Saturday, May 6, 2023

If Tucker Carlson said the CIA assassinated Kennedy, then where's his facts?


This was a far different country in 1963 than now. If you ax me, if somebody in the CIA wanted to whack an inconvenient politician TODAY, then yes, I might be inclined to think it might be true. But in 1963? Nope. Not going to buy it.

In 1963, it was very nearly impossible for a well-trained Soviet spy to get into the country undetected. Back then, we had a country. Today? There is nothing preventing jihadists from hijacking planes and running them into buildings. That happened in 2001, and most likely, WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. If the government actually did its job, and defended the borders, AS IT SHOULD HAVE, AND DID in 1963, then 9-11-2001 DOES NOT HAPPEN. These jihadists stick out like a sore thumb. No way they get by the 1963 national security apparatus. Another terrorist event is all but inevitable. Today's government thinks that patriots are the problem. It's all upside down. Today's government is dysfuntional. Probably criminally dysfunctional. In 1963, the country still worked. I believe it was still a basically decent country. Not so much today.

I've studied the Kennedy assassination. If there is a theory worth considering, I would consider it. But the idea that it was someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald who did it, doesn't seem likely at all. Also, the killing of Jack Ruby was intensively covered in Bugliosi's book. It is doubtful that anybody would have known to put Ruby in that position so that he could kill Oswald BECAUSE NOBODY KNEW WHEN Oswald was coming down. It would have had to been known in advance to Ruby, so that he could get there in time. He was literally in the right place at the right time. But to do so would have required some great coordination and communication. I find that unlikely. There were no cell phones back then. To communicate by radio would have required communication gear that would have been quite conspicuous. I used two way radios in the eighties. I think I would know something on the subject.

Sometimes funny things can happen. Just because it does, it doesn't mean that there is a conspiracy. If there was one, I would have been the first to say so. I found no evidence of one. Only those who want to believe this are inclined to believe it. But I have no dog in this hunt. I don't work for the CIA nor the government AT ALL. There's plenty of material out there to study. The matter has been covered ad nauseum.

Somebody is putting out bad info out there. But what do you do about it? You don't censor it. If there is free flow of information, then the truth can be discovered. Keeping secrets keeps alive the notion that something bad is being hidden. If that is really the case, then release the damned information. Somebody must want that information to remain secret, but it may not be for the reason that most folks would think. Perhaps those who are doing it want people to keep believing something that just isn't so.

I think Carlson got some folks panties in a knot with the J6th tapes. That is why he was fired. But if it isn't so, then just release the damned tapes, and we will all know. Firing him over some petty thing makes it look like they are hiding something. This may be true in this case. But it may not be true. Just release the damned tapes, and we will all know.

Censorship is not the ticket. Participating in it only fosters distrust. Perhaps some powerful individuals want there to be mistrust. In 1963, a lot of damned information was released about the Kennedy assassination. Enough was released to convince anybody who isn't peddling a phony theory to be convinced of the truth that Kennedy was killed by Oswald, and that Ruby probably killed Oswald for the reasons Ruby gave. It may seem implausible, but unless somebody has some evidence otherwise, that is what I am goint to think.

In 1963, the government worked. If things were held back, there may have been legitimate reasons. That's probably not true today. I grew up then. If you didn't grow up then, then you don't know what the country was like. All you know is what somebody tells you. Most folks today weren't even born when Kennedy was assassinated. Tucker Carlson wasn't, since he was born in 1969. If he said what was claimed, he has no first hand knowledge of what the country was like in 1963. He may be getting misled, but in any case, if he said it, it was probably wrong. He has a crediblilty issue on that count.

But if he's wrong, cite the evidence and show it. If he's right, then show the evidence. Otherwise, it is just a claim and counter claim. The censorship only heightens the suspicion.  It may be the case thatCarlson didn't say that, but somebody may want to discredit him.  Or Tucker Carlson could be wrong.

These days, who knows?  You can't trust what you hear anymore, and that's the whole point.

Best of times, worst of times

This is a kind of mashup post, which borrows ideas from St. Augustine and Dickens. Whereas, Dickens' novel was about worldly matters, this post will follow St. Augustine's City of God v. City of Man. Augustine of Hippo wrote this in reaction to the sacking of Rome in 410 AD. Nothing like that has happened here yet, but history does have a way of repeating itself.

