Friday, January 21, 2022

Times that try men's souls

Not an expert on quotations, and too lazy to look it up. May have been Thomas Paine. Anyway, I can relate to that quote. Hank Kimble side of me says, well, "maybe not".

It is a bit hard to keep on writing when you see so little from it. It doesn't do ME any good, and it might do me something that's not so good. Not to be complaining, mind you. It is hard to come up with stuff to post sometimes, and in those times I wonder "why bother"?

Perhaps it is just a passing thing. Today I did a bit of research into Texas politics. I don't usually do much of that here. At the moment, it might be key to a future outcome. But nobody seems much interested here in Texas, which is something of a disappointment. All the focus is on DC, which may be prudent considering how crazy it is getting there. But it threatens to get the same here too. People need to pay attention.

Nothing on the court case recently from either candidate for governor. There are more than just two GOP candidates, but for all intents and purpose there are two. The others have no name recognition. It's Col West v. Abbott. Abbott is the incumbent. It looks to me like tweeddly dee v tweedly dum. In that case, it will be Abbott v. Beto boy in the general. If Beto wins, Lord help us. But even if the GOP candidate wins, it is a hollow victory as usual. What a mess.

Col West's schedule has him in Crawford either soon or recently. What caught my eye was why go at all? Crawford is where Shrub lives, or did live. Libs like to call him Shrub. I call him that because the Bushes are cryto Democrats. West is supposed to offer a choice. What the hell is he doing going there?

We may be screwed. The time to file for the primaries is past. We got what we got, most likely, and it should have been better than this.

Out of control Congress goes rogue

Greenwald: Congress' Jan 6th committee claims absolute power

Quote: The committee obtained financial records of US Citizens with no possibility of judicial review.


Not only no judicial review, but no POSSIBILITY of judicial review. They have gone insane. Hank Kimble mode: Maybe they didn't go, they've been there for awhile.

There is this document called the Bill of Rights, in which there will be no unreasonable searches and seizures. Congress is blowing right through that and demanding that nobody speak up so that citizens won't know what's going on. If citizens knew that the Congress was gathering information on them, they'd demand a SEARCH WARRANT. These are illegal searches and seizures. Anything arising from them could be said to have been fruit from the poisoned tree.

We're in a lot of trouble. These people are nuts.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Not enough people are talking this up

So I guess I will. The Texas Criminal Court of Appeals has ruled that the Attorney General cannot prosecute election fraud in counties in which a District Attorney refuses to prosecute. The significance of this cannot be overstated. No doubt another George Soros intiative to impose his will, which is decidedly leftist, upon the most conservative state in the Union. If that happens...

Texas has an unusual system of governance. It dates back to Reconstruction, when the Republican Governor refused to leave office when he lost his reelection bid. For a time, Texas had two governors. It nearly came to violence, but when President Ulyses S. Grant refused to offer aid to the Governor, he had to leave. After that, the newly installed government rewrote the old constitution into one in which just about all state wide offices are elected offices. This weakened the executive branch, which is a decided slap at the former governor.

The judicial branch is also bifurcated, in which the civil cases go the Supreme Court, and the criminal cases go to the Criminal Court of Appeals. What this means is that the Supreme Court cannot hear this case. There is no appeal. It so happens that these offices are elected offices as well. The GOP dominates these offices, so there you are. It is like committing suicide. This is so bad, that the story is that the court held the decision until registration for the primaries was no longer possible. They wanted no backlash at the polls, you see. They knew what they were doing, and that there wasn't any excuse for it.

Now the Democrats can steal elections in this state with impunity. That is the significance of this decision. This means big trouble in the Lone Star State. The GOP controlled Legislature and the Governor need to swing into action, or there will be a problem. The Democrats will not go down without a fight, and there's no time to lose.

Keep in mind that the Democrats are fully capable of all kinds of chicanery. They tried it last night in the US Senate. The gutted the NASA bill, and substituted the Steal the Elections Act in its stead. The bill might have passed the Senate if Manchin and Sinema hadn't stopped it. But it wasn't a bill that had anything at all to do with NASA. It was a trick to try to force it through the Senate without having to go through the filibuster. It was pure chicanery in order to empower themselves permanently in office. Sort of reminds you of a certain governor who wouldn't go.

The Republic isn't safe with these people in charge. That message should be coming through loud and clear.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Behind the Black blog: Freedom is Under Siege

Behind the Black blog: Freedom is Under Siege, and the besiegers have now told us they have no mercy


There has been a couple political earthquakes this past week or so. One of them was Ill Duce's meltdown on camera, in which he labelled his opponents as enemies. The other one is this poll that Behind the Black's Zimmerman discusses. Actually, it is only one of several things he discusses that all point to the issue at hand. Zimmerman doesn't mention Biden, but it all fits in with what he did discuss. It is part of the same phenomenon--a political earthquake, and its aftershocks.

