Saturday, February 3, 2024

People are self serving

This post may be Captain Obvious time, as it may not be news to almost everyone. People are self-serving. Yep, pretty obvious. Especially these days. Why these days? Because it is all about ME with almost everybody. Nobody thinks about the repercussions of their decisions. It's gimme, gimme, gimme; and the hell with everybody else. That's the attitude today.

I'm going to say that this is a stupid attitude to take, because we all depend upon the goodwill of others. If we all go around trying to screw others to get MINE, we use up all of our goodwill account. If you study accounting and business, there's an actual accounting entry called goodwill. If you use up all of your goodwill, you will be out of business. That is, if you are attempting to be at least a little bit honest.

A crook doesn't need goodwill. But a crook is destroying goodwill within the community. Letting crooks go without any accountability is stupid, because it destroys the goodwill within the community. Nobody will trust anybody anymore because everyone is trying to screw the other guy. It's the only rational road to take is to be distrustful of everybody. They'll call you "paranoid", but you're only paranoid because you've been screwed over before, and nobody cared to help you deal with it. So, calling you paranoid only makes it worse, because then you know you are being gaslighted.

The business about stupidity that I've written about falls along these lines. The crook isn't being smart, he is being stupid too, because he is destroying the basis of his own existence. He is taking advantage of the goodwill within the community in order to benefit himself. He may seem "smart", but he isn't really. In the end, it catches up with him, as it must.

The same is true seemingly everywhere in this society. People aren't honest, and being that way really is stupid. It is still stupid even if you get filthy rich screwing people. I wouldn't want to be the rich guy when everything falls apart. His money won't save him even though he thinks it will.

So much for being Captain Obvious. Everybody knows better, but they won't heed the warnings. It's just more stupidity, and it cannot go on. But it likely will continue anyway.

That is all.

Feminine fake science and a fake cure that might kill you

The feminizing of the West

Is this an example of "mean girl" behavior? Making up phony accusations? Remember, the girls are never accountable, and are expert at avoiding it.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Zero Hedge: Ridiculous Jobs Report

Part time jobs. Household survey shows no job growth.

Internet down

Lite posting until further notice

Feb 2nd 2024:

I'm back on a different provider.

again, gonna move soon this is getting old

Jan 30, 2024:

I guess it is a good thing I didn't get rid of the other one like I wanted to. I think I know what triggered the latest outage, but no solution yet.

oh, it's back. Wonderful./sarc

Update to post of jan 15

Still experiencing internet connectivity problems.

Was hoping it was something simple, but it is a bit more complicated.

The internet backup is pretty limited, so it has to be used sparingly. Until it's corrected, posting will continue to be light.

1/18/24: Update, expected online by Saturday afternoon. yay/sarc

1/20/24: Internet is back, but it is real slow. Good thing I'm moving soon. Gonna shit can this service.

Update later in the evening: This is really starting to suck. Going to have to call them out again.

january 30: this again.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bingo. It's projection. The Texas border skirmish is now being called "Insurrection Two"

Update: Been researching this this morning, and I cannot find a thing. I KNOW there's something out there, but I cannot find it, and there's no time for this. So that's it for now. end update

1/31/24: Update to yesterday's post:

My "spidey" senses are detecting something big being contemplated at the border. It's very intuitive, so I cannot pin it down to anything definite.

Here's something that I'd offer, but I'm not 100% sure about. Eagle Pass might be closely associated with some rather unsavory and unAmerican types in the past. This is all from memory, so it might be erroneous. Just throwing that out there. Anyway, it could be J6th redux, because DC is very, very much like that. I'd say it could be like jumping into a vipers nest. Be aware of where you are, if you go down there. They could be entrapping people who are foolish enough to let themselves be roped into a false flag event---like J6th.

That's all for now.

end update, the original post follows:

Just saw it on a lefty site. It's all a set up like January 6th. The site said in its own words that the Dems want to flip the script, and make it a GOP weakness. People are walking right into it. It's a set up.  Then it will be politically exploited just like January 6th.  What could be more clear?

Like I said before, you have to get in front of these things. Instead, we keep fighting yesterdays war.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson on the subject of General Patton

Some obvious comparisons were made of Trump despite the fact that he wanted to avoid it. In short, as this video is over an hour long, it's people like Patton ( and Trump ) who will never be appreciated because they are perceived negatively by many. Hanson notes this pattern has repeated througout history, so it is very well established.