The City of Man model for this post is Washington DC. It has become quite the corrupt and evil place, which cannot stand. It will fall, but the question is how and when. The City of God is an idealized version of what the USA once approached, but is no longer. If the politicians and bureaucracy actually followed the law, which was created by man, in order to govern man on this Earth, the result would be an ever upward trajectory of material well-being which actually occurred up to about 1969. Since then, there has been no real increase in GDP per capita in terms of gold. So, on two measures: 1) corruption, and 2) economic; there is no longer any progress. A third measure would be in track of the country polls, which have consistently negative for some time now. Those polls may not matter, but the "real ones" no longer matter either.

There will be a dispute on some of this, of course. There always is. On at least one measure, which was whether or not this country was ever free of corruption, there might be a worthy argument. On the other two, there can be no doubt that this was once a much more confident and happy place, as well as a productive and economically growing place. The corruption element will destroy those last two measures, it is almost certain now.

DC is putting out a different tune, but the public isn't buying it. Otherwise, the polls would be better. Also, the public really didn't vote in Biden, but the DC crowd doesn't care. They need the false narrative in order to keep their legitimacy. Also, they need to convict Trump of sedition, so that there won't be any chance of correcting the downward trajectory of the nation. These folks are hellbent ( in a literal sense ) of destroying which was once the happy and productive nation it once was. In its place, there will be something that will replace it. It won't be a better government, but instead, it will likely only consolidate the political power into fewer and fewer hands. Eventually, there will be a dictator. No matter what happens, failure awaits, as truth always wins in the end.

The truth is the City of God aspect of this post. Since DC is basically lying to the public, the lies cannot stand. One way or another, the truth will out, and this regime will fall. The public will not support its new oppressors. The oppressors don't care, as they will just apply more and more power (F-15s?) to keep the public in check. However, nothing can force loyalty and respect. They can enforce fear, and once that goes away, there won't be anything left for them to use as a controlling device. This pattern has preceded all such scenarios in the past. Why should this nation be any different? Those running things now deny that this country was "exceptional". If it is not exceptional, then why should it be any different than any other from history?

The City of Man cares only for itself within its mortal sphere. No matter how powerful the ruling entity, all men will die eventually. They only care about their own selves, so the nation is going to suffer from it. The truth of this will become all too obvious for the poor souls that will have to endure it. That day may not be here yet, but the writing is on the wall. This crowd in DC is being weighed in the balance, and is found wanting.

Currently, the government claims that things cannot be better. Inflation is coming down. There are plenty of jobs. But the truth is, the banks are failing. The US dollar is about to lose its status as a reserve currency. The government is borrowing far too much money to pay back, which means default at some point. Whether or not the default comes sooner or later, there's no way to pay it back. They know this. Anything to the contrary is just another one of the lies that they tell the public in order to keep them docile. Meanwhile, the debt will become unserviceable. Nobody in DC seems to care about that. How can enough money be borrowed to pay off debts? The reserve currency status allows this to occur, but what happens when that status is lost? It won't be pretty, but that fact is being kept secret while all the happy talk continues.

The government is involved in wars everwhere in the world, and is now waging a war against its own people. How can this continue? The City of God, which represents the truth, says it cannot. The City of Man doesn't care, because it still possible for some to live well. That's what happened to Rome, and that is what is happening here in the good 'ol USA. Except it isn't much good anymore. It was once said that America is great because it is good. Once it stops being good, it will stop being great.

The City of Man might say that the US is still great. But the truth ( City of God ) says otherwise. Events will unfold that will provide the proof for anyone who may doubt that.

Dickens' story was about two cities. One was Paris, the other was London. Paris was in revolutionary times. Could that be about to happen in DC? The disconnect between DC and the public is growing wider by the day. Nothing could spell the end faster for a regime than one in which it rules over an apathetic or even hostile people. Such a scenario looks inevitable going forward. There are those who appear to want this to happen. There are others who like to pretend to oppose it, but aren't really. The outcome could appear to be in doubt, but whatever that is, if it is not in harmony with the truth, it cannot stand.

Friday, May 5, 2023

For the love of money


Corporations are against "We The People".