There is a problem here, no doubt about it. The problem is that this is a coup. Awhile back, there was this talk of civil war amongst the supporters of Trump and conservatives in general. Now that talk seems to have been joined by those on the political hard left. Well, the truth be told, those on the left have never been opposed to political violence. But even with the talk of civil war amongst the conservatives, there wasn't anything real being done about that. But the so-called conservatives just talk. Once the left gets into power, stuff starts happening. That "stuff" gets complained about ad nauseum amongst those who call themselves conservative, and it just seems like whining. There's no power behind it.

So the commies can call January 6th an insurrection. All the while, they carry out a continuing coup against the legitimate government of this country. It is a typical story line. They left does it and blames their opponents for what they do themselves. Those on the so-called "right", and that term is used again in this article, are nothing more than sheep being led to the slaughter. They attempt to argue with this ravenous wolf, and that can only lead to one outcome. Note how Zimmerman uses the left's preferred language to complain about something that nobody on the so-called "right" that he seems to feel alliance to, will actually do a damned thing about. This is even more in evidence with the political establishment, which does nothing at all to push back against the out of control crowd in DC. The typical story line has been called "failure theater".

On Bongino's show, he cited how the alleged comedian Colbert, called for the abolition of the Senate. I suppose the guy proposed to do this by a violent revolution. There is no way to do this LEGALLY. But these same people will preach about "democracy" and the rule of law. It never seems to register with him or the audience, which cheered, what they propose to do will be the end of what they claim to love so much. There sure as hell isn't any democracy in such governments as the one he proposes. The government that Colbert criticizes, is designed to prevent the very thing that Colbert pretends to support.

A question here. Just what exactly were the January 6th rioters being disloyal to? Or who? It seems that personal loyalty to Biden is what is being demanded. But no loyalty is owed to him personally. Any such loyalty demanded is actually contrary to the Constitution, to which these same people have sworn to defend. They themselves are not the government, but only officers of the government. They are bound by the same laws as we all are. If they will not follow the law, how can they demand that others do the same unless it is to be loyal to someone or something which has NO LEGAL CLAIM. Those who oppose can be loyal to Constitution without being loyal to Biden and his crew of thugs. If Biden and his crew of thugs are disloyal to the rule of law, to oppose him is NOT SEDITION, but in support of the Constitution. It is patriotic, not treasonable to oppose an UNLAWFUL act, no matter who in government does it.

At this point it seems that Biden and his thugocracy wants us to yield to them in fear of what they may do to the rest of us. For a free people, this is throwing down the gauntlet. He is daring all of us to oppose him. His thug supporters are right behind him, as this poll demonstrates. That is the political earthquake that is still sending tremors through the commentariat.

In the end, the intimidation tactics might work. If all that is done in response to this brigandage, we won't have a free country anymore.

By "doing something", it is not suggested that there should be violence. But there cannot be a servile fear that the thugs demand. Also, there should not be any federal takeover of elections, nor any change to the government that is not specifically provided for in the Constitution. Any ideas that run contrary to that is only going to destroy what is still working. Perhaps that is what the thugs really want. Make no mistake---what Biden said was thuggish. What that poll said about what to do with opposition was thuggish. I don't write these words lightly.

If all the polls are correct, and I don't see how they can be otherwise, the Democrats will suffer a HUGE defeat. But it won't mean a thing if the same type of GOP servile weaklings are the only ones to oppose them. We saw what happened the last time. Trump had both Houses and the Senate. But there wasn't a unified response to the outrage of Spygate. Instead, the junior partner in the current arrangement actually helped the Democrats hijack our government. So we need to get the right people to oppose the Commies. If the same losers keep playing the failure theater game, then a GOP victory in the election means nothing, no matter how big it is.

People judge you by the words you use

A perusual of the news often gives me ideas for posts. The latest idea came from the term "anti-vaxxer". Hmmm. I've gotten plenty of vaccinations in the past. All of a sudden, since I am opposed to THIS shot, I'm an "anti-vaxxer". See how that works? Or doesn't work.

Maybe people really DON'T judge you by the words you use. Why? Because those in the media that repeat these words mindlessly are still in business. Heck, it is THEIR JOB. They've got just ONE job to do, and they can't get that right. Imagine how long I would have lasted in the delivery business if I kept screwing up like that. Why does the media get a pass?

Okay, people NOT in the media get judged by the words they use. I can buy that. Maybe a little. Maybe narrow even that definition down to this one: if you are in the "out" group, you are going to be judged in any case. But always best to use the best possible words. Maybe the best possible grammar, but I don't do that as well as I should.

