It is worth reading. If truth matters, this "investigation" should wrap up pretty quickly. But who knows? It shouldn't be necessary in the first place. Everybody should already know enough.
Anyway, I'll play this game. It is aligned with truth. If truth fails, the country fails. It is as simple as that.
...while under oath, Ford opened her testimony saying, “My name is Christine Blasey Ford, I am a professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine.”
The issue lies with the word “psychologist,” and Ford potentially misrepresenting herself and her credentials, an infraction that is taken very seriously in the psychology field as well as under California law.
In other words, Ford committed perjury. Now, if that matters, which there is no guarantee that it will, she is completely discredited. Of course, you should know that already.
This is an extensive essay at the link provided. As they say... read it all.
More here, from Infowars, obtained from the comments.
There's a lot more on Free Republic that refutes everything Ford said, but I repeat myself. Everybody knew this.
One more thing....
The GOP types in the Senate allowed this charade. We now have a week more of this. There will be a lot more of this type of garbage instead of focusing on what just happened. They should focus only on what just happened. They should just focus on the credibility of the testimony during the process itself.
Any investigation that takes place should weigh the credibility of what the testimony was in the circus. Any new issues should not be taken up. If new issues are allowed in, there will only be further delay. That is what the Democrats are hoping for. If the GOP allows this, the nomination will fail.