of control. It is necessary to fight fire with fire, and start cancelling the cancellers. That's the idea of the alternate economy if I understand it correctly.

Fighting back this way doesn't seem to be sufficient though. Just doing this much doesn't seem to have taken too much wind out their sails. If enough people did do that, it may cause them to reflect upon their sins. Hope so, anyway.

The truth will set you free

Such a statement like that might get a few snickers or eyerolls. Yes, I'm aware that this may sound naive for more than a few folks out there.

Therefore, I will try to make it sound less like a child, and more like something that even jaded individuals may take heed of.

Number one: the truth is thoroughly grounded in what motivates a person. Therefore, if you don't know WHY you are doing something, then you don't know the truth. The truth is necessary for anyone to be able to function as a rational and effective human being. Without it, a person is lost. Without it, a society is headed over the cliff.

Number two: There are no exceptions. You mean you cannot tell little "white" lies? No, and the reason is that lying gets easier the more that it is practiced. White lies turned into bigger lies. Bigger lies turn into really troublesome lies. The Big Lie that the Nazis talked about are the kind of things that led to Nazi-like atrocities. Don't think so? Then read history. You might want to reconsider your indifference toward lying. It isn't cute or cool. It has grave consequences.

In the Gospel of John, the word "truth" is intertwined heavily with the word "light". This may not be any accident, but purposeful. For the truth is like the light that can guide your steps. Without the light, you will stumble in the dark. The truth is the same way.

Also in the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ said that the truth will set you free. There ensued an argument about the subject that resulted in those present wanting to stone him to death. But that didn't happen. The point is made many times in the book that evil hates the light. It also hates the truth. So much so that there are proverbs about truth telling.

One Mexican proverb says that only children and fools tell the truth. One Arabian proverb says that anyone telling the truth must have one foot in the stirrup. If these proverbs don't match up with what is in the Gospel, then I'm an astronaut. For it implies that those who are evil are not friendly with the truth, and will not like for it to be told. Are the evil ones the ones we should listen to?

The way of the world says that people lie. But they'd better stop doing that, because if they don't, there will be "hell to pay". You can take that one to the bank.

The truth is what makes everything that's good possible. Without it, there can be nothing any good at all. If that doesn't grab you, then prepare accordingly, because there isn't much time to reverse course. We are in a particularly deceitful age.

Too generous

AOC does not understand?

The link above is from victory girls blog. It is the refutation of AOC, but it says that she doesn't understand what she's doing. In my opinion, she does understand. She just doesn't have any respect for the truth. In other words, she's lying.

She may claim to be a socialist, but she's probably a communist. When it comes to the truth of a matter, the communists could care less. They are more concerned with getting their sorry butts into power. Once in power, they do not go away unless forced into it.

Nobody should be too generous and give them the benefit of the doubt. They lie if they can. Therefore, the children on the border were not in cages. She didn't get threatened by the mob on January 6th. And this business about Cuba is just another one of her lies.

The article is appreciated nonetheless, as not everybody knows that what AOC says is false. That is why liars lie. Unless you refute every one of their lies, their lies become understood as truth. That's a problem.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Buenos dias, damas y cabelleros

There are a few short blurbs to post about which will on take a little time:

First there is the following link:

Handwriting analysis confirms laptop really did belong to Hunter Biden.

Comment: It appears that this should completely debunk the notion that it was a Russian disinformation plot. It should also place the Biden's in an embarassing position, if that is possible for them.

Moving on from that, I did a bit of research into the January 6th investigation. According to the one source I found, 13 confessions have been obtained. This is out of over 500 arrests, if memory serves. That's a lot of trials that will have to be held, if they are going to charge all 500. Evidently, they don't have anything against holding a lot of people without any formal charges.

No comment will be made at this time regarding the thirteen, other than it wasn't for "insurrection".

Current events aside, I continue work on my off-grid project. It is rather slow progress. When I left off last time, I was attempting to get tomato plant seeds to germinate. Many did, but the one that most successful was lost. Since then another one has taken its place. It is growing rather slowly, but it is still alive as far as I can tell.

You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and to walk before you can run. I have another batch of seeds that I attempting to germinate. Also, I am attempting to water the plants with a type of wicking system. I used that technique to clean dirty water before, so it should work to gently water the seedlings. Or so I am hoping.

