Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Victor Davis Hanson on the subject of General Patton

Some obvious comparisons were made of Trump despite the fact that he wanted to avoid it. In short, as this video is over an hour long, it's people like Patton ( and Trump ) who will never be appreciated because they are perceived negatively by many. Hanson notes this pattern has repeated througout history, so it is very well established.

It may explain why I don't care that Trump does "mean tweets". I would think that the results should matter more. Rather strange phenomenon that Hanson talks about. It may well explain why civilizations perish. It is the civilizational disease. It gets soft and weak. I'd say it gets STUPID. Hanson is more diplomatic, and calls it therapeutic. What's therapeutic about stupidity?

A society that punishes people for competence is not long for this world. That's why civilizations tend to die. They become victims of their own success.

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