Saturday, September 11, 2021

Geothermal system for climate control

This is an idea that I've toyed around with in the past. The idea, not the implementation. Implementation would require a lot of digging, which I don't have the notion to be doing just yet.

The idea here is to use 3/4 inch water pipe routed to a radiator type arrangement. The water pipe would have to transit to 10 feet underground, where it will be cooled down and then routed through the radiator at ground level for the cooling effect.

Evaluating the thing leads me to some skepticism as to its effectiveness. The heat exchange between the ground and the water pipe has to take place during that 400 foot length of pipe. If the heat exchange of that magnitude is feasible in that period, then maybe it can work. However, you have to move the water at a high rate to make much of an impact.

I've been told that a 1 hp water pump can move 1500 gallons per hour. At that rate, the water can transit the entire length of tube once over 7 seconds or so. It's moving at a high rate of speed. That also means that the heat exchange between the ground has to be occuring at a high rate of speed too. Count me skeptical there.

Nevertheless, it could be a starting point. The dude doesn't mention a water reservoir. I think that a 2000 gallon reservoir could exchange all the water in a little more than an hour. If so, it will have had time to do a heat exchange with the ground, but that is still a lot of heat movement in a short period of time. It may work for an hour or two, but not all day is what I'm thinking.

The Hamlet moment is passing

With respect to the latest from the regime, I haven't had a response yet. I'm having a Hamlet moment with regards to that. That is to say, to bleat or not to bleat, that is the question.

Bleating seems so yesterday, though. We are now embarking upon something new, and something new is needed. Bleating about how horrible it all is just doesn't seem to be geting much done.

So my Hamlet moment was whether or not to bleat some more, as if that actually accomplishes anything. Clearly it has not, because nothing constructive seems to get done.

Nature abhors a vaccuum-- such is what appears to be the case here. Power is being applied in one direction only. There is no power being applied to counter it. If no power is applied to oppose it, it may mean no such power exists. Therefore, to bleat is only to show one's powerlessness. I don't like being put into such a situation. I'd like to think I have some power even if in fact, I have it not.

One power that everyone does have is whether or not to cooperate with this latest from the regime. If you don't cooperate, they will get nasty. So be it. I don't know if I am ready for the nastiness to come, but I am at least aware that it is likely to come. Bleating isn't going to stop it, nor is it going to make it feel any better.

I'm done with bleating. I am resigned to the nastiness to come. Hopefully, I can handle it, but there are no guarantees.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

What is and what isn't


The title really is just another way of saying "truth". For example, what is this country? I'd say that the country doesn't seem to know what it is anymore. The state of the union is CONFUSION. The confusion is being caused by SOMETHING, but being confused, it is a bit hard to unravel it and end the confusion.

We do know a few things. There are those who wish to tear down statues. There was one of Robert E. Lee that was torn down in Virginia very recently. Robert E Lee was a significant historical figure. What is the point of taking down the statue, but to erase the name from history books? But what purpose is there of that, unless it is to change who we are? After all, history is an important part of who you are. If they want to rewrite history, then that is a way of changing who we are. In the meantime, there are going to be a lot of confused people out there. If nothing happens to counter that confusion, it will remain so until the time that a resolution occurs. In the end, the history of Robert E Lee will have erased from the collective memory of the nation. We won't be confused anymore, but we will not be the same nation as we were. In fact, there may not be a nation at all anymore.

So it goes on down the line. These people want to change the nature of this country. There are those of us who do not think that this is a good idea. There is no confusion there. There is a division, those who support a traditional view, and those who wish to impose a radical view. Those who tear down statues are radicals. They wish to make us think the way that they think. Hence, there can be no more statues like the one of Robert E. Lee. This is but one thing that they are after. There are many other things. The end result is all this confusion.

The forces that are behind this change are the sources of the confusion. If they really wanted understanding, they'd would try reasoned argument. But that is not their way. Their way is of coercion. Note that everything with these people involves the use of force against those with whom they have an disagreement. They are wildly intolerant of opposition. They are dishonest in the extreme. These are not the traditional values of this society, and the society that falls to these types will no longer be a tolerant nor decent society. Perhaps there will no "society" at all, as we have understood it.

What is the way out? One way is to have a made up mind. If you cannot make up your mind about who you are, then somebody else will be glad to do it for you. Thus, this gives these types an opening to do their damage. It comes down to this: either we keep what we have, or we let them take it away from us. That is because that is what these people intend. There is no other way to look at it. They take away the statues, they take away the Bill of Rights, they take away the Constitution, and then they will have destroyed all that, and replaced it with something else. Which way will it be? Their way, or the one we have had in the past?

