Saturday, February 9, 2019

Virginia Madness Continues - Democrat Lawmakers, Including Black Caucus, Demanding Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax Must Resign

Madness is a very apt description.

Here we have a governor, who won a recent election against someone who he claimed was racist.  Yet, this same man posed with another person dressed up in a KKK white hood, and this man was in blackface.  At the same time, the Lieutenant Governor is accused of rape, but the statute of limitations has run out, so he cannot be prosecuted.  Yet, they call for his resignation.  The next in line of succession is also accused of improprieties.   Eventually, you may wind up with a Republican next in the line of succession.  Do you really see the Democrats turning over the political reins to the "racist" Republicans?

Meanwhile, the Democrats will accuse the GOP of who knows what.  Talking about people in glass houses throwing stones.

Virginia has gone blue, in the political sense, but they also appear to have gone nuts in the meantime.

AOC's Green New Deal proposal

A quick thought--- AOC blames "the right" for mischaracterization of her proposals, but she's wrong.  In fact, I would call her a liar straight out.  You cannot brand yourself as a socialist, and propose a monstrously huge intervention by the government into the economy as being anything other than socialistic.

The problem with the political left is that they have an allergy to the truth.  If you doubt
this, then why do they insist that there is such a thing as a transgender?  No such
thing can exist because there is no way to change one's chromosomes.  The chromosomes determines one's sex.  You are male or you are female.  You cannot change this.  Since the left caters to non sequiturs, such as "sex change", then it may well be extrapolated to just about everything else they say and do.  There is no truth in these people.

Let's put it this way. The left is not of the truth, by the truth, nor for the truth.

You cannot change your sex any more than you can become an eagle or a frog.  Even if you think with all your heart that you are really an eagle and you can fly, the fact of the matter is that no amount of surgery is going to give you the chromosomes of an eagle ( or a frog ).

The left lies to a group of people who are all too willing to believe their lies.  It takes
two for a lie to succeed, so the left's main problem is finding enough dupes to believe

The problem for the so-called "right" to solve, is to get people to accept truth.  If you
are at peace with the truth, instead of at war with it, you have a chance.  Otherwise, you
are lost.

Unfortunately, people like AOC and her followers are lost.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Search the blog function on the subject of sustainability

This little exercise yielded six posts.

I won't link to them, though.  If you want to read them yourself, then all you have to do is to enter the term "sustainability" into the search box at the left upper corner of the screen.

I was just thinking about that term, and I wanted to try this experiment to see if that thought popped up before, and so it has.

What more new can be said about the term?

Well, the thing that brought it on.  I was listening to Barnhardt's podcast, and that is what brought the word to the fore.

In short, no culture, including our own, is guaranteed to be sustainable.  Our culture is on a track of unsustainability, in my opinion.  Something has to give, and yes, I wrote those very words before.

Trump got elected.  There is the reaction to that, which is the force which I blame for the lack of sustainability of our culture--- the left.  Is Trump the answer then?

Don't know the answer to that one.   Let's just say that for the secular world as well as the spiritual realm, that truth is what sustains it all.  If there is no truth, then whatever "it" is cannot be sustained.

America cannot be great again if truth isn't involved.  Indeed truth has to be at its very core.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Partisan politics has gotten out of hand

These people don't seem to have a problem with an investigator who has not found a crime yet.

This is backwards.  You have the crime, then you hire the investigator to find out who did it, and then be able to prove it in a court of law.

For example, Jimmy Hoffa goes missing.  He is presumed dead, but there is no dead body.  How do you prosecute someone, then, if there is no body?

Try to imagine if Jimmy Hoffa had shown up somewhere after somebody was convicted of murdering him.  I know that Jimmy Hoffa never showed, but the point is still valid.  It is valid because of the fact that when you start investigations without crimes being established first, you run the risk of sending people to jail who haven't done anything wrong.

This is especially problematic when you do it with political motives.  The idea there would be to remove opposition.  Even if the conviction is overturned, the individual cannot be made whole again in the political sense.

It is a totalitarian tool.  This is not supposed to happen in a free country.

It is a danger to our system of government when such an investigation is allowed to continue for a single day.  Yet, this Mueller investigation has been going on for two years, and they are looking for crimes.

