Friday, March 29, 2019

Obligatory, 3.29.19

As always, I look for ways to improve the blog.  The last week or so, it seems that I am at a sort of crossroads.  There may be a change to what I write about.  It may be subtle.  The blog tends to be about current events and politics.

There's the problem.  Politics has always sucked, and to write about it just tends to belabor the obvious.

What to do about this?  There has always been the other side of this blog, which intended to offer solutions.

Several months ago, I spun off my off-grid project and included the usual "solutions" type of posts in with it.  That is why you don't see those anymore on this blog. 

The thing that is happening this week is that I am posting a lot more there, and less here.  Maybe that is how any changes may be manifested.

The content will be the same, but I may pick my spots a bit more carefully.  There may be fewer posts here.  Or maybe there won't be.  It all depends on how much this feeling persists.  The feeling is that this blog isn't really very productive towards any end.  I would prefer to accomplish something with my time, so to come here just to bitch about how bad things are isn't a good use of my time.

So, there you are.  If I was really cooking with my other projects, this blog may shrivel down to nothing.  Maybe that's how it will work out.  We'll have to see.

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