Saturday, May 1, 2021

1954 Puerto Rican nationalists shooting

It was in the Capitol Building and five members of Congress were wounded.

Biden is full of it.   The protesters on Jan. 6th were unarmed.  

Technically it could be called a riot, but reports indicated that some were allowed in.

Could it be that police weren't properly prepared for trouble?  There were reports that there could be trouble, but officials ignored them.  The primary responsibility for Capitol security lies with Congress.  Where was Nancy Pelosi?  Does she not deserve blame?

Months earlier the Democrats were all in on protests.   But just don't protest THEM.



Since the scientific method is the thought of the day, then why does Biden lie like this? If it's so transparent, so obvious, then why does he do it?

It's probably not for rhetorical effect. Let's turn to the Republicans. It has been also very obvious that many of the GOP did not support Trump. So, the idea here may be to exploit the fissures in the GOP party. How? Well, I can note the resentment I feel in those gop'ers that joined the Democrats in this outrageous accusation that they used for impeachment. Chances are that there are a lot of Trump supporters who feel the same way.

Biden is kinda rubbing it all in. Keeping up the divisions. Well, he doesn't have to do that, because the GOP types can do that themselves.

Nevertheless, it might be useful to keep on rubbing those divisions raw and try to exploit it for an advantage.

Yep, let's all unite together with Joe. Riiiight.

Scientific method for 6 year olds

Albert Einstein is said to have said that if you cannot explain a thing to a six year, then you don't understand it yourself.

So how do you explain the scientific method to a six year old? Well, I think I would try it here. It may be a fun exercise to try to simplify a thing down to its elements in a way that anyone, including a six year old, could understand it.

So here it is. The scientific method is just watching something and trying to do it yourself. Now that I've explained it to a six year old in a way I'm sure that a six year old would understand, what do you people think of it? Too simple? Yes. But essentially, isn't that what the scientific method is?

You observe a phenomenon, and then you attempt to reproduce it. That is the more sophisticated definition given above. That's probably a bit too simplified too, but I still say it captures the essense of it.

So what do you people think?

If I were to say then, what would you say about gravity? Isaac Newton is said to have watched the apple fall to the ground, and then he asked a few questions. Why does the apple fall to the ground?

We still don't really know the answer after all this time. But we know a few other things relating to it.

And the wokists want to cancel Isaac Newton?

Maybe you should ask a few questions about that one. Do they really want us to go back and live in caves? Looks that way sometimes.

Strongly suspect con job

Let's face it. There are so many con-artists out there that it wouldn't surpise me if a really big one is going on right now. CTH's Sundance is suspicious about Tucker Carlson and Fox News. Well, Sundance is right. There's no reason to forget that they bailed out on us during the 2020 election. Don't forget that.

In my opinion, they want Trump's success without Trump. That's the con because they aren't Trump. If they supported Trump, there may still be a President Trump right now. But they didn't. Just because they seem to be rallying around the ideas of Trump doesn't make them one of us.

It's just a big con job. When it becomes time to nominate the next candidate, watch how they refuse to honor or respect the guy. If he were to run again, and if he were to win ( and get credit for it ), they would do the same thing they did before.

It's just a con job. I'm Boycotting Fox. There are others to support. I won't feed this beast.

Friday, April 30, 2021

A day on the web


The day began with a googling of the term "scientific method". I clicked on the Wikipedia entry.

I might have used conservapedia, but their online wiki isn't as comprehensive. Sorry, but it just isn't.

Anyway, it didn't seem too bad of an entry. If the lefties actually read this thing, then how do you explain what you hear coming from them sometimes? For instance, it was reported somewhere that the academics are knocking things like being rational, because it was "patriarchal". Really? Being rational is a "man thing"? Isn't that a bit "sexist"? It would be in some contexts for them. Liberals can argue whatever side suits them, it seems.

Incidentally, how do you believe in science and knock being rational at the same time? Do the liberals actually believe that being irrational is compatible with science?

After that, I checked on the latest Starship news. Maybe there's a launch today. The FAA has approved their next 3 flights. If it crashes on somebody's house, then that might change. Hopefully, the crashes can stop, and their flights will stop being news. Oops! Somehow that doesn't sound right.

Then I saw Lindel go on TV with this rude dude who is supposed to be a comic. What the hell is his name? I forgot it already. But I remember how rude he was. Lindel admits he has had some problems in his past, but he seems to be over them, so what's the point of grilling him on it?

The left can make their protests in 2000 and their garbage attacks of Trump, but to question their "victories" at all requires the third degree. Besides, the entire line of questioning seemed to be ad hominem, not the points that Lindel is trying to make. Why not stick with the facts at hand, as opposed to going after the guy PERSONALLY? Lindel handled it pretty well, I guess. My instinct would have been to get up and punch the guy in the nose. I don't necessarily follow my instincts. In fact, I don't necessarily trust them. Who knows what's the right thing? If you punch the guy out, you look bad. If you sit there and take a lot of garbage from him, you also look bad. If Lindel doesn't go on the show, he looks bad. The RATIONAL thing would be to do thing that looks the least bad. Maybe punching him out wouldn't be a bad idea.