That's why this investigation must stop at once.

Partisan politics supports this usurpation of the rule of law.  If people were really concerned about the rule of law, they would be demanding this investigation to be terminated at once, and it would have bipartisan support.  Instead, it is justified on the basis of rule of law, and that is just not so.

Update the same day:

With respect to the Jimmy Hoffa disappearance--- obviously something happened.  You can even suspect foul play, and that would be reasonable.  The point is that you cannot prove murder by assuming that it was murder.  After all, it could have another explanation.

With respect to the Russian situation  ---- it could well be that Russia interfered.  But you don't start with the supposition that a conspiracy took place as a premise for an investigation.

First you establish certain facts.  I am sorry, but the Wikileaks thing was never fully established as a crime.   If it weren't for the Wikileaks thing, then why would there be an investigation at all?

You haven't seen much happening on the Wikileaks thing.  This should have been the focus of the investigation.  First, you establish the crime, then you have an investigation.  This hasn't happened.

Dick Morris: "State Of The Union Speech Was A Triumph"

There is no live coverage here, and if there was, I didn't bother.

Not that big on these things.  Don't like them in general.  However, if it allows the president to connect better with the public, then it is okay, I suppose.

Not all reaction is positive.  Ann Coulter had some critical things to say.

Those from the conservative point of view may not like it, but Trump really does have to keep his political support up.  He may have achieved that.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Obligatory, 2.5.19

What to write about today?

I had written over a hundred words when this computer erased it all.  I never did like this computer.  Its main good point was that it was cheap.  Come to think of it, there are a lot of cheap notebooks at the local Walmart.  This thing has this mouse pad that will change the location of the cursor in a precipitous way, and depending upon how you are typing at the moment, could all of a sudden delete entire paragraphs.  It has happened before.  How aggravating.

I was writing about the political situation.

Let's try it again.  Maybe I can get through this without the danged thing deleting my work.  By the way, frequent saving won't work.  I am typing this in the Blogger interface's editor, which automatically saves my work.  No sooner than a deletion occurs, this thing will save the result, which means that it will be lost, and you cannot get it back.

Trump lost a vote in the Senate just very recently, and there is some talk that this is a shot across the bow.  Trump needs one third of the Senate, or he could be removed from office via impeachment.

The threat of impeachment and removal is very real.  Just because the Senate is controlled by the GOP does not guarantee Trump will stay in office.  The GOP is not like the Democrat party.  They can flip on a dime.  You cannot rely upon them.  As for the public, Trump can be helped by favorable opinion polls, but he generally is in the negative side of that too.  He does have sufficient support in the public to cause a bit of a problem with too much of an arbitrary removal.

That is why I suggested that people organize.  However, this falls on deaf ears.  People will not organize because they do not see the threat.  If you underestimate this threat, you just might find yourself out in the cold and alone.

I note that people are now concerned about an EMP attack.  I sounded the warning about this many moons ago.  We may have more of a problem with the Senate right now than with any problem with an EMP attack, though.  But the threat of each is real.

People are moving way too slow in response to these threats.  One of these days, it might just rise up and bite us.

Monday, February 4, 2019

It takes two for a lie to succeed



With respect to Joy Behar, I was thinking that Whoopi Goldberg asked the more thoughtful question, but when Behar said that people believe the lie because they want to get rid of Trump so badly, the audience cheered.

The mob can feed upon lies, and draw strength from their numbers, but the truthful and thoughtful are ignored.  Which is sad.

The mob wasn't sorry for the damage the lies did.  All they care about is what they want.


One is the liar himself.  The other is the one who believes the lie because she wants to.

Just ask Joy Behar.

She claims that they have circumstantial evidence.  I think it is doubtful that they have any such thing, and she probably knows it.

Even if she believes in this bravo sierra, it is only because she wants to believe.  Just as she said.

Don Surber: Trump won the Super Bowl

Don Surber: Trump won the Super Bowl: Presidents usually give the network televising the Super Bowl a 20 minute interview. Margaret Brennan of CBS did an admirable job interviewi...


