Saturday, December 29, 2018

Is there a government shutdown?


Is there a government shut down at all?  The author of the post linked below says not.

Don Surber: Trump vindicated, media is silent

Don Surber: Trump vindicated, media is silent: Two months ago, Jamal Khashoggi was a thing. He died in Saudi Arabia's embassy in Istanbul apparently painfully and slowly. The Washingt...

Friday, December 28, 2018

Walls don't work?

They seem to work in Israel.

Maybe because they are serious about it.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

M ma my Khasshogi

Liberals cannot get enough of Khashoggi.

So here's a song like My Sharona that fits their taste.  Just imagine the words Khasshoogi  in place of Sharona and it works.

Watch the video and get the lyrics. Available via

Fake news

This is about as fake as I have ever seen.  I'd say that be forewarned that you should be on the lookout for stories like this, and be suspicious of publications that print them.

Unfortunately, I got this link from Whatfinger.  This is a disappointment that they should be printing up such junk.

The link was from Business Insider via Whatfinger.  The origin of the story is from a Chinese publication.

The claim sounds like the claims of alchemists who supposedly changed lead into gold, but these are claiming to change copper into gold.  Very deceptive article.

At the very best, they may have created something of real value, but it isn't gold.  It is simply a catalyst that may work as well as gold, if the claims hold up.  The way this is written up, it makes it sound like they are transmuting copper into gold, which is ridiculous.

Data spike type of post 12.27.18

The title is kind of a joke.  It is something like an Uncle Waldo type skit that one of the
radio stations in Houston used to do on their morning show.  Uncle Waldo would be a certain type of person, you see.  So, I am adapting the type of person characterization to the type of post as a kind of a joke.

But it is no laughing matter.

There was another one yesterday, but it wasn't alarming because I deliberately had the guards down for awhile.  Sure enough, it appeared again.  This time, I was not on Google.  At least, I don't think I was on Google.  I have been picking on Google, but I don't know if it is specifically them.  It seems like it is Google, because I spend a lot of time on the blog when I am editing a post.  Recall that it seems to happen when I am editing a post?  So, what is it about editing posts that makes the computer vulnerable to this type of attack?

I am online when this is happening.  Yesterday, I wasn't on Blogger, which is owned by Google. Therefore, it wasn't Google.  I was doing something.  Yes, I was doing some editing type of work, so I was online.  My computer was exposed while I was doing this, and there was an attack.

Therefore, I cannot pinpoint the source of the attack.  Unless it is Verizon.  They are
providing the internet service.  I have picked on them before, but I thought otherwise.  Now I am picking on them again.  But it may not be Verizon nor Google.  That's something to keep in mind.  Just because you are suspicious of someone or something doesn't mean that they are guilty of anything.  They might be, but you haven't proven it yet.  Therefore, it is merely a suspicion yet unproven.

But there is no doubt that something is happening.  Whoever it is that is behind it wants to accomplish something, but what is it?

If the data is spiking, it means data is crossing the line between this computer and the
outside world.  It means that somebody may be taking data off this machine and putting it
out there, or taking something out there and putting it on this machine.  Either way it is
bad.  I don't know these bad guys, whoever they are.

Like I said, no laughing matter.  What this means is that they could be attempting some type of control over what I do.

It reminded me that once upon a time, I lived in Houston, and there I had unlimited data.  This kind of thing could be happening to EVERYBODY ALL THE TIME.  If you aren't trying to control what goes into and out of your computer, it means that ANYTHING could come into and go out of your computer.  You have no control over it.  That's the point.

You people may think it is only me, and maybe I may be a bit paranoid about it.  Okay, but keep in mind that the only reason I know about this is because I have a limited data plan.

Maybe you people should be a bit more concerned.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Babylon Bee


Benghazi scandal was covered up

But we all knew that already, now didn't we?