Finally, I am tracking this situation regarding the "FBI Surveillance Van". After a long session with this yesterday, I am of the opinion that it may be a hacking job. With respect to the FBI, anybody can represent themselves to be anybody. Why use the FBI name if it is a hacker?

Trouble is, I don't know who or what this is. I suspect that somebody may be attempting to gather information from my devices, or is trying to make me worry about it. It may be a prank, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. There's not much to see here.

But it does appear that somebody may be up to something. Since I started watching this closely, the behavior seems to be modifying. That's kind of a tell to me. It isn't really random, so it is probably guided by a person somewhere.

That's all for now.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

If this was an insurrection, then where are the conspirators?

It would seem that if the evidence is overwhelming that an insurrection truly took place on January 6th, that the investigative agency in charge would have indentified the plotters and charged them by now.

If they exist, then who are they? Where are they? What charges have been filed against them? When will the trial begin?

All you hear is about an insurrection, but the details seem to be missing. All you hear is that the greatest threat to the nation are these people, but who exactly are they talking about, and what have they done?

It seems to me that they have charged a crime before they have identified one. This is the opposite of what should occur. There should be a crime first, then the investigation, and the proof of the crime presented to the public in an open court. What I hear is quite different from this.

It has been called a "panty raid" by some, and if a panty raid can get you "double secret" probation, then what do we have, an Animal House?

Maybe we should ask Dean Wormer how all that went.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

No respect deserved


Somebody on the GOP finally did something intelligent and sponsored a bill to support the protesters in Cuba. But what I read on the web is that no Democrats will support it.

If you cannot support these protesters then you really are a communist.

These days, that's not an insult to call them commies. For our side, why do we argue with these lying commies? Why do we take any of their ridiculous arguments seriously? If you won't support freedom for Cuba, then who the hell are you????

So when this piece of shit in the White House says whatever, then he should be treated the absolute contempt he so richly deserves. The same goes for the rest of that piece of shit party known as Democrats. If the GOP cannot oppose that, then they are no better.


A clarification: The communists don't consider being called out as such to be an insult. It is telling that not only do the Democrats not condemn communists, they don't feel insulted if you call them commies.

But they are smart enough to know that you cannot be seen as a communist yet. I expect them to start denying it if it becomes enough of a problem.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

A KGB operation

The plot to foment Revolution in Mexico

Comment: Here's a final post with respect to the book "KGB".

The link points to a KGB operation told about in the book. History revisionism , per Wikipedia, has appeared to dispute that history. Whatever the ultimate truth of the matter, certain facts remain as inconvenient truth about communist sympathizers today---

The truth is that Mexico came within a hair of severing diplomatic relations with the USSR over a plot to turn Mexico into another Vietnam. Mexico expelled those who it considered responsible, and if the USSR responded by doing the same, the final step would have been to sever relations entirely. Mexico only had a handful of diplomats in Moscow at the time. Soviet retaliation for Mexico's actions would likely have result in the recall of the remaining Mexican diplomats, and that would have been tantamount to severing diplomatic relations.

Why would Mexico take such an action if it weren't true? As for the USSR itself, there were no regrets, as one of its leaders at the time said that they would continue to do the same kinds of things in the future. The time? This was in the late sixties. This was during a time in the USA of great civil disturbances-- and a War in Vietnam.

What is the point of this "ancient history"? If you are going to understand the present, it may help to understand the past. The communists know this full well, and it might explain the toppling of statues and rewriting of history itself. Instead of Mexico, they are targeting the Good 'ol USA. Our history is being rewritten. Our news is being slanted. Our elections are being stolen. That is a lot easier if our people are ignorant. That's the whole point.

Not all energy is equal


It may be time to go on to a new subject, but the new subject is related to the old subject. How? First, it must be accepted that words mean things, as the late Rush Limbaugh used to say. Therefore, when the word "energy" is discussed, perhaps it is best to understand a few things things about it that may be shrouded in confusion. Second, that the reason for the confusion may be a feature not a bug. Third, to de-confuse people may help them understand the relationship between the two subjects.

