Biden is full of it. The protesters on Jan. 6th were unarmed.
Technically it could be called a riot, but reports indicated that some were allowed in.
Could it be that police weren't properly prepared for trouble? There were reports that there could be trouble, but officials ignored them. The primary responsibility for Capitol security lies with Congress. Where was Nancy Pelosi? Does she not deserve blame?
Months earlier the Democrats were all in on protests. But just don't protest THEM.
Since the scientific method is the thought of the day, then why does Biden lie like this? If it's so transparent, so obvious, then why does he do it?
It's probably not for rhetorical effect. Let's turn to the Republicans. It has been also very obvious that many of the GOP did not support Trump. So, the idea here may be to exploit the fissures in the GOP party. How? Well, I can note the resentment I feel in those gop'ers that joined the Democrats in this outrageous accusation that they used for impeachment. Chances are that there are a lot of Trump supporters who feel the same way.
Biden is kinda rubbing it all in. Keeping up the divisions. Well, he doesn't have to do that, because the GOP types can do that themselves.
Nevertheless, it might be useful to keep on rubbing those divisions raw and try to exploit it for an advantage.
Yep, let's all unite together with Joe. Riiiight.