It is my observation that the US Constitution was intended to empower the individual, and to regulate collective bodies. Within that regulation, the collective entities would be controlled, and the individual would have the maximum of freedom. Little by little, the politicians have whittled away at those controls, and are now completely out of control. Without the people's use of the powers that they have left remaining, there is no hope of ever getting back the freedom that is being crushed out of this country.

The way the politicians have done that is to put forth the notion that they are doing some public good, and so they get the people's consent. An example is the income tax. The income tax was illegal until the US Constitution was amended to allow an income tax to be collected. The excuse was that wealthy people were somehow abusing the public good, so the tax was intended to change that. But instead, it has allowed the government to become an agent of oppression. Without the funding that the income tax allows, the government has been able to grow beyond all bounds, and beyond all controls.

The government can now fund huge standing armies, which Brandon threatens to use as an oppression by the state against the people he serves- but what people? It funds the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about. It funds the goverment- corporate symbiote that Bongino talks about. Without such a huge source of money, which isn't even enough for them anymore, the vast runaway-out-of-control government cannot oppress its people out of existence. It seems that the people aren't wanted any more. What use have these people, if they can create machines that can do all the work needed? It replaces slavery. The machines are the slaves, so the slaves aren't needed. If the slaves aren't needed, then what is to be done with them?

When some folks get rich enough to think like that, some pretty bad things can start happening. If excess wealth was a problem a hundred years ago, then why is it any better now, when there is so much money? We may be on the verge of self-annihilation with a nuclear war. Why is this war so close to happening now? It would seem for the same reason that wars tend to get fought. It has its proximate cause as the love of money, and the power that money gives. Ukraine is a cash register for a lot of these folks. There's a lot of money at stake. So it is all about the money. It has always been about the money.

Money by itself isn't evil. It is the lust for money that leads men to do evil things. Money is just an inaminate object. Guns are the same way. It is what money represents, which the power over people, that is wanted. A gun can do that. Money can be a source of good, if good is intended. It can also be the source of evil, if that is what is intended. If the idea is to enslave people, or destroy people, then it must be evil by definition. It is what is in the heart that gives the evil result. Not the thing itself. A man or woman who kills people has something in their hearts that is bad, and this is what drives them to kill. The gun is just an object chosen for that purpose. If there were no guns, something else would be employed.

It has gotten to the point that corporations have abandoned any loyalty to the people who make it possible for them to exist. The vast wealth has gone to their heads. Now they try to run the government, as opposed to the government running them. The way that happens is that corporations can marshall a lot of that money power that politicians crave. That's the thing that brings the symbiote that Bongino talks about. Corporations keep politicians on the strings set up by money. Politicians can regulate corporations, but instead of serving the public good, they have become corrupted to serve the interests of corporations. Political candidate Robert Kennedy noted that phenomenon as well. There is enough of that now that anyone can see it. A blind man should be able to see it. Neither political party wants to upset the "donor base". They gotta have that money, so they have to dance to the tune given to them by the money powers.

So, they Constitution was written to enable and enpower the individual. Instead, it has become just so many words on a piece of paper. Nobody serving this government observes the "rule of law". They are ruled not by that, nor the people to which the Constitution was ordained to serve. Instead, We The People are becoming more and enslaved to the money power. The money power will make you do bad things, so this song is dedicated to the expression of that insight, so artistically expressed. Can you dig it?

Thursday, May 4, 2023

True Things Prevail - by Robert Ringer

True Things Prevail - by Robert Ringer: There’s a weird feeling in the air that doom and despair are about to collide with optimism and hope.  It’s a collision that could determine whether the United States survives, and for how long.  Four recent events have intensified my feeling that a profound shift is coming to America. The first event was the sudden …

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Federal Budget Failure Theater Opens With Usual Bravo Sierra

Drop dead date

Call it kabuki theater, or even the theater for the absurd. No matter how you slice it, the GOP cannot and will not get its act together. I told ya so. More than once, might I add.

The usual bravo sierra is that the government will default if there isn't a debt ceiling increase. No, the government will not default. It will have to live within its means. Novel concept, I'm sure.

The government raises trillions in tax revenues. If the government cannot borrow any further, then they'd have to run the government on tax revenues only. What a concept! Whoda thunk you could do this. Evidently, nobody can think of this concept. Just trying my best to be helpful, here.

