Saturday, October 2, 2021

Not your grandpa's liberalism

Study shows that liberalism is a mental disorder

Political commentator Michael Savage once called liberalism a "mental disorder". Now there has been a British study that says the same thing. According to Psychology Today, lefties had "higher rates of anxiety disorder symptoms..." . Also, they tended to "be higher in neuroticism". Sounds a bit of a mental disorder to me.

Once upon a time, liberalism was considered a good many things that it doesn't today. Yesterday's liberals would argue against censorship and argue in favor of tolerance. Not so much these days. Go against a liberal, and you may get doxxed, cancelled or both.

Lately I've been calling them "commies". That's because the commies have hijacked the word "liberal" and replaced it with their own definition. So yesterday's liberalism isn't today's liberalism, because today's liberalism is communist.

The late Rush Limbaugh once said that "words mean things". Evidently, words really don't mean what you think they mean anymore. Not only are liberals not liberal, but conservatives aren't really conservative either.

If you can't find the right bathroom, something's wrong somewhere. Yet you have "conservatives" like Cheney who can't seem to find the right place to be politically. She seems to fit in better with the commies these days, but insists upon being called a conservative. Unless you get a better handle on what words mean, you are just wasting your time in arguing about these things. Frankly to me, everything seems turned upside down. It's Alice in Wonderland time. It's no surprise to me that liberals are nuts. They aren't alone.

Headed for a quack-up


If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a duck


The link is in reference to a story about Ill Duce not taking any questions from the Democrats' caucus when he came to visit Congress. It was described as "not normal". Now, this reminds me of the old Soviet Union, in which so much mystery surrounded the ill leaders, that when they died, the news wasn't immediately released.

Shoot, they could wheel in a dummy, which looks like Biden, and do what he's doing. Wait a minute! That IS what they are doing. But all joking aside, the deepening mystery of Joe Biden's condition fits in really well with the Soviet pattern. Just another piece in the puzzle which shows that this is an emerging communist state in this country.

If anybody doubts that, remember the old saying about it walking like a duck, and quacking like a duck, it must be a duck. If they are going to govern like commies, then they ARE commies. It makes no difference that they claim otherwise. Just look and see for yourself.

It's "not normal" all right. Nothing about this is normal, and it isn't getting better. It is getting worse. This guy's condition should be front page news and would be if the President was a member of the GOP. It's all rather one-sided, and that's another feature of communism. As I was sayin'...

Friday, October 1, 2021

PCR test for Covid revisited


Market Ticker: You Can't Use "Cases"


Yeah, there was none other than St. Fauci himself saying you cannot use a PCR test to check for Covid because the number was too high. At the time, it was 40. What is it now?

The article linked elaborates a bit more on that pesky PCR number that nobody wants to talk about, especially the people doing your test. Here is something interesting: the higher the number, the less able you are to culture a virus. The number that was being used was so high that it was statistically impossible to culture a virus. Cases? We don't need any stinking cases.

Strong indication of fraud, is that. ( a bit of Yoda-speak)

Learning from mistakes

It seemed so common-sense in the past, but maybe now it is downright uncommon. Not only are the commies unwilling to listen to logic, reason, and evidence; they also ignore history. After all, if you wanted to prevent slavery, then you would keep it in the history books so as to learn from it. What was that quote? "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." The cancel culture wants to topple statues, but while doing it, are seeking to cut off the links from the past that would enable those in the present to avoid the mistakes of the past. It was once so ingrained in the psyche that it became common-sense. Alas, even common sense is in disrepute amongst the wokesters.

I'm trying to develop the habit of relating and assimilating the success principles in the book called "Success Through A Postive Mental Attitude". It just so happens that the above title is one of the 17 success principles mentioned in that book. Actually, it is called "learning from defeat." It isn't a new book for me. I've had it for nearly 40 years. So why have I not had success? Well, one theory is that I've really not related it and assimilated it for myself. But there are 17 principles, and this is just one of them. So maybe this is not "it". However, it is worthwhile to brush up on them all.