The subject at hand is a certain confusion between nuclear energy terms and chemical energy terms. The words that are used are important. Therefore, a clear definition must be set forth. What is nuclear energy and what is chemical energy? For the purposes of this post, nuclear energy refers to energy produced by nuclear reactions, which are in the nucleus of an atom. This is in contrast with chemical energy, which is in the interactions between the nucleus of an atom and electrons.

One thing that sets nuclear energy apart from chemical energy, besides the one mentioned in the previous paragraph, is the enormous difference in the reactions. Nuclear energy is said to be a millions times more powerful. Why? Rather than to discuss that, let's just accept that it is true. What is meant by nuclear reactions is defined as changes in the composition of the nucleus of an atom. Thus, it gains or loses parts of itself. When it gains, it is often is considered to be fusion. Such would require the gain of protons. Neutrons could also be added, but these can result in a loss of larger parts, which could be said to be fission.

Rather than to be too tedious here, it is only needed to show that nuclear changes, which are changes in the nucleus, are to be distinguished from chemical changes, which are changes in the electrons that surround the nucleus.

Protons have a positive electrical charge. Electrons have a negative electical charge. The tendency is for these to want to combine in such a way as to make the charge neutral. This can result in chemical compounds. Water is such a compound, which has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The three atoms are sharing electrons in such a way as to make the compound electrically neutral. Thus, there will an equal number of protons and electrons present. The energy resulting from such a combination is said to be chemical energy--- that definition may not be the best scientific defintion, but it works for this post.

Again, to not be too tedious here. The confusion here relates to what is chemical and what is nuclear. If ions, which are particles that have an electrical imbalance, are introduced, the energy is not nuclear.

It may help to give a real life example. In treatment of certain cancers, such as the one I had, proton therapy was employed. Protons are ions. The energy related to them is chemical, not nuclear. Yet, it is considered to be "radiation". It is this misconception that scares the hell out of people. The radiation, as it was, was not nuclear. It was chemical, because it was an electrical imbalance that was achieved by removing an electron from the hydrogen atom. Ions are atoms with missing electrons.

A lot of trouble caused by radiation is caused by the imbalances that were imparted to chemicals by removing their electrons. Electrons are fairly easy to displaced if enough energy is applied to them. But no nuclear reactions have to take place for this to occur.

So the amount of treatment I received is measured in radiation units. Herein lies the confusion. It will be confused with nuclear energy, which has nothing to do with it. It is merely a chemical imbalance that COULD result as a consequence of exposure to nuclear energy, but not necessarily. I'm pretty sure no atom splitting was taking place to produce the protons used to treat my cancer.

I hope this makes some sense. It is not necessarily an easy thing to understand. But the failure to understand things may cause you to become rather suggestible to certain forms of deception and manipulation. That is what this post is all about--- to hopefully impart some understanding to what is not understood. At least, what appears to me to be misunderstood. It is that misunderstanding and confusion that being employed to scare people into making bad decisions that may have a life and death significance.

In my own case, if I had an inordinate fear of radiation, I wouldn't have chosen proton therapy. My other option would have been surgery. Such a surgery would have been invasive and very hard to recover from. Indeed, if I had to choose that option, I might not be here to make this post. Such could be the price of ignorance.

The moral of that story is not to let yourselves be deceived by people who do not have your best interests at heart.


It is interesting to correlate what is happening in Cuba today versus what happened in the past. It should be remembered that Cuba was part of the Communist bloc, and was in close alliance with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union nearly provoked a nuclear war by placing nuclear tipped missiles there. Has that been flushed down the memory hole?

The book about the KGB said that Castro emulated the USSR totalitarian system. The KGB used people to snitch on each other, like today's Karens. It is how commies can control the population. Nobody could speak freely to anyone, because anybody can be a snitch. Any deviation from what is acceptable could land you in hot water with those tyrants. Sound familiar?

One of the things that the KGB liked to do is to call sane people crazy. We know this in popular parlance as "gaslighting". But the KGB took that much, much further. A particularly troublesome person to them would get "treatment". This "treatment" consisted of injections of chemicals which turned intelligent people into zombies. Sound familiar?

That is why all this protective treatment of the Communist regime today is so suspicious. It is as if the past has been memory-holed. When the Soviet Union was still in business, it was commonly understood that Cuba was definitely not a sympathetic country that we should pity. They were recognized as a threat.