The significance of James Comey's bias

Why mention his bias?  Well, I suspect that it is a good idea, since the left has a tendency to deny their biases.  Since Comey is now identifying with the Democrats, it is well to point out his bias.  Not to mention that those who claim to be on the Democrat side like to deny their biases.

Yet, they are in no way denying their bias against Trump.  It is important to point this out,
because they love to embrace the phrase "rule of law".

But bias and the "rule of law" cannot mix.  "Justice is blind", which means it must be
impartial-- without bias.  The significance of his bias then, is that he cannot judge the
matter fairly because of his bias.  Isn't that why the recusal is always being sought?  The
Dems love to force opponents they disagree with to recuse, but they won't do it themselves.

Dems are not impartial.  Therefore, they cannot be allowed to claim that they are for "rule
of law".  Their insistence on protecting Mueller cannot be equated with the protection of the rule of law, but the protection of Democrats.  This is wrong.  If justice is to be blind, and if there is to be a rule of law, then the likes of Comey cannot be tolerated where the
rule of law is king.

He, and the Democrats have a serious credibility issue.  They wish to remove Trump, but they also like to be seen as for the rule of law.  This must not be allowed.  If they are to remove Trump, it must be seen as a partisan move--- not a legal one.

Comey leaked to the media, which he testified that he would never do.  But he did.  The leak came in response to his being fired.  He claims that his firing was obstruction of justice, but he is not seeking justice.  He is seeking partisan revenge.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

What Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown

I thought it was about Santa Claus.  Silly me.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the news as questions mount over her health

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the news as questions mount over her health.: I wish Justice Ginsburg well as she has a multitude of serious medical problems and the odds are stacked against her.


Another circus looms soon, if these reports are accurate.  Ginsberg may be on the way out.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Trish Regan: James Comey admits he didn’t care who paid for Steele Dossier


Yes, at the very least Comey is biased.  This is at the very least.

Growing Problems Dragging Down Fox News


A suggestion here is to require truth in labeling.  The government does this with other products, and news is also a product.  If it is going to be called news, then it cannot be allowed to be opinion.

I know that this is not kosher in so-called conservatives circles, but the fairness doctrine should return to the production of news.  However, opinion can still be free from regulation.

News outlets should be required to air all aspects of a news item, not just a slanted version.  Otherwise, it is propaganda, not news.

Latest on data spikes

Seems to have something to do with editing a post.  Yesterday, when I edited through a share button on another blog, the thing spiked again.  The difference there is that the front page was never loaded.  The front page is the page that is displayed to the public.  My editing screen is not.

Therefore, it has something to do with editing a post.

Right now, I am attempting to zero in on what it is specifically.  If it is only happening on blogger editing, or if it is somehow connected to something else as well.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Selwyn Duke: "Let’s talk about what’s meaningful"

Restoring civilization: They can sense it. They can feel it. Something is seriously wrong in our civilization, and many people know it.


How to combat moral relativism/nihilism?  Why not some "combat"?  If the moral nihilists want to impose their morality, why not say "no, you won't either", "or, I will impose mine on you if you want to play that game".  That could be meaningful.  If you won't "fight fire with fire", you have already lost the "combat".  How is "combat" meaningful without real combat?

Workaround for the data spikes

There may be a way to continue that would not be too difficult to implement.  Here's the

Wait a minute.  Should I divulge my tactics?  It would seem that an adversary may use counter
tactics in response.  This is telegraphing the punch, so to speak.

But this isn't anything fancy.  It is pretty simple, actually.

The phone has a data enabler button.  If you disable it, no data can come across the transom
so to speak.  Therefore, I load a page for reading, and once it is loaded, I turn off the
switch.  Whatever it is that is causing the spike can no longer draw down my data.

I did this yesterday, and I used only 120 megabytes.  This is still more than what it should
have been for what I did, but it was a big improvement.

Anyway, the malware is at bay for the time being.  What to do about that?  Could do a hard
reset of the system, including the computer and the phone.  This may clear the malware,
but I would have reload my software.  A pain in the butt.

As you were, and carry on.