I don't think Lindel looked bad at all. I think the other guy looked bad. But for liberals, that might have looked good. They really are twisted you know.

One thing I am noticing amongst the so-called conservatives seems to be this sense of defeatism. Why? They aren't winning. Sure they are in power, but there are so many things that they are doing that seem to be getting turned back. There's no reason to get into despair. Not yet, at least. We've got our RINOS to worry about, though. They could screw up a wet dream.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden speech

It wasn't viewed as much as any of Trump's speeches. Nor did I watch it or listen to it. Only just now, after listening in to Bongino's podcast, did I hear any of it at all.

Bongino's critique pretty much can be summarized into one word---lies.

Maybe two words, Biden lies. No wonder nobody was there. If there was somebody there to challenge what the dude is saying, like calling him out for the lies, the falsity might get some attention. Hence all the censorship. They want the lies to be the only thing you hear.

That's why I didn't bother to listen. Maybe that's why NOBODY is listening. Biden's numbers were even worse than the Oscars, so I've read. NOBODY is paying attention. Should they?

Bongino did. The real question here is not that he is a liar, because we all knew that. The dude had to drop out of the 88 race because he got caught plagiarizing. We all know this guy is a liar. He's not like slick Willy. Nobody is going to believe his lies. Soccer moms won't swoon over this geezer.

No, what has to happen is that the next election MUST be fair and honest. Because this last one was definitely not. Whether or not it ever gets officially recognized, the fact of the matter is that a stolen election must not happen again. Or it won't matter anymore that Biden is lying and everybody knows it. You won't be able to do a thing about it.

Quick update:

This Star Trek episode reminds me of what's happening in the real world now. The old geezer was being propped up by traitors.  By the way , it looks like somebody had the same idea.

Filipino doctor supports Ivermectin

Here's more information about the efficacy of Ivermectin as a preventive and treatment for COVID. As I wrote before, what do you have to lose?

Societal disease

Let us start with the proposition that all societies throughout history have failed. They'll rise to prominence then they'll start to decline. Some societies of old still remain through thousands of years, but these too have seen better days.

Perhaps the Chinese civilization will rise to greatness again. It sure appears that way. At one time, China was the preeminent civilization of its day. But that time passed, as it has with all other civilizations. China did not go away, however.

The West has seen various iterations of societies that have risen and fallen. The greatest of those in antiquity was the Roman and Byzantine Empires. These went away entirely, but they left vestiges of their greatness behind.

There have been others of course. But to go through them all would be more than I'd prefer to do at this time. It is part of the societal disease syndrome that I posited to begin this post.

You see, there are definite benefits in organizing large numbers of people into a coherent and stable society. The downside of it is that people become TOO dependent upon this, and the society weakens from within. The "easy life" is very seductive. The easy life makes people lazy, careless, and stupid.

Laziness and carelessness can fatal at the local form and also at the top of the society as well.

Yep, it is very seductive to let "George do it". But what about doing it ourselves? No, it is too hard. Too much work. Hence the syndrome, the illness. Or that is part of it.

A more primitive society could not tolerate the silliness we have in ours today. No Bruce Jenner types are going to be possible if life is a constant struggle for survival. You lose that in an advanced society. Life becomes too easy, and when it does, people lose their edge.

A civilization cannot afford it any more than a small tribe. If you don't have children, there's no more tribe. On a larger scale, a civilization cannot last either when people get stupid, silly, and lazy. Hence the societal disease.

Can anything be done about it? Maybe not. Maybe it is like getting old. Societies can get old and feeble. Those that are too feeble will die out, and that will be the end of them. Time will tell that tale about our own society. Right now, it certainly looks a bit more than feeble.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Green Acres


Listed on Conservapedia as a "conservative" show. Something about the whole premise tickles me.

Fake insurrection narrative

Those in charge of Capitol Security knew what was going to happen, but did nothing on Jan 6th.

More than 10 years into this blog


Lately I've been on a boycott kick. It wasn't too long into it that I noticed how big this woke phenomenon is, and how hard it is going to be to crack it.

While looking for new ways of doing things, I found a new browser that supposedly blocks ads and adware. You may note the skepticism. Anyway, this morning, while searching for NextBigFuture, I noted that it doesn't seem reachable for some reason. However, some of this site is still reachable.

Anyway, in the middle of all this, this new browser is informing me of how many ads it is blocking. I decided to check my own blog. As you may note, this blog uses Blogger as a platform. Something dawned on me. Google owns Blogger and I'm working for nothing! I am making money for Google everytime I post on this here blog.

For ten years plus, I've been doing this. Not that I've pulled down a lot bucks for Google. Still the idea that I'm doing this for nothing, while it makes some money for Google--bothers me a bit.

Maybe I'm dumb. The rest of the world has it figured out. But not me. I figured that I was doing something good with these posts. Well, maybe. But probably more likely is that I'm just making money for Google, while giving them my labor for free.

