Saturday, September 29, 2018

Records Show Dr. Ford is NOT a Licensed Psychologist

Free Republic post, sourced as "Vanity".  The reliability of this, I am not sure.  It does seem like a reason to discredit Ford.  There was plenty already.

It is worth reading.  If truth matters, this "investigation" should wrap up pretty quickly.  But who knows?  It shouldn't be necessary in the first place.  Everybody should already know enough.

Anyway, I'll play this game.  It is aligned with truth.  If truth fails, the country fails.  It is as simple as that.

...while under oath, Ford opened her testimony saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”


The issue lies with the word “psychologist,” and Ford potentially misrepresenting herself and her credentials, an infraction that is taken very seriously in the psychology field as well as under California law.

In other words, Ford committed perjury.  Now, if that matters, which there is no guarantee that it will, she is completely discredited.  Of course, you should know that already.

This is an extensive essay at the link provided.  As they say... read it all.

More here, from Infowars, obtained from the comments.

There's a lot more on Free Republic that refutes everything Ford said, but I repeat myself.  Everybody knew this.

One more thing....

The GOP types in the Senate allowed this charade.  We now have a week more of this.  There will be a lot more of this type of garbage instead of focusing on what just happened.  They should focus only on what just happenedThey should just focus on the credibility of the testimony during the process itself.

Any investigation that takes place should weigh the credibility of what the testimony was in the circus.  Any new issues should not be taken up.  If new issues are allowed in, there will only be further delay.  That is what the Democrats are hoping for.  If the GOP allows this, the nomination will fail.

Friday, September 28, 2018

An FBI investigation?

Very disappointing.

Two ways that this is disappointing.  One is that Trump ordered it, and two that Trump said something in support of Ford.

Sorry.  I have to say this is a big disappointment for me.  Trump should not have said anything at all in support of Ford, and should have told the Senate to vote the nominee up or down.

The Senate was supposed to vote on it early next week.  He should have kept them to that schedule.

This garbage has gone on too long.  If Flake and Co. don't want to vote for the guy, then let that be so.  No sense playing this game any longer.

However, the more likely outcome now seems to be a failed nomination.  It may have been in the cards anyway, but this isn't likely to produce anything but more of the same that we have witnessed this past week.

Ever heard of "Q"?

Not this guy.

There's this guy ( or gal ) who posts on a forum, and a lot of people talk about it.  Okay, so I started to look up this character. 

It has a lot of really weird stuff that is being threatened if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

I hope they make good on the threats.  It is far better to have power when they pull a stunt like this.  Imagine if they were in power, and did something similar.  If you wanted to rebel, you would have to go against the state.

Better to have the levers of power than not to have it.

That's why they are planning to go apeshit if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Civil War II?  Bring it on.

Rosenstein will flip?

...and become Trump's best friend?: Rosenstein has no choice but to become Trump's best friend if he wants to save even a semblance of his career.

by William L. Gensert on American Thinker.  Gensert also administers a blog called "Conservative Junction."


Knock me over with a feather.

I don't know about guys who play double.  Maybe the next thing you'll hear is that "Rosie" is a cross-dresser.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

It's a big circus

If you read Instapundit, you may have noticed a counter at the end of each post.  This counter seems to indicate how much attention that post is getting, for those of you who may be wondering. 

There are no comments on that blog, so I think this is a count to how many comments there would be if there were comments.  It's a proxy for comments, I would say.

Anyway, I have never seen it so high than for these Kavanaugh hearings.   It tells me that people are paying close attention to it.

I am not.  I am taking a 30k ft. view of it.  This is my view--- it's a circus.  All of this is designed for the drama.  What will the end result be?  Hard to say.  If they think they can fool all of the people, they are quite mistaken.  They may be able to fool most of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.

If the GOP refuses to back this nominee, they will have to fool all the people all of the time for now on.  That's my 30k ft. view.

In other words, nobody is going to believe them anymore.  Why should they?  This circus is supposed to convince us of Kavanaugh's guilt?  Are you kidding me????!!!

They are going to fool some of the people some of the time with this.  But that won't help them in the future.  They ought to play the game honestly, and stop fooling around with this.

We'll see how the drama ends.  Hopefully soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rosenstein -vs- McCabe

Tweedly dee v. Tweedly dum.  Which is which?  Does it matter?

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sitting out the election is self defeating

I saw what Rush has said about the Kavanaugh nomination failing, and so forth.

If the GOP voters did that, and didn't show up on election day, who would that hurt?  It would hurt Trump.

Now, let me ask a question to those who support Trump--- do you want him to stay in office?  Because if he doesn't have enough support in the Congress, he will be impeached.