Even the use of the term "drop dead" is bravo sierra. It is meant to scare people. Scared people will be easy to get to spook the brave souls in the GOP, who never saw a fight that they'd like to join. The commies have no such qualms. They go to war against all at the drop of a feather. It's in their DNA. After all, Karl Marx said it. So it must be true. /sarc

Anyway, the GOP will pretend to act responsibly, then they will fold under pressure. They do it every single time. That's why we are right back here doing this nonsense again. Until the GOP finds a backbone, the commies will pull this stunt every time they need a GOP House to actually do the job they were sent there to do.

No meetings with Brandon. There's nothing to negotiate. It is up to Brandon to run the bureaucracy with the funds that have been appropriated already. Again, what a concept!

It is so easy, a caveman can do it. Wonder why the GOP can't?

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Globalists attempting to destroy another culture

Destroying Japan like they did the Western nations. As if it wasn't enough for them.

White House uses Texas 'execution style' murders to push gun control — but omits key detail that derails narrative


The powers-that-be won't protect the public, and will not allow anyone to legally defend themselves.
UnAmerican.  Also,cynical manipulation of fear, and ruthless exploitation of the same.

Gordon Lightfoot

Updated 5-2-23:

Gordon Lightfoot remembered.

Last updated, Mar 18, 2017

Something on the teevee reminded me of this song


Alaskan Bush People on Discovery

As you may have guessed, I'm in a motel room.


These guys are hard luck, the Browns.  Almost sounds familiar.

History that the RINOS would like you to forget


Back in the late 80's, Ronald Reagan had conservatism at its high point. People recognized liberalism as insane, and usually made fun of it. That is, the late Rush Limbaugh made fun of it. America was back in the saddle again, and liberals were casting about looking for answers. Meanwhile, Reagan's sidekick, one George HW Bush, won the nomination. He became the President, and it has been downhill ever since. Slick Willy beat him after Papa Bush made a mess of things.

Bush wanted a kindler, gentler America. Well, he sure got one! Now all the boys are sissies. Those that aren't, are treated as if THEY were the problem. That's the kind of problem that the RINOS have given us. It wasn't just Papa Bush, but the entire crew of the surrender chorus. Every time that the liberals wanted something, the RINOS did their version of the French Army, and retreated or surrendered. They sure like to scold the conservatives, like the sissy boys that they are, for being willing to fight. Now they got the so-called conservatives joining the sissy faction.

Gingrich was a fighter. But that was too much for the Bushies. Gingrich was excluded at the 2000 GOP convention. Instead of conservativism, which balanced the budget during the Slick Willy years, we got massive deficits when the Bushies got back in. Thus gave us the Kenyan in the White House. That, and a war which Baby Bush let go on for too long. So Shrub screwed the pooch, and ushered in the Kenyan. We got ObamaCare and a government completely out of control.

Finally, after eight years of misrule under the Kenyan, we got a guy who would fight back. It seems that Shrub had a disinclination to fight. His little brother ran, but lost to Trump. His little Jebbie brother only wanted to LEARN from the commies, not to fight them. You know, you have to wonder about these Bushies. They'd rather fight the patriot base of the GOP than to fight commies. That kindler gentler wing of the party seems a bit broken. Even Jimmy Carter called Papa Bush a "wimp". Must be something to that charge. Well, the son of the wimp got pounded by Trump. That really wasn't very hard, you know. Little Jebbie should wear a dress. It's the latest thing.

Stinging from their defeat, the RINOS got even. They let the Democrats run roughshod over the new GOP president. The commies took over again, and proceeded to impeach Trump twice. The RINOS had to pretend to support the base, but a few of them showed their true colors and folded like they love to do.

In 2022, the base fought back. But the RINOS, which is their custom, decided to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They sabotaged the ticket, and lost as many races as they could. Especially those that Trump endorsed. Can't have anybody who would actually defend the country and do their jobs. No sir, can't have that. They immediately blamed Trump for the disappointing show, and ran on it in Wisconsin.

The RINOS lost the judgeship in Wisconsin by running against the base and MAGA. He lost. What a surprise. They LOVE to do this. But this time, they couldn't blame Trump. The guy didn't want Trump's endorsement, and he crapped all over the conservative base. So the conservatives and the MAGA people didn't vote for him. Why should they? The GOP Establishment never supported Trump, and they thought that this is what they needed to win. But that didn't work, now did it? It never does, and that is why they love it so.

