Thursday, September 9, 2021

What is and what isn't


The title really is just another way of saying "truth". For example, what is this country? I'd say that the country doesn't seem to know what it is anymore. The state of the union is CONFUSION. The confusion is being caused by SOMETHING, but being confused, it is a bit hard to unravel it and end the confusion.

We do know a few things. There are those who wish to tear down statues. There was one of Robert E. Lee that was torn down in Virginia very recently. Robert E Lee was a significant historical figure. What is the point of taking down the statue, but to erase the name from history books? But what purpose is there of that, unless it is to change who we are? After all, history is an important part of who you are. If they want to rewrite history, then that is a way of changing who we are. In the meantime, there are going to be a lot of confused people out there. If nothing happens to counter that confusion, it will remain so until the time that a resolution occurs. In the end, the history of Robert E Lee will have erased from the collective memory of the nation. We won't be confused anymore, but we will not be the same nation as we were. In fact, there may not be a nation at all anymore.

So it goes on down the line. These people want to change the nature of this country. There are those of us who do not think that this is a good idea. There is no confusion there. There is a division, those who support a traditional view, and those who wish to impose a radical view. Those who tear down statues are radicals. They wish to make us think the way that they think. Hence, there can be no more statues like the one of Robert E. Lee. This is but one thing that they are after. There are many other things. The end result is all this confusion.

The forces that are behind this change are the sources of the confusion. If they really wanted understanding, they'd would try reasoned argument. But that is not their way. Their way is of coercion. Note that everything with these people involves the use of force against those with whom they have an disagreement. They are wildly intolerant of opposition. They are dishonest in the extreme. These are not the traditional values of this society, and the society that falls to these types will no longer be a tolerant nor decent society. Perhaps there will no "society" at all, as we have understood it.

What is the way out? One way is to have a made up mind. If you cannot make up your mind about who you are, then somebody else will be glad to do it for you. Thus, this gives these types an opening to do their damage. It comes down to this: either we keep what we have, or we let them take it away from us. That is because that is what these people intend. There is no other way to look at it. They take away the statues, they take away the Bill of Rights, they take away the Constitution, and then they will have destroyed all that, and replaced it with something else. Which way will it be? Their way, or the one we have had in the past?

You can make up your mind to oppose them, or they will decide for you. One way or another, the matter will be decided. Confusion is not a stable situation.

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