Evidently, you are growing overconfident over Mueller's failure, and you are getting deceived.  Or you are letting yourself be deceived.  Make no mistake, they will impeach if they get the chance.

As for me, I am ignoring this for a reason.  I do not consider Ford's accusation to matter one way or another.  Kavanaugh did it or he didn't, but for me, I could care less.  This is about the court, and controlling it for conservative purposes.  If you cannot support that, then you have no credibility.

Kavanaugh can be impeached if he really did something provably wrong.  The Democrats are already threatening that anyway.

The thing to do is to support Trump to the hilt, and make sure that the GOP retains the Senate.  For that matter, the entire House.  Those who are trying to blow up this nomination will have succeeded in blowing up everything ---if you give up.  Why give them this victory on a silver platter?

Staying home is not the answer if you care about nominating conservative judges in the future.  If you stay home, Trump won't get to do that.  This is true regardless of what happens with this nomination.

Whatever happens, I am voting.  So should you.

Don Surber: Chaos and incompetence in the White House press co...

Don Surber: Chaos and incompetence in the White House press co...: Jonathan Swan of Axios had another big scoop on Monday morning: Exclusive: Rod Rosenstein is resigning  It was a scoop of something that ...


A bit of a surprise.  I went to bed thinking Rosenstink was out.  Now he is back in.

After reading Surber's article here, it may well be a case of fake news.  Nobody is coming forward as the source of this story, so we don't know what the truth actually is.

Rosenstein may have wanted to get Trump out via the 25th amendment, but as I wrote before, that way is harder than impeachment.

Even Dick Morris was in on all this, so the fake isn't just with the lefties.  We have people "on our side" that fall for this too.  As for me, I don't think I wrote anything about any of this, but I could have.  The power of the lie is very powerful indeed.


It may have been sourced properly and everything.  Not sure what is going on, but The Last Refuge blog has a theory.

It seems that Rosenstein is on the way out, but the timing is what matters now.

Monday, September 24, 2018

(2013) Nancy Pelosi Told House Democrats to "Embrace the Suck." Where Did That Phrase Come From?

Maybe embracing reality is synonymous with embracing the suck?

I don't know unicorns.  Either way, it's bad.

JibJab: This land

Remember this?

They are still around, but they don't seem to make these videos now.

Embracing Reality - by Robert Ringer

Embracing Reality - by Robert Ringer: As the lying, corruption, and craziness continue unabated in Washington, it’s a reminder of just how important it is to one’s sanity to embrace reality.  Reality is synonymous with truth, but, as Baltasar Gracian, the insightful and pragmatic 17th century Jesuit priest, cautioned, “Truth is abhorred by the masses.” Instead of loving truth, most people …


Lying, corruption and craziness...  Boy does that sum things up succinctly.

Perhaps Ringer is simply restating one of Napoleon Hill's success principles of "accurate thinking".

Believing in unicorns might be more pleasant than the reality, though.  So accurate thinking may be the exception, and not the rule. 

Actually, I believe in unicorns with an attitude.  They take their horns and shove it when it needs to go.  If only...

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Senator Grassley: "We cannot delay. But we will do it anyway."



4:00 am:

Looks like a "tentative" agreement for her to testify on Thursday.  Maybe by phone?  She is supposedly afraid to travel.  It may be another stalling tactic.  Anyway, there are probably two Senators that Grassley may want to keep on board.  Maybe all this drama is for them and their
constituents.  Supposedly.


Murkowski of Alaska was primaried out of her nomination, and ran as an independent.  This was several years ago.  Maybe she can be swayed out of her vote for Kavanaugh.  Collins of Maine is in the liberal northeast.  Those two female Senators are probably holding out for the testimony.

Otherwise, why bother?

7:42 pm:

Been off the web for most of the day.  It's a data issue again.  I want to stay on track for 10 gig this month, and I used it up really quick this morning.  Anyway, I am somewhat in the dark on the news regarding this.

It appears to me, after reading through a few headlines on Free Republic, that this may get extended into next week.  As of now, I am not sure when the "deadline" is.

I have a hunch that the "three amigos" may be holding up the show.  If the GOP doesn't have them, they can't guarantee a confirmation.  Grassley may be accommodating these three.

But, to keep it in perspective, there's a lot of red state Dems up for reelection.  It may be possible to lose all three and still confirm.

But at any rate, they cannot allow themselves to be played like this.  Vote him up or down, but get it over with.

9:30 am:

I have been saying all along that this is failure theater.  They want to keep caving in to the Dems in order to throw the election to them.

Nobody is going to want to vote for these doormats, but that is the only option.  At least for the time being.

I have also said for the longest time that we need a new party.  This kind of thing has to stop.