One way to learn a thing is to observe others. So I'm observing how this country is stumbling through the Covid thing and I've noted that nobody seems to trust the old ways. It is all too "whitey" for the wokesters. Is that book too "whitey", too? Seems like everything is too "whitey" anymore. If it is white, it's not right to these people. You have to wonder if that's where the problem is. People don't seem to respect those who came before. "Progess" is taken for granted, as if it were like "money growing on trees". Oops! Money really does grow on trees, at least according to the wokesters.

Money printing is going to lead to inflation. It already has, and it is getting worse. Of course, if you don't follow history, you'll never know that. If you don't use logic, reason, and evidence, you won't know that. If you listen to CNN, you will definitely not know that. Commies don't want you to see it coming, nor do they want you to know that they are the source of the troubles that are mounting daily. Inflation is but one of those things that is destined to get worse.

All of this that I've written seems to go all over the place, but it is tied together by one common thread. If you are going to insist upon being stupid, do be aware that this stupidity will have its consequences. Chucking logic, reason, evidence, and history into the dumpster is just plain stupid.

When things are going wrong all over the place, it may be time to reconsider how you got to this place. To do that, you have to know what you did prior. For example, if you get lost in the woods, it may be useful to remember how you got where you are in the first place, so you can retrace your steps and get out. But that would take some history, some logic, some reason, and some evidence. Just saying.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Covid madness

Lots of ways to skin the cat, but media says only one way


The Pravda media has no credibility, but I repeat myself.

Maybe you could make a living out of debunking the media, except that everyone depends upon the monopoliistic corporations for everything.

It should be obvious what to do, but why is it so hard? Maybe it is because you have to start all over. You have to learn how to do everything that has been forgotten because we became so "advanced". Sub-Sahara Africa is doing better than we are with Covid. They are marked as the least capable people on the planet. If that is so, what does it make US now?

We've descended into Idiocracy. The movie was effectively banned because it was too close to the truth.

Off-grid post, 9-30-21


Here's a simple way to test for soil ph without any testing equipment. How does it work? It only requires vinegar and baking soda. Vinegar is acidic, and baking soda is alkaline. Divide the soil sample into two parts, and test each part to see if there's a reaction. If it fizzes like alka seltzer, you've got your answer. Test each one for the "fizz". Very simple.

A Homer Simpson moment--- D'oh! Why couldn't I think of that?

Since my seedlings won't grow worth a flip, I need to do some detective work to figure out why not. Testing for ph is a way to start.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Pretenders--- Back on the chain gang

Pretenders: Back on the chain gang-- lyrics

This song popped into my head when I started to reflect upon the medical tyranny these days. Biden wants 97% of everybody jabbed even though he has no power to make such a requirement. Nor does Congress, but they'll try it if Biden fails.

The mandate from hell relates with the song, in my opinion. The ones that claim to want to free us only want to put us in chains. Isn't that what Biden said once? But look who's actually doing it.

Back in the chain gang, the song goes. You have to wonder about the ideology of the creator of this song. Did the creator of it equate it with capitalism or socialism? In Khrushev's book, he expressed incredulity at being at the head of a slave state such as the Soviet Union. Now our government is acting like that now defunct state.

As Reagan said, and I'll remind folks for as long as this blog continues, it isn't about left or right, but about slavery or freedom. Freedom doesn't come from top-down societies like the Soviet Union; but from "we the people", who these politicians have decided to enslave for their own benefit.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Communism leads to cults of personality

It certainly happened with Stalin and Mao. I would venture that their hostility to religion is based upon the rivalry with God. In other words, they became Gods on Earth.

A story I remember hearing about Castro's regime in Cuba comes to mind. In the early days of the so-called revolution, they started in on the kids in schools. The story went like this. A commie addressed a class and asked the kids to pray for ice cream. When no ice cream appeared, then they asked the kids if they wanted any ice cream. Of course they did, so the commies had some ice cream brought in.

The moral of that story is that they intended to replace God. That means that they are God in the flesh, as far as the people there in Cuba were concerned.

So, now in the once Good 'ol USA, the commies wish to be the supplier of everything. When the inevitable failures occur, they'll kill you for opposing their "paradise". Notice how quiet things seem to have gotten with respect to Cuba. Even if there are protests, you'll never hear about them, because the commies here will censor any news. They don't want you to know what they are up to.