Not everything has gone bad, as I must have implied on the last post.  I've been reading Surber for only a couple years.  What makes Surber worthwhile is that it debunks the tribal herd of leftists who are after Trump.  It is a good alternative to reading the garbage that masquerades as journalism.

Sometimes the new stuff can be good.

A big problem is that people get used to names, and they stick with names.  Sometimes the names go bad.  Look at National Review, for example.  It used to be decent, but has turned to crap.

Some good blogs from the old days went bad.  There was a time when Little Green Footballs was good.  Any time a guy goes radically the other direction, I get suspicious.  Charles Johnson did that at LGF.  I did a quick look at the blog today, and it looks "commercial". 

The Good old days of blogging

There was a time when blogging was a new thing.  It had to have started prior to 2002, because that is when I recall reading my first blog.

You can tell when things go to pot.  It is when things get commercialized.  At least that is true in the info biz.

There are some old time blogs still churning out the words, but they seem a little tired and discouraged.   Actually, I think this blog as well as the others have to compete with the likes of Twitter and Facebook.  What survives is something like Instapundit.

But Instapundit is commercialized too.

Blogs aren't what they used to be.  It really was a people's source of info.  This stuff they have now is not good.

Can you fight money and power?

The question probably answers itself.  But you do it anyway.

Societal cancer

There is something growing inside of Western culture, and it is threatening to destroy it.

It is like a cancer, growing and spreading throughout.  It is a phenomenon known by some as liberalism, or others as leftism.  Still others may see it as a form of communism.

Whatever it is, it is malevolent.  Its effects are its intentions--- its unsustainable ( borrowing a liberal term ).  Human beings cannot exist without procreation, and it attacks that very thing.  Indeed, it seems to be opposed to human existence itself.

The chief target of leftism is Western society.  Its culture is being continually assaulted.  We see it every day.

What is the core of Western society of the last two millenia?  Is it not the Church?  Is it not in particular the Roman Catholic Church, with its center in Rome?

What has been happening to this Church in the last 50 years or so, if it is not an attempt to bore from within and destroy it?

I have become convinced, from reading Barnhardt's discussions on the matter, that the Church is under assault.  She says that the current Pope is not a Pope, but an Anti-Pope.

You would have to read what she says for the details  I'll not repeat them here.  It is enough for me to categorize the attack on the Church as having the same source as the attack on the government and culture of the United States.

This Mueller probe is a symptom of the same disease.  There has been no predicate for this investigation.  Only a unverified accusation of a Russian hack of emails of the DNC.  Without this predicate, no investigation was ever warranted.  Instead, this investigation is in search of a crime, instead of the proper role of government, which is the investigation of an overt crime.

Such an investigation is a threat to the rule of law itself, all the while it claims to be defending it.

The only way to defend the rule of law is to honor it.  This investigation does not do that.

Likewise, the way to destroy the Church is to deviate from its source.  The source is what the Church has been about all the time since its beginning.  The modern Church does indeed appear to be deviating in order to gain favor from the world.  That is not what Christianity was about in the beginning.  Indeed, it was to separate from the world, because the world's ways were evil.

Western civilization is literally dying from within itself.  Its enemies could not defeat it otherwise.

That is what abortion is all about.  That is what environmentalism is all about.  That is what the destruction of the rule of law is all about.  And the destruction of the Church is a part of that, I am convinced.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Which way the wind blows

There was an article about Alberta Canada possibly joining the United States, so I looked into what that Canadian province is like.  What struck me wasn't so much that news, but the climate there.  It seems that the wind can bring rapid and drastic changes in the weather, particularly in the winter.

There was a report that once upon a time temperature went near zero to 70 degrees Farenheit, in just one hour.  The "Chinook" winds can bring rapid changes in temperature several times a year during the winter months.

It is not peculiar to Alberta.  Montana lies just to the south, and they seem to have the same phenomenon.

Although I haven't seen those kinds of drastic changes in Texas, it does seem to matter which way the wind blows here, too.  If it blows off the Gulf, the weather is humid.  However, if it blows off the Mexican deserts, the weather is hot and dry.

When people talk about the weather, and equate unusual weather events to "climate change", it is probably not the explanation.  The reason being is that it is the way the wind blows that matters as to temperature, not how much carbon dioxide is in the air.

AGW is bunk.