Friday, June 25, 2021

Quislings gotta quisling

They are not idiots, Sen. Graham. They are Quislings.

Biden negotiated in bad faith, but bad faith is what drives them. If they don't know that, then they are idiots. But how can they fail to know that? That makes them traitors to the principles for which they claim to support.

How can it be otherwise? If those who call the Quislings "idiots" aren't secret Quislings themselves, then they are the idiots.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Off-grid post, 6.24.21

The second shot at getting tomato seeds to germinate appears to have succeeded. Unless this is something other than tomato. Maybe it could be a weed. The weeds around here need no prodding in order to grow.

Come to think of it, weeds won't grow everywhere. There was a time when I burned a lot of paper, and left the ashes on the ground. The Loma Prieta thing didn't work that time, as the weeds would not grow there at all. Nothing did for a long time.

Loma Prieta is understood to mean the technique of burning the ground of all vegetation. It imparts fertility to the soil, or so the theory goes. It is possible I've gotten it mixed up with something else.

At any rate, the "hanging basket" is now sporting something that is growing. I obtained a grow light and fixture, and moved the little thing indoors. Now we'll see if the growth continues.

A little philosophy here: the idea to do this must have sprung from the tendency of modern society to continue making all of us obsolete. At least, that is the way it appears. Hence, for a truck driver, the idea of self-driving vehicles eliminates the job of driving a truck. A machine takes over and it become necessary to do something else. Otherwise, become a ward of the state.

Some folks may interpret that as Luddite, but not yours truly. In fact, if there are any Luddites, it is these guys. If they can eliminate the need for labor, what need do they have for people? Think hard about that one.

It isn't actual Luddite ideas, but it certainly isn't friendly to people.

At any rate, the need to grow your own food may become more and more obvious.

The continual rush towards more and more mechanization has certainly made life much easier. But that has come at a cost. When this nation was founded, the Industrial Revolution was just getting started. A very high percentage of the public lived on farms and raised their own food. Such an organizing principle was highly valued amongst some in that age. The concentration of people in large cities was seen as a threat. As time marched on, it is my opinion that these agrarians may have been on to something.

But not Luddite philosophy for me. Perhaps a bit of a balance between the two. The overwhelming urbanization has led to ills we face today. If people wanted to free themselves from it, it could be possible. But the government sits on top of everything, and controls everything. Freedom is being replaced with an overwhelming control.

That's the perspective I bring to this project. I have the handicap of coming to that understanding at an advanced age. What if I had done this earlier? One could only imagine.

A nuking in the future

If Arizona forensic audit news is truly a bombshell, it won't need to be hyped as such.

Besides, reports are that Il Duce is threatening to nuke Americans. No more need for hype.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Another argument against the left vs right construct

As many who read here know already, there has been plenty of criticism here based upon this political construct. It should be discarded for yet another reason---it isn't very useful to get to the point of differences between the two sides.

That's because the two sides really aren't about IDEAS. They are about tribes. Its the blue tribe vs the red tribe. It isn't about what the two sides purportedly favor--or to put it another way, their ideas. The ideas are a prop to argue in favor of their own tribe versus the other.

Once you grasp that, then the idea that everything is about race comes into focus. If it were about equality, that would be IDEAS. But if it's about race, then it isn't about IDEAS, but TRIBES instead.

Furthermore, the two sides aren't really that far apart. You can tell that in the language. The left uses very hard language against the "right", but the right generally doesn't reciprocate. If it were about IDEAS, and if the "right" was really a polar opposite to the left on IDEAS, then shouldn't the right be a bit more vehement in their opposition?

However, if the IDEAS of the so-called "opposing" sides were really all that different on IDEAS, then there wouldn't be that big of a disagreement. Therefore, there really isn't much of a difference between the two sides on IDEAS. It's all about whose TRIBE is going to prevail.

Since it isn't about IDEAS, then hypocrisy is to be expected. It never really was about IDEAS, then. It NEVER is. It's all about who runs the show. The IDEAS will be fundamentally the same, even if the pretense is that the IDEAS are so different. That's because it's about WHO not WHAT. If it were about IDEAS, we wouldn't be talking about TRIBES. We'd be talking about IDEAS, which is definitely not the case when one side is loaded with "deplorables".

If it were about IDEAS, then it would be about FREEDOM, not who gets to run the show. Likewise, it would be about EQUALITY, instead about WHO is more racist.

