Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Bingo. It's projection. The Texas border skirmish is now being called "Insurrection Two"

Update: Been researching this this morning, and I cannot find a thing. I KNOW there's something out there, but I cannot find it, and there's no time for this. So that's it for now. end update

1/31/24: Update to yesterday's post:

My "spidey" senses are detecting something big being contemplated at the border. It's very intuitive, so I cannot pin it down to anything definite.

Here's something that I'd offer, but I'm not 100% sure about. Eagle Pass might be closely associated with some rather unsavory and unAmerican types in the past. This is all from memory, so it might be erroneous. Just throwing that out there. Anyway, it could be J6th redux, because DC is very, very much like that. I'd say it could be like jumping into a vipers nest. Be aware of where you are, if you go down there. They could be entrapping people who are foolish enough to let themselves be roped into a false flag event---like J6th.

That's all for now.

end update, the original post follows:

Just saw it on a lefty site. It's all a set up like January 6th. The site said in its own words that the Dems want to flip the script, and make it a GOP weakness. People are walking right into it. It's a set up.  Then it will be politically exploited just like January 6th.  What could be more clear?

Like I said before, you have to get in front of these things. Instead, we keep fighting yesterdays war.

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