Our system does not always work as well as it could. This Wuhan virus situation is a prime example of that fact. If anyone tries to argue that the current situation is optimal, I'm going to call you out for bullshit.
But there is plenty of room for argument about what is optimal. Or is there? Wouldn't it have been better if there was no virus at all? But we don't live in such a world. There have been viruses before and there will viruses again. There will be bad behavior from people before, and there will be again. What's true is true. There is truly nothing new under the sun. Everything that has happened here has happened before. If history is any guide, it will happen in the future too.
What we have is a problem that is in front of us. The best thing is to do all we can in order to put this thing in the rearview mirror as quickly as possible. If this thing lingers on and on, we are in trouble.
So I listen into the Bongino show for the first time in maybe 10 days. This political stuff isn't helpful. Not to say that Bongino is doing bad stuff, but how does that end this thing as soon as possible? Sure, I don't like the liberals any more than I did before. In fact, I make it my business to listen to them as little as possible. If I had any criticism to make of our side, meaning those of us who wish to think of ourselves as conservative, I would like to hear about how to end this as soon as possible. I don't give a rat's rear end about who's fault it is. We can argue about that later.
That's why I tended to avoid poltical stuff. It isn't helpful, in my opinion. I am wondering right now if it ever was.
Just saying.