Saturday, March 30, 2019

Has our culture hit a dead end?

by Paul Joseph Watson


After watching this thing, I'd say it seems as though it is a corporation phenomenon.   It's ironic that only the lefties are after the corporations, and here's somebody who would probably not be considered leftist, and he's going after them ( indirectly ).

Anyway, I'm no leftist.  Besides, the lefties love corporations.  They just want the corporations to dance to their tune, and they do that for the most part.

New category

Called Grid Stuff Uncategorized.

This post isn't really adding anything.  In fact, it subtracts a number of how-to posts from that category and seeds them into this category.

There's non-grid stuff in the how-to category that I wanted separated out.  But, I didn't go all that far back into time.  In order to get the rest of the off-grid stuff, it will be necessary to wade through the non grid stuff.

Maybe that makes sense.

The High Stakes Game of Turnabout Playing Out in the Aftermath of the Mueller Investigation


Game is the operative word.  Should they be playing a game?

Friday, March 29, 2019

Obligatory, 3.29.19

As always, I look for ways to improve the blog.  The last week or so, it seems that I am at a sort of crossroads.  There may be a change to what I write about.  It may be subtle.  The blog tends to be about current events and politics.

There's the problem.  Politics has always sucked, and to write about it just tends to belabor the obvious.

What to do about this?  There has always been the other side of this blog, which intended to offer solutions.

Several months ago, I spun off my off-grid project and included the usual "solutions" type of posts in with it.  That is why you don't see those anymore on this blog. 

The thing that is happening this week is that I am posting a lot more there, and less here.  Maybe that is how any changes may be manifested.

The content will be the same, but I may pick my spots a bit more carefully.  There may be fewer posts here.  Or maybe there won't be.  It all depends on how much this feeling persists.  The feeling is that this blog isn't really very productive towards any end.  I would prefer to accomplish something with my time, so to come here just to bitch about how bad things are isn't a good use of my time.

So, there you are.  If I was really cooking with my other projects, this blog may shrivel down to nothing.  Maybe that's how it will work out.  We'll have to see.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Don Surber: Listen to Karl Rove, and do the opposite

Don Surber: Listen to Karl Rove, and do the opposite: Karl Rove, last seen burning $170 million in other people's money to stop Obama's re-election, wrote in today's Wall Street Jour...


The drift is toward punishing those who were behind the collusion narrative.

Whether or not that is a good idea is basically the point of this post.  If Rove wants to disregard it, Surber thinks it is a bad idea.

It may be better to be magnanimous towards these people, but if they won't stop acting up, Trump may have no other choice.

Obligatory, 3.28.19

Lite posting continues, as I have found a trove of videos that might be useful for my off-grid project.

Besides, the news is goofy these days.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Light posting, power down

It is for maintenance project in the area.  As of this writing, the heavy work is done.  There needs to be some electrician work at this building in order to connect the new lines.

In the meantime, I will conserve battery power.


Power is back on.   At least I know my propane fridge works.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

AGW concerns are not altruistic

This isn't a post against AGW theory, but in how the government is responding to threats in general.

We are to believe that, those who demand government action on the alleged AGW threat, are doing so because of their love of their fellow man.

If so, then why not as much concern about things that are not theoretical, but have happened before?  Such as ice ages.  Ice ages have happened over and over again.  Of course, the prevailing theory is the opposite direction, but what if the theories are wrong?

For example, a super volcanic eruption is believed to have caused the Little Ice Age in the fairly recent past.  If such were to repeat, the effect upon the human race could be dire.  That's because there are so many more people on Earth today than when this event occurred.

Another example is an asteroid strike.  A really big one is believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs.  We could be next.

Yet another is a Carrington Event.  A massive solar storm would wreak havoc upon the electric grid.  It has been theorized that such an event may cause meltdowns in nuclear reactors.

None of these possibilities are being provided for, yet there is all this great concern about AGW, and it hasn't been proven.  Certainly, there are those who claim that it has been proven, but what if they are wrong?  If this concern was really altruistic, why not concern about those things that have happened in the past for sure, and are likely to happen again?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Nebraska floods

This is a news item that hasn't settled in yet.  Why?  I have this theory, and if it applies here, it may be more valid that even I thought.  The theory is that our system is so corrupt that it cannot be trusted any more. 

Most of what hits the news is absolute garbage.  Yet, it receives all the attention.

This guy here doesn't get many page views, but what if he's right?

The consequences to the theory is that you mustn't trust news sources.  They just aren't worth a damn.

Better late than never

Don't want to disparage this in the slightest.

However, it should have been obvious from the get go.  I got the jist of this right from day one.  No, I didn't have the proof.  But you shouldn't have to prove that water is wet.

Praise goes to the last refuge for the leg work that produced the right results after such a long ordeal.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

False flag operation?

It is being circulated about that the New Zealand attack was fake.

Keep in mind that fakes have not been a rarity in recent times.

Several points have been made about the video, which is why I am taking it a bit more seriously than when I first heard this.  For example, shell casings disappear in mid air.  A windshield that gets fired at should shatter the glass, but nothing happens to the glass.  The guns used looked fake according to some.  And so forth...

The big tell might be in the banning of video of the shooting.  If you wanted to cover up something, then a move like this might make some sense.

Another thing is how quickly the left took advantage of the situation.  I would be very suspicious of any moves to disarm the public in the face of such a heated and rushed desire to get their way on a long term policy preference.

I copied a video of the shooter's handiwork, but the quality is so poor that I cannot make any independent judgment of my own with regards to some of what was claimed.

Even if the event was real, there is no justification for disarming the public.  Such a move is suspicious.

Witch hunt ends badly

Seems some folks don't know when to stop.