Tuesday, September 7, 2021

You can learn something from a silly experiment like this


glowing hot metal ball versus various substances

This first struck me as a silly video. But a closer look at it will reveal some interesting observations. Isn't that what science is all about? The people who screech loudly about science don't care about science, because to care about science means you have to THINK. They'd rather not do that, and just yell their magic words.

The thing I saw was that the hot metal ball will take a long time to cool off. An equal volume of liquid WON'T cool it down. That seems significant to me. Why? There's a lot of HEAT inside that ball, wouldn't you think? Lots of heat means that lots of heat TRAPPED. Isn't that what they say about carbon dioxide gas? It is supposed to have all that heat trapping ability.

But the ball has a lot more. There's a principle involved here, if you THINK. That is what science is about. It is not about yelling magic words to get you to believe something is true. It is a search for truth and discovery about what the truth actually is.

The observations are about pretty fundamental things about solids, liquids, and gases. Stuff that our so-called educational system doesn't teach anymore. The reason is so that they can sell you magic words like "science", as opposed to learning what science actually is, and doing it yourself! Science is about replicating somebody else's experiments, and proving or disproving their findings. It is not about shouting slogans at people and demanding that they believe because some government paid hack said it.

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