There is something growing inside of Western culture, and it is threatening to destroy it.
It is like a cancer, growing and spreading throughout. It is a phenomenon known by some as liberalism, or others as leftism. Still others may see it as a form of communism.
Whatever it is, it is malevolent. Its effects are its intentions--- its unsustainable ( borrowing a liberal term ). Human beings cannot exist without procreation, and it attacks that very thing. Indeed, it seems to be opposed to human existence itself.
The chief target of leftism is Western society. Its culture is being continually assaulted. We see it every day.
What is the core of Western society of the last two millenia? Is it not the Church? Is it not in particular the Roman Catholic Church, with its center in Rome?
What has been happening to this Church in the last 50 years or so, if it is not an attempt to bore from within and destroy it?
I have become convinced, from reading Barnhardt's discussions on the matter, that the Church is under assault. She says that the current Pope is not a Pope, but an Anti-Pope.
You would have to read what she says for the details I'll not repeat them here. It is enough for me to categorize the attack on the Church as having the same source as the attack on the government and culture of the United States.
This Mueller probe is a symptom of the same disease. There has been no predicate for this investigation. Only a unverified accusation of a Russian hack of emails of the DNC. Without this predicate, no investigation was ever warranted. Instead, this investigation is in search of a crime, instead of the proper role of government, which is the investigation of an overt crime.
Such an investigation is a threat to the rule of law itself, all the while it claims to be defending it.
The only way to defend the rule of law is to honor it. This investigation does not do that.
Likewise, the way to destroy the Church is to deviate from its source. The source is what the Church has been about all the time since its beginning. The modern Church does indeed appear to be deviating in order to gain favor from the world. That is not what Christianity was about in the beginning. Indeed, it was to separate from the world, because the world's ways were evil.
Western civilization is literally dying from within itself. Its enemies could not defeat it otherwise.
That is what abortion is all about. That is what environmentalism is all about. That is what the destruction of the rule of law is all about. And the destruction of the Church is a part of that, I am convinced.