So you've got the Pravda media trying to prop up the Communists, as they so often did during the Cold War. It ought to tell you something about who THEY are that the PRAVDA media would do this.

As for Biden, he needs his GOP RINO faction to continue to support him. Without the RINOS, there could be no Il Duce in the White House. BTW, one might ask why I call Biden that name. "Il Duce" was what Mussolini was called. Two things here: one: Fascism and Communism aren't diametrically opposed to each other. They are cousins, if not brothers. Secondly, "Il Duce" was also derided as a "Sawdust Caesar". Our very own Sawdust Caesar is somebody who can't stand on his own two feet. He is being propped up. But he acts as if he is a dictator. A strong gust of wind could blow him away. He needs to be walled in to keep him in place.

So the Sawdust Caesar, who needs propping up, needs his RINO comrades. His RINO comrades need a cover so as to keep their own cover credible. The Sawdust Caesar was late in his support, but he did finally get around to saying something supportive of the protesters in Cuba. But you can be assured that he really doesn't mean it. Deception is at the core of communism, as Lenin said himself.

People need to learn their history, but history is constantly being re-written. As statues are toppled, so is our history. Instead, we will be taught communism in all its disguises, such as Critical Race Theory. He who doesn't know history is doomed to repeat it, it was once said.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Onward to the "ash heap of history"


I continue reading the old KGB book. Calling them evil is certainly justified. It was evident due to some of their agents defecting to the West and telling their stories. The stories put the Soviet Union in such a bad light that the Soviets had to modify their practices. In the end, the Soviets failed, but the foul memory remains.

So there was no question that it was evil. It caused international incidents of such magnitude that it could not be ignored. Opposition to it remained resolute and victory was achieved.

The Soviets did not do mea culpas. They did damage control by way of disinformation campaigns. Does any of this sound familiar? I will certainly hold that our government is going down that path. They absolutely are in a war with truth and decency, just as the now defunct Soviet Union was. We should be so lucky as to be rid of it in our own country, but that won't be easy. It can and will get quite ugly.

Their own agents couldn't stomach what they were doing. That is why some of them defected. There is hope there.

I look forward to the day that the Evil Empire will be vanquished for good everywhere, not just in foreign countries.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Washington Post Sugarcoats Obama's Communist Mentor

The Washington Post Sugarcoats Obama's Communist Mentor


Is Obama the force behind the Sovietization of America?

The question is intriguing because of the book about the KGB, and what it says about their methods, and how those methods are so similar to what's happening today. This isn't proof, but it may lead us into that direction.

By the way, the KGB may well have been interested in a guy like Obama. Especially if he is a homosexual, as some have said. The KGB "delighted" in finding homosexuals. If Obama is that way, he would have been a prime target for recruitment even if he wasn't a Communist. As for the KGB methods, it would suggest a possible connection to today's events.

For example, the aggressive spying. The unmasking of Tucker Carlson. The same treatment for President Trump. The whole business about Russian collusion. The stolen election.

The response of the media is what you would expect from the old Soviet state publication---Pravda.

So this is a basis for asking some pointed questions like the one above. Is Obama behind this stuff? First you ask about Obama's background, which has been so conveniently hidden from us all these years.

The following is a link to an article which discusses Obama's formative years. It is written by an author who has written about Obama's mentor, a Communist named Frank Marshall Davis. The individual knew something about Obama, and believes that Obama was indeed a Marxist-Leninist at that time, and may well still be so.

Paul Kengor, American Thinker article--Obama's Missing Link

Kengor has books available for purchase. One of them discusses Frank Marshall Davis in detail: The Communist

The other American Thinker article was linked above.

In summary, Obama may have been a prime recruitment target for the KGB. He associated with a card- carrying member of the Communist party who was probably his mentor. He was a Marxist-Leninist in his youth, and could well be the same today. Combine that with what has been happening, and you may come up with something people should be concerned about.

People should be concerned because subversion was the key goal of communists, and it does appear that this country is being subverted from its founding principles. One of the key features of the KGB was its use of clandestine methods and its aggressiveness. The aggressiveness in which the leftist agenda is being pushed today will certainly ring a bell unless you are deaf.