Tuesday, September 7, 2021


This word has been discussed many times here on this blog. Is it such an easy thing to know, or is it a hard thing to know? Judging by how the world is always at each other throat, maybe that word isn't so easy to know. Or maybe it is, and the world just doesn't give a hoop in hades about it.

It was asked of me what I really believed in. Shoot, I thought that was what I've been doing all this time. It may be of a shock to discover that I haven't been doing that, but doing something else. Indeed, quite the shock.

At the risk of sounding like a post-modernist, the "truth" ( meaning how one views it ) differs from person-to-person. Thus, you can get "my truth" and "your truth". My "truth" thusly defined isn't universal truth, it is only from my own perspective. Therefore, anybody can say that, but is it universal truth, or just a lot of nonsense?

The words that are used are vital. There needs to be a common understanding of what the words mean, or otherwise, there is just confusion. If you don't know what the words mean, you may as well be speaking a different language. You may use words that sound the same, look the same, but aren't the same because the words mean different things to different people. Truth can be like that. So it isn't post-modernist to say that somebody's "truth" can be different from "my truth". But one thing that is hard to argue with, and that such a view of "truth" cannot be universal. If "my truth" is different from "your truth", then how can there be a universal truth? If there was, then doesn't that invalidate anything different? Then "my truth" and "your truth" can both be wrong. As such, the words become meaningless. It has to have a universal meaning in order to any meaning at all.

I can say that it is the truth as I see it, with the caveat that I am not always right. I would allow for the possibility of error on my part. Some folks would object, and say that you really don't believe it then, if you could be persuaded otherwise.

I don't see truth as subject to one's whim or desires. It is what it is, and it is entirely independent upon what one wishes it to be. Hence, if you are born with one Y chromosome and an X, then you are male. Two X's means female. There can be no argument otherwise. To argue against it is folly. But there are people today who will argue what appears to me to be absolute nonsense that males can be females, and vice versa. To me, that is truth. Not this other stuff that is going around these days--that males and females are a thing that one decides for oneself.

My understanding of post-modernism is that it give the latitude to say that you can wish a thing to be so, and so it is. Therefore, Bruce Jenner can say that he is a she, and that is so. Pure nonsense.

Some many things have been corrupted in this way. It is the most simple of explanations. When I was growing up, it was kind of a litmus test for determining if you were in your right mind. If you didn't know if you were a boy or a girl, then there was something wrong upstairs, know what I mean Vern?

For somebody like me, and I'm in my sixties, the world just seems to have gone stark raving mad. It is called "progress". More progress like this, and we are done for. As far as I'm concerned, that is the gold standard of truth right there. I see "progressivism" as a soft word for communism. I read a book by Khrushev who claimed that communists were progressive. They do think so. But communists are really warped human beings in my book. Unfortunately, there are too many people who don't know that they are helping the communists destroy this country. Progressivism is bunk. There would be hope for this country if the universal understanding of it was that way.

You can call what I wrote as "truth", or you can call it whatever you want. In the end, it is the one who fights best is the one who wins out. If the commies out fight us, then we lose, and we won't be free anymore. You can "take that one to the bank".

Commies have said that communism has to be world wide to succeed. Communism can never succeed no matter how many people they enslave. It is a lie. The commies are not driven by anything but their own impulses, yet they claim to be driven by a love of humanity. They love everybody so much that they have to kill millions. And they do it so well. That ought to tell you all you need to know about them.

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