Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Hamlet moment is passing

With respect to the latest from the regime, I haven't had a response yet. I'm having a Hamlet moment with regards to that. That is to say, to bleat or not to bleat, that is the question.

Bleating seems so yesterday, though. We are now embarking upon something new, and something new is needed. Bleating about how horrible it all is just doesn't seem to be geting much done.

So my Hamlet moment was whether or not to bleat some more, as if that actually accomplishes anything. Clearly it has not, because nothing constructive seems to get done.

Nature abhors a vaccuum-- such is what appears to be the case here. Power is being applied in one direction only. There is no power being applied to counter it. If no power is applied to oppose it, it may mean no such power exists. Therefore, to bleat is only to show one's powerlessness. I don't like being put into such a situation. I'd like to think I have some power even if in fact, I have it not.

One power that everyone does have is whether or not to cooperate with this latest from the regime. If you don't cooperate, they will get nasty. So be it. I don't know if I am ready for the nastiness to come, but I am at least aware that it is likely to come. Bleating isn't going to stop it, nor is it going to make it feel any better.

I'm done with bleating. I am resigned to the nastiness to come. Hopefully, I can handle it, but there are no guarantees.

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