The RINOS are at it again. They are pushing DeSantis on us. DeSantis is pretending to be a conservative, just like the Bushes pretended to be conservative. This will last only as long as the election, should he actually win. This is not likely, as the MAGA people know the score. The Establishment is doing what it does best, and that is to LOSE. They love that. This is true because every time they get power, they cave in to the commies. They had full control of the Congress and the Presidency after the 2016 election, despite predicting that Hillary would win 40 states, and the Congress would fall to the Democrats. Then, they proceeded to crap over those who believed them when they said that they would repeal ObamaCare. They let the commies win in 2018 by refusing to stop the Russia, Russia nonsense.

DeSantis is owned by the Establishment. All he is good for is to lose to the commies yet again. We will get the usual excuses when that happens, and it will. No matter what DeSantis does, he is branded as a loser because he is doing what the Establishment tells him to do. The Establishment cares nothing for the people. The people are not going to go for fakes. If they want the real commies, they'll vote for them.

Pelosi calls Republicans 'losers' during interview with LGBTQ+ news website


After getting almost nothing done, but a weak sauce deal that passed by the slimmest of margins, McCarthy is finally going to get a meeting with Brandon.

McCarthy should tell Brandon to pound sand.

No deals.  But McCarthy will go and he'll get what GOP always gets---nothing.

Maybe Pelosi is right.  This kind of thing may show why.

President Biden says at DNC reception that MAGA Republicans are the 'real problem'

President Biden says at DNC reception that MAGA Republicans are the 'real problem' story.


So, inflation isn't a real problem?  Crime in the streets isn't a real problem?  Border chaos isn't a real problem?

For commies, the only problems are caused by others who oppose them.   All the "imaginary" problems are really not their fault.  It's MAGA's fault.  How convenient.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Test post, truth social embed

Cancelled Twitter several years ago. This is the first social media site that I've used in awhile. Here's an option I will test to see how it works on this platform.


Many people are going to regret this dalliance with a communist regime like China. This embedded post from Truth Social warns the Democrats that they are making a mistake. I'd say "ditto" to that, and warn the GOP while you are at it, girl. The GOP is just a fake opposition party. As long as they fake it, then whatever the Democrats say and do is what goes for us all.

Politics schmolitics

Boy do I hate politics. Then, why write about it? Perhaps there is something about it that is salvageable. Or, perhaps useful despite its odious nature. It is the world we live in, and this is how we do things. I sit here and wonder, though. Is there any better way of doing things than this?

Politics is warfare by other means. Consequently, it is NOT about solving any problems. That is, unless the problems are with others who oppose you. Then it is okay, it would seem, to bash the other guy's head in. But it doesn't solve any other problems than those kinds of problems.

On the other hand, a creative endeavor requires cooperation. It requires open mindedness. It requires an openness to other ways of doing things. After all, that is what is needed. Many new things will have to be attempted. In contrast, politics attempts to maintain things as they are. Any attempt to change anything is likely to run into resistance. Even more so, it is likely to run into violence. There shouldn't be change just for the sake of change. There shouldn't be status quo just for the sake of status quo. A happy medium should be possible, but always seems out of reach.

In addition, the very nature of warfare is deceitfulness. If politics is warfare by other means, then deceit is a necessary attribute for success. By its very nature then, it destroys any capacity for creative problem solving. Those who think that politics leads to solutions to any practical difficulty are always going to be disappointed in the outcomes arising from politics.

I'd like to solve problems. But politics stands in the way of anyone who attempts to solve any problem at all. That is, unless the "problem" is with people who disagree with you. Invariably, it leads to warfare or eternal strife. Nothing good can come from that, and a whole lot of bad must come from that.

There are those who say this seems "kumbaya". Nope, it isn't. It is a realistic assessment of the world as it is. Too bad that this is the case. People should know better by now, after centuries of this kind of thing. Evidently, nobody ever learns.

Musk press conference on Starship/Superheavy launch

Musk press conference on Starship/Superheavy launch


Musk claims that the damage wasn't that bad. There's this nagging feeling that something's not quite right here.

I don't trust the government either.

This is not an ideal situation. It may take some luck in order to be successful. I don't believe trusting in luck too much.