Saturday, July 17, 2021

The truth will set you free

Such a statement like that might get a few snickers or eyerolls. Yes, I'm aware that this may sound naive for more than a few folks out there.

Therefore, I will try to make it sound less like a child, and more like something that even jaded individuals may take heed of.

Number one: the truth is thoroughly grounded in what motivates a person. Therefore, if you don't know WHY you are doing something, then you don't know the truth. The truth is necessary for anyone to be able to function as a rational and effective human being. Without it, a person is lost. Without it, a society is headed over the cliff.

Number two: There are no exceptions. You mean you cannot tell little "white" lies? No, and the reason is that lying gets easier the more that it is practiced. White lies turned into bigger lies. Bigger lies turn into really troublesome lies. The Big Lie that the Nazis talked about are the kind of things that led to Nazi-like atrocities. Don't think so? Then read history. You might want to reconsider your indifference toward lying. It isn't cute or cool. It has grave consequences.

In the Gospel of John, the word "truth" is intertwined heavily with the word "light". This may not be any accident, but purposeful. For the truth is like the light that can guide your steps. Without the light, you will stumble in the dark. The truth is the same way.

Also in the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ said that the truth will set you free. There ensued an argument about the subject that resulted in those present wanting to stone him to death. But that didn't happen. The point is made many times in the book that evil hates the light. It also hates the truth. So much so that there are proverbs about truth telling.

One Mexican proverb says that only children and fools tell the truth. One Arabian proverb says that anyone telling the truth must have one foot in the stirrup. If these proverbs don't match up with what is in the Gospel, then I'm an astronaut. For it implies that those who are evil are not friendly with the truth, and will not like for it to be told. Are the evil ones the ones we should listen to?

The way of the world says that people lie. But they'd better stop doing that, because if they don't, there will be "hell to pay". You can take that one to the bank.

The truth is what makes everything that's good possible. Without it, there can be nothing any good at all. If that doesn't grab you, then prepare accordingly, because there isn't much time to reverse course. We are in a particularly deceitful age.

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