Thursday, January 20, 2022

Not enough people are talking this up

So I guess I will. The Texas Criminal Court of Appeals has ruled that the Attorney General cannot prosecute election fraud in counties in which a District Attorney refuses to prosecute. The significance of this cannot be overstated. No doubt another George Soros intiative to impose his will, which is decidedly leftist, upon the most conservative state in the Union. If that happens...

Texas has an unusual system of governance. It dates back to Reconstruction, when the Republican Governor refused to leave office when he lost his reelection bid. For a time, Texas had two governors. It nearly came to violence, but when President Ulyses S. Grant refused to offer aid to the Governor, he had to leave. After that, the newly installed government rewrote the old constitution into one in which just about all state wide offices are elected offices. This weakened the executive branch, which is a decided slap at the former governor.

The judicial branch is also bifurcated, in which the civil cases go the Supreme Court, and the criminal cases go to the Criminal Court of Appeals. What this means is that the Supreme Court cannot hear this case. There is no appeal. It so happens that these offices are elected offices as well. The GOP dominates these offices, so there you are. It is like committing suicide. This is so bad, that the story is that the court held the decision until registration for the primaries was no longer possible. They wanted no backlash at the polls, you see. They knew what they were doing, and that there wasn't any excuse for it.

Now the Democrats can steal elections in this state with impunity. That is the significance of this decision. This means big trouble in the Lone Star State. The GOP controlled Legislature and the Governor need to swing into action, or there will be a problem. The Democrats will not go down without a fight, and there's no time to lose.

Keep in mind that the Democrats are fully capable of all kinds of chicanery. They tried it last night in the US Senate. The gutted the NASA bill, and substituted the Steal the Elections Act in its stead. The bill might have passed the Senate if Manchin and Sinema hadn't stopped it. But it wasn't a bill that had anything at all to do with NASA. It was a trick to try to force it through the Senate without having to go through the filibuster. It was pure chicanery in order to empower themselves permanently in office. Sort of reminds you of a certain governor who wouldn't go.

The Republic isn't safe with these people in charge. That message should be coming through loud and clear.

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