This is a clever conflation of one thing for another, and using it as a prop in order to get an advantage of one group over another. That's what it is about, and it is a commie idea.

Those who label themselves as "right" are being mentally lazy, or they are complicit with the con-job. For anybody who can recognize an idea for what it is, and a group for what it is, should definitely be able to tell the difference between the two.

The Real Stakes In The Voting Rights Bill Lunch Alert!

The Real Stakes In The Voting Rights Bill Lunch Alert!


In contravention of a Supreme Court ruling which forbids this, Manchin's bill would have delegated election rules to IL Duce's Dept. of Injustice.

Morris doesn't say it that way, or not exactly, but that is what it would have done.

The good news is that it failed. The bad news is that such an attempt was even made.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dozens of companies want Senate to nationalize elections


Claiming "abusive state election laws".


Once upon a time, there was a post on this blog warning about corporations. Corporations have become a branch of the government. Corporations are created by the government, and now are in lockstep with bigger government. The Corporations are doing what governments cannot do legally. The government is using the corporations to get around the constitution.

If there's anything abusive, it is the relationship between the government and corporations.

Obama wants it passed before the next election. Why the hurry? Is it to cover up something they did?

Monday, June 21, 2021

A few points

 About Morris' video:

1) It could pass by end of the week

2)  Manchin has been playing us.  The filibuster depends on him.  Manchin claims he won't support current bill because it was too divisive.  Then why this one?  It's Manchin's bill.

3)  The AG can interfere with state elections.

The Fed can rig elections at all levels.  There won't be anywhere to go.

Texas won't be any better than NY or California.

 If that doesn't get you, then what will?

Nobody's writing about it --- very bad sign


Do you people really have that much faith in Manchin? Because his support for the filibuster is the only thing that separates the commies from this huge goal.

As Morris describes it, the AG will have the power to overrule the states' election laws. That's an incredible amount of power to give to one man. Think about that. Can you really believe that they will be honest and fair about the law? What is your reason for thinking that given how they have behaved in recent years? "They" means what I have been calling them---commies.

It doesn't matter what the grassroots are doing now or in the future if this bill passes. If you think there was fraud before, you haven't seen anything yet.

It should be THE story and the ONLY story right now. The significance of this cannot be overstated. From this one move, they will control IT ALL.

Everything else is a smokescreen. If you aren't on this, and if you truly care about the future, you'd better wake the hell up and quick. This one stinks to high heaven, and if you turn away from this one, you may regret if for the rest of your life.

I'm not kidding, here.

If the commies get this voting bill...

 There will be no accountability .... Period.

Morris fixed his video.  It is even worse than Manchin claimed to oppose before.

Now he's for it.  This same guy holds the whole shooting match in his hands.

Repeat: if they pass this, it's going to take something big to stop it.

Ponder on that one.

Dick Morris has a lunch alert out

Trouble is, you can't hear it. There's a mute button that's missing, so it is muted. You cannot hear a thing. The title gives you an idea of what it is about. The commies are about to get a big prize, and Manchin has gift-wrapped it for the commies.

It was in the news over the weekend, but there was NO indication that the filibuster is going to be thrown out. Therefore, if it passes the Senate, it has to have significant GOP-Quisling support.

So, if there's more info from Morris that confirms this, we're in suspense. Otherwise, it looks like it might be a big false alarm or possibly a click-baiter.

To be specific, it is about who runs the elections---the states or DC. Elections? We don't need any stinking elections!

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Off-grid post, 6.20.21

This project is still a go, but admittedly, it isn't going anywhere very fast.

Earlier this month, the long awaited attempt at growing stuff began. However, it hasn't gotten far, as the tomato seeds didn't germinate.

It faked me out for a few days, but the seeds only STARTED to germinate slightly before dying off.

So now I'm trying it for the second time with a new batch of seeds. I'm keeping the same soil, and only making some slight alterations. The best I can figure, it was too hot in the van, and the water evaporated too fast.

So I made a hanging basket kind of thingie, and now this thing will be attempted that way. The hanging basket isn't really a basket. It is a used soda cup with a shot glass inside of it. The glass is to admit the light. The soda cup was punctured with several holes, though which some old shoe laces were inserted, so that these could provide support while it hangs from a hook.

Hopefully it is in a place where it can get enough sun. Being out in the open will keep it from getting too hot, and being inside a transparent object will protect from too much wind. These are the ideas. Time will tell if it all works.

Aside from that, not much happening on this front. Until later.