Saturday, June 1, 2024

Brandon's WTF grin again

People seem to be noticing that grin a lot these days. It was displayed again, and I'm sure it isn't exactly news now. So that's not why I'm posting it.

Nope, the real reason to post is this quote:

Biden was a stone's throw from having a Colonel Jessup "you're damn right I did" moment from "A Few Good Men."

If Biden was in that movie, and he was being himself, he wouldn't have blown his cool. Col Jessup DID. That's the difference. The man is evil. Jessup's character was just a man who did something and got caught. With Biden, the dude just flashes that crazy grin. Just like the Joker in the 1988 version of Batman.

Beware the cornered rat!

11:44 AM

Looks like this published before I thought it would be.

As for additional commentary, I might want to reiterate that this won't have the affect that is intended. We'll have to see about that. As for me, it only increases my determination. I can't speak for others on this, however. Therefore, that remains to be seen. This article is good to see.

Just because they are desperate DOES NOT MEAN that they should be underestimated. To the contrary. Cornered rats indeed.

Beware the cornered rat!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Plain and simple cowardice

The verdict is in on the commie inspired shitshow trial in Manhattan. Trump is found guilty of all charges. Our system is based upon the people as soveriegn. Therefore, the jury could have told the judge to go pound sand, and acquitted Trump. I don't believe that the jurors really believe that Trump was guilty of anything. They were just ducking out of a situation that may have caused them some grief. True, there may have been some blowback on them if they acquitted. But the easiest way out was to duck out, and let it be someone else's problem. That's why we are in such a mess. Everybody cops out. No guts. The real blowback will be coming. Too much of this will lose the country, and that's when the cowardice will hurt the most.

Brandon doesn't want you to know about this

Brandon wants people to believe that they can pack in the supporters. They can't fill a high school gym in a deep blue city. No wonder he's so desperate.

Collyfornia is going full commie route

Note: I use the misspelling of California in order to make fun of the former governator---Arnuld Schwarzenegger. What a dissapointment he was. He is like most RINOS. They only supply token opposition to the commie controlled so-called Democrat party.

Don’t Mistake Democrats’ War On America’s Heritage As Just A Clash Over A Pine Tree Flag

Cultural Marxism.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dissent is necessary

Here's something that might be interesting for those who like to think about things... There was a video about saying the uncomfortable thing. People don't like doing that, but if you don't, you may regret not saying something when something needs to be said. What is worse-- the feeling you get when something goes wrong, and you saw it and said nothing; or the feeling you get when everybody goes against you?

Good outcomes will require the latter. That's because the lack of negative feeback will certainly lead to bad outcomes. This talk I mentioned was about engineering applications. But it can also said to apply to social systems. Therefore on the larger scale, if you prohibit criticism, you will be ensuring bad outcomes. Negative feedback is necessary in finding problems that may otherwise remain hidden. Indeed, it may lead to "bubble" like scenarios. It is not good to live in a bubble.

Consequently, this drive to silence everybody will guarantee a darker future. A better future will occur if we keep our right to dissent firmly protected within our political system.

So the Democrats think all is lost if they lose an election. This is absurd. Indeed, the entire exercise is designed to gin up a lot of fear. It's the fear that is the problem. If they succeed in ginning up a fear of Trump, they may succeed in winning power. But the outcomes of that power will not be good ones. If anyone should fear anything at all, they should fear that instead.

Who can forget the COVID madness? The lockdowns? The masks? The "vaccines"? Who can say with a straight face that that was a high point in our common experience? The only ones who won that one were the fear mongerers. The rest of are now paying a price for allowing ourselves to be driven like a stampeding herd of frightened animals.

There is talk about Civil War if the Democrats lose. Or if the GOP loses. However, I'd think the worse outcome is going to come if the Democrats win. The reason is that the Democrats are the ones who tend to rely upon closing off all dissent. All this talk of dictatorship coming from the Democrats is precisely the kind of thing that prevents people from asking the important questions of "why?"

By the way, the prohibition against dissent is not something you'll find in a Democracy. All of this was on my chest, and I'm glad I said it. Be sure you do the same while you still have the chance. Even if it might offend somebody.

Angry Astronaut: Great News for SpaceX Starship from FAA

He claims to have connections at the FAA, so this looks like the license to launch will be forthcoming very soon now.

Rule of Law?


It's obviously political now. Anyone who cares to see can see that it is.

I'm thinking that the smartest thing for the Dems at this point is to throw in the towel on this Lawfare stuff. An acquital would be a good start. But I'm not betting that it will happen that way.

end update of 5/28/24 post:

12:40 PM

It's falling apart for the Dems. The desperation is causing them to make tactical blunders.

end update of 6:34 AM post:

Still think this is not going to produce the results that the Dems are hoping for ( that is, from a guilty verdict).

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

One of these technologies could be most interesting.