I've been on this kick about use of the word "right" in reference to oneself, with respect to the political use of that word. I think it is pretty important. In fact, all uses of the language is important. Best to use the proper terms. You don't call a donkey an elephant. Neither in politics nor in the natural world. But politics can be pretty tricky.

All of this self-correction reminds me of a character on the sixties sit-com called Green Acres. The county agent would do that. He did it so often it was something of a joke. I think it was a joke. Maybe it wasn't a joke.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Pat Buchanan: Close further NATO membership

Pat Buchanan: Close further NATO membership


This is not the usual kind of fare here, as I've not often commented upon foreign policy. But with a guy that is increasingly under fire while at helm of this nation, it behooves all of us to be concerned about his erratic behavior.

Not only that, but the group running him is a bunch of anti-American types who may stumble us into a war which would be disastrous.

If war is to come, then it will come. But if can be avoided, it should be avoided. This looks like a war that could be avoided. I'm not so sure that is what this bunch really wants. Another war could be the final straw for this nation. It is the last thing we need right now.

So that is what Buchanan is saying. I don't always agree with him, but the article makes some sense. A lot more sense than what is coming out the of our government right now.

Monday, January 17, 2022

At least try

Somewhat disquieting day today. But it doesn't get me down. Don't get me wrong on that. My own situation is AOK. At least for now. But the bigger picture? It could be better. A lot better.

So there was this conversation today. It was about Ivermectin and hospitals refusing to give it to patients who would otherwise die. Or in cases in which death is certain, and THERE'S NOTHING TO LOSE in trying, hospitals still refuse to give the treatments. The conversation drifted in the possibilities of lawsuits in case of a death that occurs anyway. Then it was said that there was no way to win. Arggggggggggggh.

Maybe it is just me, but I can never accept such an attitude. We sit on the brink of catastrophe, and I hear things like that and it is like fingernails on the blackboard time. I think my response was that I was going to win no matter what. Even if I lose, I consider it a win. If you give up, you ALWAYS lose. Even if we lose this battle, but we never give up, we keep our integrity. Giving in to what's wrong is never right. Don't tell me about the costs.

To me, if a doctor or a hospital isn't doing everything in their power to save the lives of patients, they are in the wrong business. Or you are in the wrong doctor's office or hospital. Fear of lawsuits doesn't not belong there. If you are there for nothing more than the money, then you heart is in the wrong place. Or you are in the wrong place. There is no excuse for what's happening in the medical profession these days. No excuses. NONE.

If you cannot make that argument, then you are resigned to defeat. Why not TRY TO WIN? That argument should be shouted from every housetop in America and the world for that matter. We aren't dying from Covid. It is something else that is wrong, and it is killing way too many people. It is not just the people that are dying. It is what makes life worth living.

It is said that some people out there are "woke". But from here it looks like everybody is asleep.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

AGW Post Number 113, 1-16-22

There may be over 13 posts, starting with 100 on this one. A search didn't reveal all of them in sequence. An idea didn't get followed up on, what can I say?

It may also be true that I've written this before, or something like it. Truth is, the blog has become somewhat disorganized. Not that it makes much difference either way.

Nope, this is Joe Blow talking out his ass about something again. Take it for what it is worth. But know this, the experts can be wrong, and often are. Besides, who decides who is an expert? How is truth determined? A Russian dissident during the Cold War once quoted a proverb from his own country. It went like this: "Don't trust anybody but your own crooked eye". It may pay to be skeptical. It may even be a matter of life and death. Think what you will of this, but please think for yourselves. Pretty please.

After that little intro to this post, let me get into it. I want to propose to look at this at the scale that may give you an idea of the magnitude of what AGW doomers want you to believe. So let's suppose that a molecule of gas is one foot in diameter. A line of molecules touching each other and in a straight line, which consists of one million molecules, will stretch for a little over 189 miles. The doomers are concerned about 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide. That much is not much. That would give you a carbon dioxide molecule about every 1/2 mile.

Suppose at each half mile, you get your molecule up to being really, really hot. Can you imagine this? It may take a little imagination, but try to imagine it really hot. Then ask yourself how hot will the molecule at 1/2 mile away be?

If you argue that a line is only one dimensional. If you were to make it in a cube, then the numbers would get even smaller. That's because if you cube it, you get .04 percent times .04 percent times .04 percent. The result is 0.000064 percent. You are going the wrong direction there, it seems. By the way, .04 percent is 400 parts per million.

If you argue along different lines, you are probably missing the point. The point is that 400 parts per million is a really small number. It is being called upon to do really big things, and I'm not buying it.

