Behind the Black blog: Freedom is Under Siege, and the besiegers have now told us they have
no mercy
There has been a couple political earthquakes this past week or so. One of them was Ill
Duce's meltdown on camera, in which he labelled his opponents as enemies. The other one
is this poll that Behind the Black's Zimmerman discusses. Actually, it is only one of
several things he discusses that all point to the issue at hand. Zimmerman doesn't mention
Biden, but it all fits in with what he did discuss. It is part of the same phenomenon--a
political earthquake, and its aftershocks.
There is a problem here, no doubt about it. The problem is that this is a coup. Awhile back,
there was this talk of civil war amongst the supporters of Trump and conservatives in general.
Now that talk seems to have been joined by those on the political hard left. Well, the
truth be told, those on the left have never been opposed to political violence. But even
with the talk of civil war amongst the conservatives, there wasn't anything real being done
about that. But the so-called conservatives just talk. Once the left gets into power, stuff
starts happening. That "stuff" gets complained about ad nauseum amongst those who call
themselves conservative, and it just seems like whining. There's no power behind it.
So the commies can call January 6th an insurrection. All the while, they carry out a continuing
coup against the legitimate government of this country. It is a typical story line. They
left does it and blames their opponents for what they do themselves. Those on the so-called
"right", and that term is used again in this article, are nothing more than sheep being led
to the slaughter. They attempt to argue with this ravenous wolf, and that can only lead to
one outcome. Note how Zimmerman uses the left's preferred language to complain about
something that nobody on the so-called "right" that he seems to feel alliance to, will
actually do a damned thing about. This is even more in evidence with the political
establishment, which does nothing at all to push back against the out of control crowd
in DC. The typical story line has been called "failure theater".
On Bongino's show, he cited how the alleged comedian Colbert, called for the abolition of
the Senate. I suppose the guy proposed to do this by a violent revolution. There is no
way to do this LEGALLY. But these same people will preach about "democracy" and the
rule of law. It never seems to register with him or the audience, which cheered, what
they propose to do will be the end of what they claim to love so much. There sure as
hell isn't any democracy in such governments as the one he proposes. The government that
Colbert criticizes, is designed to prevent the very thing that Colbert pretends to support.
A question here. Just what exactly were the January 6th rioters being disloyal to? Or who?
It seems that personal loyalty to Biden is what is being demanded. But no loyalty is owed
to him personally. Any such loyalty demanded is actually contrary to the Constitution, to
which these same people have sworn to defend. They themselves are not the government, but
only officers of the government. They are bound by the same laws as we all are. If they
will not follow the law, how can they demand that others do the same unless it is to be
loyal to someone or something which has NO LEGAL CLAIM. Those who oppose can be
loyal to Constitution without being loyal to Biden and his crew of thugs. If Biden and his
crew of thugs are disloyal to the rule of law, to oppose him is NOT SEDITION, but in support
of the Constitution. It is patriotic, not treasonable to oppose an UNLAWFUL act, no matter
who in government does it.
At this point it seems that Biden and his thugocracy wants us to yield to them in fear of
what they may do to the rest of us. For a free people, this is throwing down the gauntlet.
He is daring all of us to oppose him. His thug supporters are right behind him, as this
poll demonstrates. That is the political earthquake that is still sending tremors through
the commentariat.
In the end, the intimidation tactics might work. If all that is done in response to this
brigandage, we won't have a free country anymore.
By "doing something", it is not suggested that there should be violence. But there cannot
be a servile fear that the thugs demand. Also, there should not be any federal takeover of
elections, nor any change to the government that is not specifically provided for in the
Constitution. Any ideas that run contrary to that is only going to destroy what is still
working. Perhaps that is what the thugs really want. Make no mistake---what Biden said
was thuggish. What that poll said about what to do with opposition was thuggish. I don't
write these words lightly.
If all the polls are correct, and I don't see how they can be otherwise, the Democrats will
suffer a HUGE defeat. But it won't mean a thing if the same type of GOP servile weaklings
are the only ones to oppose them. We saw what happened the last time. Trump had both
Houses and the Senate. But there wasn't a unified response to the outrage of Spygate.
Instead, the junior partner in the current arrangement actually helped the Democrats hijack
our government. So we need to get the right people to oppose the Commies. If the same
losers keep playing the failure theater game, then a GOP victory in the election means
nothing, no matter how big it is.