It may explain why I don't care that Trump does "mean tweets". I would think that the results should matter more. Rather strange phenomenon that Hanson talks about. It may well explain why civilizations perish. It is the civilizational disease. It gets soft and weak. I'd say it gets STUPID. Hanson is more diplomatic, and calls it therapeutic. What's therapeutic about stupidity?

A society that punishes people for competence is not long for this world. That's why civilizations tend to die. They become victims of their own success.

General Flynn comments upon Joy Reid inadvertently heard remark

What was not supposed to be heard was "another fucking war". Then she giggles.

It's worth mentioning, but there's the usual suspects defending it ( if you read some of the thread).

Don't forget that there's still terrorist sympathizers being disruptive, but if you protest Eagle Pass, you're an insurrectionist. How this guy Biden has any support at all is an amazing example of stupidity. To refresh memories, stupidity is an act that doesn't benefit ANYBODY. That means, supporting Biden will not do you much good. (Even though you think it does.) When everything is in smoking ruins, how do you benefit you dumbasses. Biden is provoking war with everybody. This includes nuclear armed states. Sheesh.

Sharyl Attkisson: Prosecutors admit US signed a cooperation agreement with a Sinaloa cartel leader

Is this how they cancel the 2024 election? Instigate a World War as well as a Civil War? Everything that is happening is happening because this administration wants it to happen. The Iranians attack us in the Middle East and elsewhere? Biden gave them the money. Same with Hamas. The wide open border. The arms traffic. The arms coming into the USA? Along with a large number of men with the "migrants"?

This will give them the opportunity to claim a crisis demands that they do this. Not to mention gun control of HONEST PATRIOTIC AMERICANS. Biden has made terrorists and terrorist sympathizers a PROTECTED CLASS. But he won't protect AMERICANS. That's because he and his ilk are waging war on America. That makes him a TRAITOR.

Does splitting the baby lead to the truth?

1/30/24: Update to 1/10/24 post:

No links for this update. There might have been, but time didn't allow. ( gotta blame it on something!) Anyway, Hillary Clinton was doing her thing talking about "extremists" stealing the election. The Democrats are also playing that game with Ukraine and the border situation in Texas. It's all about "extremism".

Ground News likes to rate stories as factual and not factual. The trouble is that the stories might well be factual. How are such designations determined? The problem seems to be that any on the so-called "right" are exclusively labelled as not factual. This makes me suspcious---very suspicious of Ground News. That's about all I wanted to say on this. I followed another story ( maybe yesterday ) and it was the same old, same old. Ground News said it wasn't factual, but the site had its receipts. How can it not be factual? But there's no links to prove it. There might have been, but there's not.

I suspect this is one of the techniques the political left uses to influence events to their point of view. But those on the center should ask themselves why is it that the left seeks censorship all the time? Are they really that concerned with the facts? A lot of people don't know a lot of things these days. Part of the reason has something to do with censorship. The subjective ratings of sites like Ground News may in itself be just another case of censorship. If you seek the truth, can you really find it with subjective ratings like this? Your reaction to a down rating may well be to not read it. Then you won't have the other side of the story.

end update, the original post follows:

I have written many times about this left-right-center paradigm. It seems to me that the paradigm posits that the truth can be determined through splitting the difference between the extremes. But can you get to the truth like that? Note that the sources for this story are never attributed as factual if they are labeled on the so-called right. Then it is called a "blindspot" because no one on the so-called right covers that story. To the contrary then, the blindspot belongs to Ground News. They cannot attribute anything as factual unless it follows their own biases.

The story of Solomon splitting the baby in order to find the true mother may be considered also. But in this story, Solomon did find the true mother. That's because the baby would be killed if the baby were split into two parts. The true mother would not allow her baby to be killed, so the truth was found without splitting the baby after all. I think this left-right-center paradigm seeks to find the truth by splitting the baby, so to speak. But the truth is not what is being sought, so the "baby" ( meaning the truth) will perish. In other words, no care is being expressed for truth, so they ( meaning Ground News) are not the "mother".

Enemies are learning how to beat our tech

Posobiec reports. Just another Biden clusterbungle. Maybe people will wake up in time to see our own country in ruins. The awakening is coming, but it is too damned slow. Biden is the architect of WWIII. Actually, it is Obama, who really runs this administration.

A thought has occurred to me. Remember the wolf-and-lamb Aesop Fable I like to cite? This reminds me of that. We are winning the argument, but we will lose the fight ( unless something starts changing and fast). That's because the wolves have the levers of power. Arguments against it will fail. You have to out-wolf the wolf.