In a fairy tale, the cow can jump over the moon. The real world, such a feat is a bit more challenging. Anyway, I'm not believing their fairy tales.

If you challenge their evidence and their reasoning, there is always some sticky little problem. If you question it, you are a climate denier. Supposedly it is all about science, but it doesn't seem that way when you cannot convince by your arguments, and you resort to arm twisting and bullying. But that's how the pinkos get their way. Too bad that this is the case, but unless some folks start to pipe up a bit, we are going to have to believe their fairy tales or else.

Don't be fooled

Today could be a blogging type of day. I've got another idea from the Maher tweet. The tweet is rich in meaning for anyone who wishes to study it and UNDERSTAND a few things about it.

Someone might be tempted to say that Maher is one of us now. But that would be a mistake. Indeed, who are these people referred to as "we", anyway? Let us just say that anyone who subscribes to the notion that there's an equivalence between groups of people, I'd say that they've got a way's to go before they'd be a group that I'd join or be a part of. Maher said something about those who are in a "bubble" about global warming. In my case, there's no "bubble". I will state emphatically here that my reasoning about global warming is home grown. I did it myself with my own research and reasoning.

AGW theory is bunk. There, I said it. It is bunk just like the same bunk that Maher is criticizing. But note how Maher is trying to stay friendly with his audience. Many in that audience probably still believe that AGW is valid. It is as big a fraud as anything else that pinkos are sliding by the people in the formerly free countries in the West. Maher is taking the "middle" ground. There is no middle ground between what's true and what's false. That's what's wrong with the Marxist dialectic about the left v. right. Maher wants to be in the middle. He's only right about Covid. He's dead wrong about AGW.

Maher may be on the contiunuum ( for the moment) of seeking truth for its own sake. In our post-modern world the commies have imposed, it has become what Orwell once described. Orwell said that in an era of universal deceit, telling the truth can be a revolutionary act. It does appear to be the case in the formerly free West. You cannot tell the truth anymore, or you're a traitor. You must follow the party line like the case was in the old Soviet Union... Only we call it "political correctness". As if politics had anything to do with the truth.

Maher is trying to split the middle with one untruth and one truth. You cannot split the baby when it comes to the truth. If you do, you are only playing politics. As Mao once said, political power comes at the point of a gun. ( or something like that). The commies will brook no dissent. Truth is not what the commies are after.

Gorbachev once tried to save the old Soviet Union with "glasnost". It is openess. You cannot reform communism any more than you can change a tiger's stripes or a leopard's spots. Communism is about brute force against those who refuse to go along with their idea of utopia. That's a real nightmare as the utopia is a lie. That's what the commies want to dupe you into believing what awaits you in their utopia. But their utopia is false as is everything else they say. You cannot split the baby on that one.

About that Maher Tweet


Maybe I get lazy sometimes. Maybe I am lazy now. I may be lazy now, and that is why I am not double checking what he ACTUALLY SAID in that tweet.

What he said that struck me as significant, and maybe it was lazy of me not to say so, was that the number of people who believed something incorrect, is approximately the same number of people who believe in masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates.

The risk of hospitialization from Covid is what Maher was referring to. Actually, it was a Gallup Poll which asked people about the risk of Covid being the cause for a hospital stay. THE PARTY BREAKDOWN FAVORS GOP VOTERS BY A WIDE MARGIN. THE NEED FOR A HOSPITAL STAY IS LOW-- ABOUT 1 TO 5 PER CENT OF THE COVID CASES. DEMOCRATS BELIEVE THAT IT IS CLOSER TO 50-50 THAT A CASE OF COVID WILL REQUIRE A HOSPITAL STAY.

All the caps above are not shouting nor flaming. Something seems to be getting past a substantial part of the population, and most of these are DEMOCRAT voters. It is also the DEMOCRATS that favor all the draconian measures. These are entirely unnecessary. The people most at risk should be concerned, but a lot of things are concerning to these people anyway. That would be people with conditions. This has been discussed over and over again. I don't know if it all needs to be repeated again, but for some people that may be necessary. Unfortunately, these people rely upon a news media that is promoting this massive hysteria. That is the whole point of Maher's tweet.

You can sense the outrage in Maher's voice. The incredulity in his voice as he goes over this FACT. That is a good reason to watch this video and make sure you internalize it, because that is what we are all up against.

The Democrats ( aka here as COMMUNISTS ) are the ones spreading disinformation as a means to destablize and overthrow the government of the United States. This is also a world-wide phenomenon. It is something that I've been talking about all along. I don't know what it will take to overcome this, but if there is just one person who gets this, it will be worth it. If you get it now, watch Maher's tweet and UNDERSTAND.