Saturday, September 18, 2021

MSNBC propaganda piece

Lawrence O'Donnell, Trump and 911


This is pretty slick propaganda and history revisionism. All of a sudden, George W. Bush is a star, because MSNBC and Lawrence O'Donnell can use him. That's what I saw. Ostensibly, Lawrence O'Donnell is really grieved at Trump's claimed lies about 911. There is no iron-clad proof offered here that Trump did indeed lie about it. Just a claim. Also a claim that O'Donnell was really heartbroken about 911 himself.

Back to George W. Bush--- it was this same O'Donnell that tore him a new one on the subject of Bush while he was President. This was the type of thing that he did all the time on Bush. What did Bush do? He let them destroy him that's what. Just hardly anything at all to defend himself. After all of what they said about him, he allows himself to be used in this slick propaganda piece. O'Donnell claims also that Trump was trying to steal other's grief. How the hell do you do that? I don't know how you steal somebody else's grief.

I do sense that grief was being exploited by a number of people on the left, who didn't seem to be so heartbroken at the time. The piece shows Clinton and Obama at the 911 ceremonies, or so it appeared. O'Donnell mentions that Trump wasn't there, insinuating strongly that Trump didn't care and was callous about it. So not only was he supposedly stealing their grief, according to O'Donnell, he was just exploiting it for his own purpose. Note that that was what O'Donnell was doing himself. Why was it all about Trump??? Because Trump, like Bush was, is important. That is what O'Donnell really cares about. --- Not the country, not anybody's grief. Only in using it for politics. After all, isn't that what this entire piece was all about? Was it really about grief of that time? Or just looking good on the cameras?

If Trump really did lie, then it isn't good. But there is also a lie being told by the leftists, like O'Donnell. The lie is that they were just using 911 for politics, just the kind of thing that they were claiming that Trump was doing. If they really cared about preventing disasters like 911, they would POLICE THE DAMNED BORDER. If the terrorists cannot get in, they cannot hijack planes and ram them into buildings. Their crododile tears do not impress me. They are more concerned about how to use events like this to exploit for politics. That doesn't have to be proven, it is plainly there on the screen.


Nothing moderate about what these 10 people did.

Evidently, the author of the piece wants to have something like the second impeachment of Trump appear to be the "moderate" position. By implication, anyone who is opposed must be "extreme".

Something tells me that the commies are feeling a little uncomfortable with their extraordinary power grab. Talking about "extreme". These folks have several hundred people in the dungeon for no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The "insurrection" claim was "reasonable" in this twisted universe they live in. For that reason, the prisoners are "too dangerous" to be set free. By and large, these prisoners don't have criminal records of any kind. But the reasonable and "moderate" ones think it proper that their rights be abrogated.

So Trump is happy that one of these ten jackasses won't be running? They want to make a big deal out of that? Well, there is one problem right off the top. An opposition party should oppose. Novel idea, I am sure, but if they are going to join the commies, why not be up front and honest about it?

The commies are trying to leverage a riot that they may have had a hand in--- in order to seize totalitarian control. But they are "moderates". You cannot question them, even though that is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, because that would be "extreme".

It is the politics of shut-uppery gone berserk.

According to the commies, the goal posts are always moving. There is no standard as to what "moderation" actually means. It may mean something entirely different tomorrow. Hence, getting the jab was bad when Orange Man Bad was in office, but now that Corn Pop is there, it is now mandated ( even though Corn Pop promised not to do that).

Reagan made a standard of moderation that they cannot abide. He gave it a permanent value. Moderation is the "ultimate in liberty consistent with order in a civilized society". Nothing extreme about that, and it works forever. But with the commies, the goal posts move every day. It moves because they are not honest people, and they'll admit it in a candid moment, if you are alert.

Collective Soul --- Shine ( repost )


last posted on 12.29.16 :

This song popped into my head. I knew I had posted it before...if memory serves, I was feeling poorly at that time..

Felt a lot better today.   Got out a bit and heard this one on the radio as before.  Why not repost it?  I like it...

original post follows immediately...

Just heard this on the radio while in my Nissan.  The hubcaps arrived this morning, or should I say last night, but the delivery guy didn't knock or anything.   I didn't know that they were there.  So, the hubcaps are on the car, and it should be good enough for the inspection sticker I couldn't get last week.  My permanent license should be there tomorrow, but if not, no problema.  I'll just have to make another trip.

Anyway, that song was familiar from the nineties, but I didn't know the name of it, nor the artists.

I found the lyrics and notice how clean they are.  That was rare even 20 years ago.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Ivermectin study in India

Original post. In August.

