Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Obligatory, 2.5.19

What to write about today?

I had written over a hundred words when this computer erased it all.  I never did like this computer.  Its main good point was that it was cheap.  Come to think of it, there are a lot of cheap notebooks at the local Walmart.  This thing has this mouse pad that will change the location of the cursor in a precipitous way, and depending upon how you are typing at the moment, could all of a sudden delete entire paragraphs.  It has happened before.  How aggravating.

I was writing about the political situation.

Let's try it again.  Maybe I can get through this without the danged thing deleting my work.  By the way, frequent saving won't work.  I am typing this in the Blogger interface's editor, which automatically saves my work.  No sooner than a deletion occurs, this thing will save the result, which means that it will be lost, and you cannot get it back.

Trump lost a vote in the Senate just very recently, and there is some talk that this is a shot across the bow.  Trump needs one third of the Senate, or he could be removed from office via impeachment.

The threat of impeachment and removal is very real.  Just because the Senate is controlled by the GOP does not guarantee Trump will stay in office.  The GOP is not like the Democrat party.  They can flip on a dime.  You cannot rely upon them.  As for the public, Trump can be helped by favorable opinion polls, but he generally is in the negative side of that too.  He does have sufficient support in the public to cause a bit of a problem with too much of an arbitrary removal.

That is why I suggested that people organize.  However, this falls on deaf ears.  People will not organize because they do not see the threat.  If you underestimate this threat, you just might find yourself out in the cold and alone.

I note that people are now concerned about an EMP attack.  I sounded the warning about this many moons ago.  We may have more of a problem with the Senate right now than with any problem with an EMP attack, though.  But the threat of each is real.

People are moving way too slow in response to these threats.  One of these days, it might just rise up and bite us.

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