Why does this work so well for them?

One thing that I tried to preach about on this blog is the need for truth. Well, there's a truth that snuck right on by me. I'm thinking that the world is ruled by untruth. Just look at this blog for the truth that untruth is King.

Truth has no defenders. Even with a blog like this, it only supports the liars. Meanwhile, I get the shit end of the stick. Google and the rest of the liars get richer and richer, while the truth starves.

Despite this rotten fact, I will continue... Maybe it might do some good, but odds are that it won't. If people cared anything about truth, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in.

Yeah, and if the frog had wings...

Monday, April 26, 2021

Very interesting day


What made it most interesting is the new sources of information. Although, it is new, it will grow stale pretty soon, I suspect.

Why? There's a phenomenon at work here that will keep us down until we figure it out and beat it. That phenomenon is a rather persistent tendency amongst the so-called conservatives to keep preaching to the choir.

You won't win over many people by concentrating your message on people who already agree with you. That seems to be what the conservatives are doing.

I think for all intents and purposes, the so-called conservatives are winning that fight, but are losing the fight that counts, which is at the point of decision. The point of decision is where the votes are counted, and the laws are made. We are losing the culture because of that---not because the public finds liberalism so appealing.

Why this is true, I cannot tell you. For if I could put my finger on it, maybe the idea could spread around and make a difference. Perhaps in that last sentence, there's a truth which evades most everybody. The truth is this question: What motivates people?

Why do you support traditional America, if that is what you truly believe? Why indeed. If you do such a poor job of it, then you should be distressed that you aren't getting results that you ought to believe are rightfully yours. If we are right, then why don't we win? Why keep going back to the same things that haven't worked?

Could it be that the biggest frauds are the ones in the very heart of us? We need to purge the dishonesty out of ourselves before we have any chance of getting others to follow suit.

If being "woke" is popular

Then why are audience numbers so much lower than before?

Something to consider

Since I didn't have anything better to do, I started watching the Bongino Show just now. I didn't get far into the program when I got an idea to do this post.

Bongino shows the Maher bit where he says critical things about some of those on the political left. You can read about this today on a few of the conservative sites today. My reaction to Maher is no reaction. He is no friend of conservatives nor conservatism. It is better to ignore him.

But Bongino doesn't. He uses the clip to ask a question of liberals today. He says that liberals have to be stupid or not stupid because either way the result of what they want to do is the destruction of the country. So either they know that or they don't know that.

I would suggest that there's the possibility that there really aren't that many of them. If there aren't that many of them, then they know what they are doing, and they are really trying to destroy this country.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to destroy your home and make yourselves miserable in the process. That is why I don't believe that there are a whole lot of them. Biden didn't win the election. It was a fraud. All the fraud that you see out there is an attempt to make you believe something that isn't so. There aren't that many of them. It wouldn't make sense that they would be the majority.

If they really believed in what the liberals claim to believe, they could leave the country and go somewhere else. Nothing is stopping them from doing that. For example, if they love communism so much, there are some communist places they could go to. Lee Harvey Oswald did that in the sixties. Even Oswald didn't like it,so he came back.

Not to bring up Oswald so much, but to point out that there is no Berlin wall to hold people in this country. In fact we need a wall to keep people OUT. They risk their very lives to get here.

Those are the facts. Therefore, by staying here as so many do, they know this place is better. Therefore, they cannot be for destroying the country. It doesn't go with what they do everyday.

The thing that makes a lot more sense is that there really aren't that many of them, but those that are trying to destroy the country are making themselves appear to be the majority, and they are not.

The election was a fraud. A lot of these politicians are frauds. Fraud is rampant. The solution is to do something about this fraud, and the rest of this phenomenon will melt away.

This is on YouTube --- maybe not for long


Did you see this?

 Not me, until now.

Alternative tech sites


Compilation of links to other sites not controlled by Big Tech and their Big Gov pals.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Off-grid 4-25-21


Not much to write about here. Lately, I've been collecting rainwater and filtering it. It seems that this part of the project is working out pretty well.

I'd like to get this thing to filter a bit faster, so I devised a weight to sink into the water in order to push the level higher. If the water level is near the top, it will filter a lot faster than if it has to climb against gravity, and then back down again to drip into the collecting vessel.

If it were like a float system that the old carburetors used, that would be great. But I don't want to buy one. The float system would rise with the water level. This could seal a valve and shut off water flow, and when the level fell, it would open the valve again.

This system would have to rigged so that it kept the level as full as possible at all times.

The more automatic the system is, the easier this would be. It is pretty labor intensive when you have to tend to it all the time.

With regards to other topics, such as raising food, there isn't much else to write. There's plenty of good sources of info, but as of yet, I haven't grown a thing--except weeds maybe.

With respect to building something out there, the plans are pretty much finalized. That too is in something of a holding pattern for now.

One thing I should be more concerned about is auto repair. I don't fix my own vehicle, and haven't put a wrench to a vehicle in over 20 years. Anything that happens out there, and there's nobody but me to fix it.

I'm slipping up on that one.