Link via Free Republic podcast link and video list on YouTube

The above link bears some explaining. It came to my attention while perusing Free Republic, and I watched the video of the podcast. A list of videos accompanies the video being watched, which is the usual thing. I saw the following video of a study in India with respect to the efficacy of Ivermectin. It is apparently a good study here, probably better than the one being touted for the fake vaccine just recently "approved" by the FDA. Anyway, it is well worth the watch.

With respect to the original link of the podcast mentioned above, it is also quite interesting to watch, and by all means watch it if you can. It may be hard to suppress this type of information forever. The more the word gets out, the better.

India is reported to have had good results with their Ivermectin use. It is hard to suppress that fact. One of the more populated states of India, with a population that approaches that of the USA, has had this usage of Ivermectin for awhile now with good results. The following video is of a study of the efficacy which correlates that information. No reason for any fear mongering campaign against the use of Ivermectin in the USA.

More info

White board doctor: Breakdown of Indian Ivermectin study.


This appears to be another perspective on the same study. Pretty much the same result.

Monoclonal antibodies

On monoclonal antibodies, there is this link

and then there's this one.


Yesterday, I wrote a couple of very trite expressions on the subject. Here's another trite expression. Seems like that's all I've got on this. One thing that I know, or I think I know, is that neither monoclonal antibodies nor the injections are NECESSARY.

This may not help much, but it is all I need. No monoclonal antibodies for me. And here's the trite expression: "It is a slippery slope."

Thursday, September 16, 2021

More than one way to skin a cat

If you stop and consider what the commies are doing, they are trying to get you to believe that their way is the only way. Perhaps what they've forgotten is the old saying about there being more than one way to skin a cat.

This is assuming that the jab is safe and effective. If you want to believe in the jab, then go ahead and believe it. However, a little more critical thinking may lead you to believe that alternatives must be sought out. There's another saying about putting all your eggs in one basket. The commies want you to put all your eggs in their basket. It turns out that their basket is pretty rickety, and may well have a lot of big holes in it. What will happen to those eggs when they fall out? It won't be pretty.

One would think that one's health is pretty important. Yours truly isn't going to trust commies and fascists with something that is pretty important like my health.

Following a leader blindly is just dumb, like in the movie "Idiocracy". If some muckety muck tells you to put Gatorade on crops because plants crave electrolytes, would you believe it? Let's say this muckety muck is some kind of expert, would you still believe it? If one hundred muckety mucks said it, would you believe it? Or would you trust your own judgment yourself? Give me a chance to decide things for myself. I won't put my life in the hands of any muckety muck no matter how smart they are supposed to be, if I am not convinced myself.

No muckety muck is going to do my own thinking for me, if I can help it.

New York Times is just a commie rag now

CTH article about Clinton ties to Russia-hoax and Seth Rich "Arkancide"


CTH is saying that the New York Times is protecting Sussman, who is connected to Perkins Coie, who is connected to Hillary. The Clintons have long been noted for the sudden disappearance of those who become a threat to them. Seth Rich was such a person. It all lines up, but the Times cannot let this become well known because... they lie.

Commies just lie all the time. The cover-up is a lie, Hillary tried to frame Trump, and got the entire machinery of the government to line up in the effort. Of course, there will never be any justice for the murder of Seth Rich. It is no longer a country of laws, but a country ruled over with the iron fist of communists--in league with the fascists. They both hate the Republic and will destroy it if they can.

Communists cannot rule by consent, they must have a dictatorship. Even they say as much. They conspired with the Nazis to overthrow the Weimar Republic in Germany, and now are doing the same in league with our homegrown fascists in America.

Reagan was so successful in fighting the commies, but he was also anti-fascist. You can be anti-fascist and anti-communist at the same time, but the commies will always lie about that, and call anybody who opposes them a fascist. The thing to remember about them both is that they lie all the time. It is the only way they can succeed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021



It has electrolytes, don't you know

A comment to the video says==="Ah, America 2021. I knew it was coming, but not this soon."

If you can't find the right bathroom, what didja expect?

Some simple political questions

You could say that there are no right or wrong answers to these. The purpose is to ascertain what you believe about politics.... They are simple yes, no questions. I'd be curious about running a poll like this, but polls that I've run didn't get enough participation. You can do this on your own and in private, doesn't matter or anything. It is just a mental exercise of sorts... Ready?

1. Was Hitler a bad guy? ( Not a trick question, just yes or no)

2. Was Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union a bad guy? ( same thing )

3. Hitler was worse than Stalin. ( "yes" if you agree, "no" if you don't)

4. Stalin was worse than Hitler. ( same as above )

5. Finally-- Neither were worth a damn, and neither of them were any better or worse.

Interpretation: If you think Hitler was a bad guy, and that Hitler was definitely worse, then you are probably of the left wing persuasion.

