Friday, February 8, 2019

Search the blog function on the subject of sustainability

This little exercise yielded six posts.

I won't link to them, though.  If you want to read them yourself, then all you have to do is to enter the term "sustainability" into the search box at the left upper corner of the screen.

I was just thinking about that term, and I wanted to try this experiment to see if that thought popped up before, and so it has.

What more new can be said about the term?

Well, the thing that brought it on.  I was listening to Barnhardt's podcast, and that is what brought the word to the fore.

In short, no culture, including our own, is guaranteed to be sustainable.  Our culture is on a track of unsustainability, in my opinion.  Something has to give, and yes, I wrote those very words before.

Trump got elected.  There is the reaction to that, which is the force which I blame for the lack of sustainability of our culture--- the left.  Is Trump the answer then?

Don't know the answer to that one.   Let's just say that for the secular world as well as the spiritual realm, that truth is what sustains it all.  If there is no truth, then whatever "it" is cannot be sustained.

America cannot be great again if truth isn't involved.  Indeed truth has to be at its very core.

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