You can make up your mind to oppose them, or they will decide for you. One way or another, the matter will be decided. Confusion is not a stable situation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Would Elon Musk use this rocket concept?

Tokomak rocket engine concept video


There are some interesting concepts for rocket engines out there. There's one for a pulse detonation type, and then there was this one linked above. ( embed code below)

It looks as if it would use a nuclear fusion type process to create the plasma, which is then expelled at great velocity out of a nozzle. The idea could possibly be used to reduce the transit time to Mars by months.

It looks like the barriers to colonizing the Red Planet are slowly being overcome. The remaining hurdle does appear to be the inefficiency of chemical rockets. That allows me to segue into another concept that Musk wants to develop ( note: the nuclear one was not his). Musk wants to scale up his Starship to an gargantuan 60 feet in diameter rocket. It would gain in efficiency by sheer massive size. That would be Musk's way of doing things. The nuclear thing, maybe not.

The amount that could be lifted to orbit in this gargantuan machine could be 8 times as much. This could be a massive 800 tons to orbit. ( That is based upon memory, so it could be off a bit.) The Sea Dragon rocket concept was somewhat smaller. The Sea Dragon would have launched from the ocean, if you can imagine that. It would have lifted maybe 500 tons to orbit. Such sizes confers benefits in cost per pound into orbit, thus the attraction.

...the tokomak rocket concept video follows:

Newsflash There is such a thing as male and female! Whoda thunk...

Anatomical differences between males and females, starting with the skull

Something I didn't know. There was a death with respect to females attempting to do male type things. Male skulls are thicker and heavier than females. A heavy blow to the head can be fatal for females, not necessarily for males. Proven in the ring just recently...

When I was a teenager, there was this girl next door, who liked to brag about her physical fitness level. She was "very superior", don't you know. I don't know who challenged who, but we ended up in a footrace. I can tell ya, I was no Carl Lewis. Not that fast, but I beat the "very superior" girl. You cannot tell me that there isn't a difference. The hips are all different. Of course there are other things as well.

If you are sane, you know it is true. Insanity has been defined as a "violent contest with reality". That's the left in a nutshell.

The window of opportunity is closing fast

The District of Columbia votes Democrat at about a 90+% rate in Presidential Elections. This is an indication of something truly wrong with the system there, and it has been true for decades. You only see voting percentages like that in a country like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, or Hitler's Germany. DC is the center of the Federal Government, and as such, is totally out of control. There is a way to deal with that, but that window is closing soon. Once it closes, there will be no way to change the situation without blooshed. We will be as screwed as the people in Saddam's Iraq, or Hilterite Germany.

The way out is a constitution convention, otherwise known as an Article V convention of states. The states do have that power, and the power is virtually unchecked. For this reason, a number of conservative people have opposed it on the grounds of a "runaway convention".

If that is in the cards, then there is no opportunity at all. Let us presume, at least for the sake of argument, that the opportunity does exist. One argument for its existence is that the states and the federals have different interests. It is not in the interest in the states to cede all of it authority to the federal government. But if it doesn't act soon, all the powers that the states have now will be forfeited. An Article V convention of states can redress the power imbalances that exist NOW, and must be addressed NOW.

This is another topic mentioned many times on this blog, but there is very little that seems to be going on. There are a few movements out there, but nothing appears imminent and gaining any ground.

We probably have less than a year to organize this and get it ratified. Unless a miracle happens, the power will be shifted to Washington DC forever, unless there is a bloodshed that will stop it. That seems rather unlikely as well.

If freedom is lost, it will be lost because of the lack of will to defend it. This is probably the last chance. These truths must be evident if they are not self-evident. I think they are self-evident, but there are way too many people who are willfully blind to the times. If these truths are not self-evident, then somehow they must become that way and very, very soon.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021


This word has been discussed many times here on this blog. Is it such an easy thing to know, or is it a hard thing to know? Judging by how the world is always at each other throat, maybe that word isn't so easy to know. Or maybe it is, and the world just doesn't give a hoop in hades about it.

It was asked of me what I really believed in. Shoot, I thought that was what I've been doing all this time. It may be of a shock to discover that I haven't been doing that, but doing something else. Indeed, quite the shock.

At the risk of sounding like a post-modernist, the "truth" ( meaning how one views it ) differs from person-to-person. Thus, you can get "my truth" and "your truth". My "truth" thusly defined isn't universal truth, it is only from my own perspective. Therefore, anybody can say that, but is it universal truth, or just a lot of nonsense?