Instapundit link: Pioneering space technologies being advanced at NASA: Pioneering space technologies being advanced at NASA

It's a pulsed plasma rocket, designed for rapid transit times to Mars.

newton to pound-force conversion table

100K newtons figures out to 22k lbf thrust @ 5000 ISP, for nuclear pulsed rocket technology mentioned above

At 5000 ISP, the rocket could fire for a long time, which would allow faster velocities. Typical rocket engines are less than 400 ISP, and fire for only a few minutes. However, a conventional rocket engine definitely has a lot more thrust. The longer firing times are necessary at the lower thrust, but since the nuclear pulsed rocket can fire for longer duration, the rocket can achieve higher velocities. Hence the shorter transit times.

Shorter transit times are desirable for protection of passenger's health, due to radiation and less gravity. Combine this advanced rocket with some artificial gravity, and a passenger could get to Mars and back in good health.


Getting there isn't enough. That's why we need to prepare the planet for human occupation. Another interesting NASA research project.

Detoxifying Mars: dealing with those pesky perchrorates with biocatalysts, phase II

Monday, May 27, 2024

Texas history (video)

Maybe not the whole schmeer after all


After further review, I think I agree with the negative evaluation of this idea. However, there MIGHT be some useful value to the idea.

It seems that sodium lights are very efficient in their own right. They are used in some countries for night lighting. It may be useful as grow lights for plants. Think of it. The sun's light is only useful in certain bandwidths. If you can convert the sun's energy into an energy bandwidth that is the most useful for growing plants, you can get more yield per acre of sunlight.

Perhaps this is one of many ways to maximize the yield per acre of plant life. Since plant life sustains animal life ( like us ), then the more plant life the better. At least, that is what I think. The proposition has yet to be investigated very deeply however. It is a problem of how to use your resources to best advantage. The idea of converting heat energy to electrical energy is not sound in my opinion. Converting the inefficient energy of the sun into a more efficient means of growing plants than would occur naturally may be more useful.

One way to do this is to convert the sun's energy into electricity, then use this as a grow light for spirulina. Spirulina is an algae, which means it is rather prodigious in its growth rate. Let's say you use concentrated solar light in a desert region in order to make the electricity that runs the grow lights. You would have vastly increased the biological yield of that land. This may prove to be a viable proposition.

end update of 5/26/24 post:

This idea received some pretty negative commentary from viewers.

However, some of the material within seemed quite intriguing.

One of the ideas was to use tuned wavelengths to produce electricity from photovoltaic cells at a very high rate of efficiency. There would have to be a few tricks first before that can happen. There's always a catch, it seems.

If heat applied to sodium can generate a specific wavelength, then there's more than one way to skin that cat. This way mentioned in the video, involves using combustion as the heat source. However, heat energy can be obtained in a number of ways. That is, if that is all that it requires to make it work. Something tells me that it isn't the whole schmeer. ( BTW, what is that word "schmeer"? I used it a lot back in the 70's. Been awhile since then. Don't remember where it came from. Maybe it is just a made up word.)

Anyway, if you could produce a lot of energy this way, or even just light, it might have intriguing applications.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

FBI accused of using torture on Americans

The typical reaction to a story like this would be to minimize it, or deny that it is happening. That would be a mistake.

The FBI and the Federal government might be acting like the local "bad cops" that were accused of racist behavior towards blacks. This could be a version of "get-even-with-them-ism" that Rush Limbaugh talked about. I bet a lot of these people are white and conservative.

Not a vaccine


For the record, I said at the time. Here it is again.

I came across the following video, not knowing who they were referring to. I thought it might be Trump that they were talking about. But no, it isn't Trump.

It should be no surprise that the same damned people who pushed a phony vaccine on the rest of us are the same damned people running the shitshow trial against Trump. Will there be justice? The video says it's coming. How it comes is not what is being addressed here. If it is addressed in this world, in our time, is what I address. To that question I'd say: I'm not so sure about this world, but justice will come in its due time. The ground should be shaking with righteous indignation at these people, but it isn't. That's why I'm not so sure about this world.

end update:

Jul 28, 2021:

Over at Conservative Tree House ( CTH), there's a link to Denninger that provides a definition of what a vaccine really is according to US Code. "For those of you in Rio Linda", that means the Federal Law. Not that that matters anymore, but hey, it's there.

Look up CTH, I'm too lazy to link to it today.

It boils down to this, a vaccine prevents disease, and the thing they call a vaccine does not. Ka-Ching! Only we are all de-monetized. Boo-hoo.

So, by US Federal Law, it isn't a vaccine. Those who claim that it is are guilty of fraud. Fraud is defined in the US Code as well. If it is a Federal Official, then what? Well, Slick Willy once said that the "King can do no wrong". These guys have no accountability, and want no accountability forever and ever and ever. ( The Shining Reference)

Denninger says we can break them, but they undoubtedly want to break this country. They are succeeding, even though they look absolutely ridiculous. Adolf Hitler seemed pretty ridiculous too, until he invaded Poland.

These people are criminally insane. It is written all over their faces and manners, or lack thereof. Not that it matters, but I want to say it for the record.