This post may be Captain Obvious time, as it may not be news to almost everyone. People are self-serving. Yep, pretty obvious. Especially these days. Why these days? Because it is all about ME with almost everybody. Nobody thinks about the repercussions of their decisions. It's gimme, gimme, gimme; and the hell with everybody else. That's the attitude today.
I'm going to say that this is a stupid attitude to take, because we all depend upon the goodwill of others. If we all go around trying to screw others to get MINE, we use up all of our goodwill account. If you study accounting and business, there's an actual accounting entry called goodwill. If you use up all of your goodwill, you will be out of business. That is, if you are attempting to be at least a little bit honest.
A crook doesn't need goodwill. But a crook is destroying goodwill within the community. Letting crooks go without any accountability is stupid, because it destroys the goodwill within the community. Nobody will trust anybody anymore because everyone is trying to screw the other guy. It's the only rational road to take is to be distrustful of everybody. They'll call you "paranoid", but you're only paranoid because you've been screwed over before, and nobody cared to help you deal with it. So, calling you paranoid only makes it worse, because then you know you are being gaslighted.
The business about stupidity that I've written about falls along these lines. The crook isn't being smart, he is being stupid too, because he is destroying the basis of his own existence. He is taking advantage of the goodwill within the community in order to benefit himself. He may seem "smart", but he isn't really. In the end, it catches up with him, as it must.
The same is true seemingly everywhere in this society. People aren't honest, and being that way really is stupid. It is still stupid even if you get filthy rich screwing people. I wouldn't want to be the rich guy when everything falls apart. His money won't save him even though he thinks it will.
So much for being Captain Obvious. Everybody knows better, but they won't heed the warnings. It's just more stupidity, and it cannot go on. But it likely will continue anyway.
That is all.