The words that are used are vital. There needs to be a common understanding of what the words mean, or otherwise, there is just confusion. If you don't know what the words mean, you may as well be speaking a different language. You may use words that sound the same, look the same, but aren't the same because the words mean different things to different people. Truth can be like that. So it isn't post-modernist to say that somebody's "truth" can be different from "my truth". But one thing that is hard to argue with, and that such a view of "truth" cannot be universal. If "my truth" is different from "your truth", then how can there be a universal truth? If there was, then doesn't that invalidate anything different? Then "my truth" and "your truth" can both be wrong. As such, the words become meaningless. It has to have a universal meaning in order to any meaning at all.

I can say that it is the truth as I see it, with the caveat that I am not always right. I would allow for the possibility of error on my part. Some folks would object, and say that you really don't believe it then, if you could be persuaded otherwise.

I don't see truth as subject to one's whim or desires. It is what it is, and it is entirely independent upon what one wishes it to be. Hence, if you are born with one Y chromosome and an X, then you are male. Two X's means female. There can be no argument otherwise. To argue against it is folly. But there are people today who will argue what appears to me to be absolute nonsense that males can be females, and vice versa. To me, that is truth. Not this other stuff that is going around these days--that males and females are a thing that one decides for oneself.

My understanding of post-modernism is that it give the latitude to say that you can wish a thing to be so, and so it is. Therefore, Bruce Jenner can say that he is a she, and that is so. Pure nonsense.

Some many things have been corrupted in this way. It is the most simple of explanations. When I was growing up, it was kind of a litmus test for determining if you were in your right mind. If you didn't know if you were a boy or a girl, then there was something wrong upstairs, know what I mean Vern?

For somebody like me, and I'm in my sixties, the world just seems to have gone stark raving mad. It is called "progress". More progress like this, and we are done for. As far as I'm concerned, that is the gold standard of truth right there. I see "progressivism" as a soft word for communism. I read a book by Khrushev who claimed that communists were progressive. They do think so. But communists are really warped human beings in my book. Unfortunately, there are too many people who don't know that they are helping the communists destroy this country. Progressivism is bunk. There would be hope for this country if the universal understanding of it was that way.

You can call what I wrote as "truth", or you can call it whatever you want. In the end, it is the one who fights best is the one who wins out. If the commies out fight us, then we lose, and we won't be free anymore. You can "take that one to the bank".

Commies have said that communism has to be world wide to succeed. Communism can never succeed no matter how many people they enslave. It is a lie. The commies are not driven by anything but their own impulses, yet they claim to be driven by a love of humanity. They love everybody so much that they have to kill millions. And they do it so well. That ought to tell you all you need to know about them.

You can learn something from a silly experiment like this


glowing hot metal ball versus various substances

This first struck me as a silly video. But a closer look at it will reveal some interesting observations. Isn't that what science is all about? The people who screech loudly about science don't care about science, because to care about science means you have to THINK. They'd rather not do that, and just yell their magic words.

The thing I saw was that the hot metal ball will take a long time to cool off. An equal volume of liquid WON'T cool it down. That seems significant to me. Why? There's a lot of HEAT inside that ball, wouldn't you think? Lots of heat means that lots of heat TRAPPED. Isn't that what they say about carbon dioxide gas? It is supposed to have all that heat trapping ability.

But the ball has a lot more. There's a principle involved here, if you THINK. That is what science is about. It is not about yelling magic words to get you to believe something is true. It is a search for truth and discovery about what the truth actually is.

The observations are about pretty fundamental things about solids, liquids, and gases. Stuff that our so-called educational system doesn't teach anymore. The reason is so that they can sell you magic words like "science", as opposed to learning what science actually is, and doing it yourself! Science is about replicating somebody else's experiments, and proving or disproving their findings. It is not about shouting slogans at people and demanding that they believe because some government paid hack said it.

Commies need covid

 Thus the need for measures that don"t work, and the hysterical opposition to measures that do work.

Without covid, their attempts to install communism would be much more complicated.

If covid could have been stopped early, they wouldn't be in power now.

More people need to die, so covid madness must go on.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Japan halts use of Moderna jab

Reports of particulate matter in the injections.

Prime Minister to step down. Unpopular covid policies.

Harvard Study demolishes case for "vaccine" passports

A Death Blow to Vaccine Passports?


...vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity from COVID.

...vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical

Media reports show that no fewer than 15 academic studies have found that natural immunity offers immense protection from COVID-19.

Moreover, CDC research shows that vaccinated individuals still get infected with COVID-19 and carry just as much of the virus in their throat and nasal passage as unvaccinated individuals

Welcome to the Jungle

Bird's got some moves.