Fast and Furious redux

If the Democrats want "Big Mike", they've already got Obammy now. If this administration is unpopular, it is because it is being run by Obammy now. "Big Mike" is just going to be more of the same.

It is an operation Chaos, to put blame on Trump and "Insurrection".

What's with all the swatting incidents?

These are often directed at political figures. So they don't have any way to do something about this? Are these people who are responsible, do they ever get punished? What the "eff"?

Could the intention be to create the impression of chaos? There's also a fire at a chicken plant in Texas. Do they want it to appear chaotic in Texas? "They" means globalists. The globalists want chaos, and to blame it on Trump.

The Texas-Ukraine Connections

Just another OBiden clusterbungle. OBiden will want to blame it on Trump, but Trump is okay with that. The bungle is OBiden's. Trump doesn't want to fund this war.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home

Did you ever "discover" something that has always been there? That's what happened just now. Supertramp had a lot of hits, but I never put them all together until this evening. I chose this one to post about because it has been a lot like that lately. Just the feeling of it. Enjoy.

Did Trump just drive the final nail in Big Fani’s coffin with this keen observation?

No way she stays in the case, but will the entire case be dismissed?

FBI agent reveals juicy tidbit about the J6 “pipe bomb” and what his boss actually knew…

The bombs were not operational. They had a 1 hr egg timer on them, when they were emplaced 17 hours before the fact. Of course they weren't operational. They'd have to be emplaced an hour or less beforehand, because the egg timers are incapable of being set that far in advance of a detonation. Duh.

Margot Cleveland: "From their efforts to keep this case in Fulton County, Democrats have made clear that they know Willis’ case against Trump is bunk."

Phony baloney plastic banana liberalism  communism.

Victor Davis Hanson: All revolutionaries use the same playbook to try to erase history


It couldn't happen without a helluva lot of cooperation. My question is "why are so many willing to go along"? Is that what they really want? Just seems like a helluva lot of complacency all around. Does anybody understand that the cavalry may not be coming? The cavalry might well be YOU. You may have to do this YOURSELF.

Biden offers to follow the law, but why not follow the law as it exists?

In a way, he's holding the nation's security hostage unless he gets what he wants. Rather stupid to even negotiate with him. You lose no matter which way you turn. Totally reject his position, and if he doesn't come around, then refuse to fund the government. But that would make too much sense.

Lankford of Oklahoma is nothing but a damned fool.

Twitchy: "They're At It Again! NBC Reporter Claims Right Wingers Have Made Airports Culture War Battlegrounds"

$$$$$ Quote:

Bingo! The ACTUAL problem is conservatives noticed and pushed back. Period.

Comment: One mistake I noticed is the equivalence between the Marxian term "Right wingers" and conservatism. Conservatism isn't "right wing", and vice versa. If I keep saying it, maybe somebody will notice. Sigh.

Mark Levin warns about RINOS

Levin disputes what the so-called moderates in the GOP are saying about Ronald Reagan. He says he was there in 1980, and he knows better.

Levin says those in 1980 were saying the same things about Reagan that they are saying now about Trump. Well, 2016 is fairly new in our memory. The same people were saying that Trump couldn't beat Hillary, and the Congress would be lost. Instead, the opposite occurred.

In my opinion, the losses that occurred in subsequent elections were due to sore loser RINO types who will never support Trump. It's a rule or ruin attitude, and they may well succeed in bringing our ruin out of spite because they cannot rule themselves. But that's the point anyway, is it not? The GOP doesn't want to rule. The Democrats want to ruin. So where does that leave us? Not in a good spot.

GOP voters should eject the RINOS since they don't want to support what the voters want anyway. But the voters don't seem to get that. I suspect, not even MAGA voters get that. It doesn't look good to me.

It seems to me that the best hope for Trump would be a large crossover vote from former Democrats who have had enough. There's a lot of talk about that, but will it come through? We shall see. RINOS are RINOS because they aren't who they claim to be. Who cares what they think?

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Every. Click. Tracked. Recorded.

Reaction videos are common on Youtube these days. What would be the typical reaction to this video?

Perhaps many, but it all boils down to one simple thing in common. Stupidity!

It's really stupid to let them do this to us, but people are letting it happen. It's enough to cause despair. Yep. It's depressing. If everyone were to become alive with indignation at the very many things that should not be, there would be a more hopeful outlook. But it is really hard to keep your spirits up when you see this video and realize how little anybody cares what is happening to us all.