If anybody objects to being called a commie, then stop acting like them. If anybody objects to me being critical of those who refuse to oppose them, then get off your duff and get busy. Like the Canadian Prepper says, 'it's getting real' out there.

Anyway, they said Trump wanted to be a cult of personality. As usual, they lied. I don't think he would have done anything like this crap. In fact, I am certain of it. That's why we are getting blasted with it now. It's punishment from the new Lords and Masters, who think they are God. By definition, that is a cult of personality, so look who's talking.

Canadian Prepper

He says things are getting real...


He talks awhile about his troubles with Big Tech. In particular, he mentions his problems with Facebook and PayPal. This isn't to be taken as a personal gripe section, but as a warning.

Come to think of it, some of what he said rings true in my own case. Paypal is getting a bit out of hand. It's just very, very poor customer service. So now they are so big that they can be rude to customers without any fear of being put out of business. It's no way to run a railroad, so to speak.

But that's how it is today, and it is getting worse.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Why the GOP is irrelevant


What I decided to do in response to the Arizona legislature's audit of the 2020 vote was to shut down my own research of it. This was pretty much validated as the correct thing to do, because the failure to ACT on the information presented renders such activity meaningless. So, I just now was listening to Bongino's podcast, and I think: what a waste of time. I shut it off. What can I write here to explain myself so that it can be easily understood?

Maybe it really isn't rocket science here. Those who try to obfuscate are making it all sound so terribly, terribly complicated. But it isn't really. You boil it all down, and it is nothing but a scam. Both parties are scamming us. Okay? Simple enough? But what are my grounds for such a claim?

How do you prove somebody is scamming you? In this case, I'll say anytime when something doesn't make sense, then you can suspect a scam. For example, why would the legislature order an audit, but do nothing in response to it when it is finished? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to do it unless the whole point was to MISLEAD people. What are they misleading us about?

For an answer to that, first realize that the Arizona legislature has certain powers to act, if they so chose. For instance, if they chose to pass a resolution in response the the audit that votes up or down a certain proposition, then there is nothing that the Federal government can do to stop it, nor is there any power anywhere that I know that would prevent it except the legislature itself. If that proposition was that the election outcome was validated or invalidated, then you have a RESULT that is worthy of note. Otherwise, there seems little point in the entire exercise. The resolution may not have any legal binding but it IS important to have a meaningful response to the information presented. Punting the matter to the Arizona Attorney General isn't very impressive.

Here's a sidebar here to further get across a point I hope to make: In the book, You Can Negotiate Anything, the late Herb Cohen said something about POWER that may be worth repeating here. He said that in any negotiation that the way POWER works is that if you think you have it, you have it. This is true even when you don't have it. If you don't think you have POWER, then you don't have it even though YOU DO.

When I observe the way the GOP acts and the way the Democrats act, I see that same dynamic. The Democrats act AS IF they have power that they DON'T have, while the GOP acts like they DON'T have power when they DO. The result is that the Democrats can make all kinds of silly, absurd claims that they have no business making; and the GOP will act like there's not a DAMNED thing that they can do about it. In other words, the Democrats always act like they are the Majority party even when they aren't, and the GOP always acts like the minority party even when they aren't. The late Rush Limbaugh used to talk about this very thing.

This is a scam. I'm not buying into the scam anymore if I can help it. When the GOP starts to act like they mean business about anything, then I'll pay more attention. This is all a dog and pony show.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Giving in to fear is the path to defeat


State in India has 5% jabbed, but no deaths. Its neighbor is over 50% jabbed, and Covid is out of control. 'Nuff said.


Good essay on Free Republic. I would add that Norway is going to treat it as no more significant than the flu. It also happens that Norway has been taken over by commies. Based upon the mentioned essay linked to above, the fact was mentioned that the commies need fear in order to dominate. So, if you were to observe the takeover in Norway, could you not conclude that as soon as they no longer need to overcome capitalism, they do away with the covid fear campaign.

The war ends with a defeat of communism or a victory of communism. The communists are using it as a war strategy. Once the commies achieve victory, it will no longer need covid to scare people, because their power will now intimidate their opponents. That's how commies operate.

Giving in to fear is the path to defeat.