If you think Hitler was really a good guy, and Stalin was the bad guy, then you are probably a fascist.

If you think neither were better or worse, that they were both very bad men, then you are probably a "moderate".

The two men are taken as arch-types of the dialectic--left , right, and middle. The middle is where Reagan was, even though he was thought to be "hard right". He wasn't. The fact is that the common formulation is wrong. This was written as an example of why it is wrong. Maybe it isn't a perfect way of explaining it, but it is the simplest I can come up with.

The incredible success of Ronald Reagan

This split in the GOP isn't new. It so happens that Lt. Col. Allen West is going to run for Governor of Texas, but he is opposed by moderates, so I've read. It has to be the case that anybody worth looking at is going to opposed by one faction or the other. But Reagan was said to be quite conservative, and he was able to garner the support of all of the GOP. Why is that so hard to do anymore? What was it about Reagan? Why would Col. West be so objectionable by the so-called moderates of the Party?

There are a lot of theories about that. The late Rush Limbaugh once wrote that the Democrats believed that it was "marketing and packaging". Whatever it was, it worked a lot better than what is going on before or after his time. Barry Goldwater was pretty conservative too, but he lost in a landslide to LBJ in 1964. Conservatism can win, but only with the right kind of candidate. Colonel West is said to be not the kind of candidate that would win in Texas. How can that be?

Certainly the image was in Reagan's favor. He didn't come across as a fire-breather, or did he? If you go back to his speech in 1964, it seemed pretty much of a barn-barner. But his manner was generally non-threatening. He could be firm, but at the same time, he could gain the confidence of the so-called moderate wing. Gerald Ford was quoted as saying that a man as conservative as Reagan couldn't win, but in the end, Ford was on Reagan's side.

It doesn't appear that Trump can unite the factions, sadly. There is little doubt in my mind that his inability to do this is what contributed to his defeat. His defeat, regardless of how the vote actually went, was more of a elite veto than anything else. If he could have gotten them on board, he would have won.

Reagan must have gotten the support of the elites, or he would have gone down also. How did he do this? Anyway, this piece is about how to unite the warring factions in the party, because if that doesn't happen, it is straight down to the anthill that Reagan warned about in 1964.

Republicans need to get that back, and soon. To get it back, a good start might be to study how Reagan did it. Reagan's success has to be considered phenomenal, because it has been the exception, and not the rule for the GOP. Reagan united the factions and united the country. It hasn't been the same since. It isn't the conservatism, it must be the man.

Winning an election isn't enough. We've seen that with Trump. He spent much of his time just trying to survive. Some might argue that he did a lot, but in terms of legislation, he did not get much done.

Reagan did, but some of that had a down side. Whenever you can get an alleged conservative like Dick Cheney say that Reagan's years proved that deficits didn't matter, then you've made a policy error with unfortunate precedent for the future. You can see that now with massive deficit spending. Maybe deficits WILL matter when they get big enough. When that happens, look out. This is why I never voted for Reagan. I figured that all this would happen a lot sooner than what it did. I figured hyperinflation. That may pan out, but it may take awhile to get there.

Reagan wasn't perfect, but he was definitely the best at the time. The question maybe is this: is the best going to be good enough anymore?

Communism on the march

It may be a mistake for me to start spending a lot of time on what has happened in California, but here goes anyway. The reason being that I can't seem to get my mind off of it. I shouldn't be wasting my time, but...

The question in California should have been Newsome's handling of the Covid thing. All things considered, his actions on covid, which is pretty much following the commie line, was to shut down everything, order masks to be worn, and now the jab uber alles crapola. All of these do NOT do anything to actually solve the problem. That's because Newsome and the rest of his commie cadets do NOT want to solve the covid situation, they want to USE it.

The recall could have been a good thing and a great opportunity to debate all this, but it probably didn't happen that way. That's because the regime there and the regime that is starting to overtake everything everwhere, will not allow for any discussion. No new information can see the light of day. No new perspectives. Just a complete rehash of everything THAT DOES NOT WORK. The mounting failure of the state will never have any accountability because of things like this. All the more reason why the recall should have been a slam dunk.

I could be talking out my ass here, because I have never been to California, and I didn't follow the recall at all. But I read things on the web. So, either the web information I get is wrong, or there is something very wrong in California. I DO know Texas, since I live here. What I've seen, even in this, which is supposedly a conservative state, is NOT encouraging. We have a governor here that approved the shutdowns and the masks. Not for as long, and not as stringent, but it still happened. It never should have happened here. Yet, he is being lauded as being strongly pro-freedom. My ass. Since things are partly screwed up here, and California is definitely more blue, I'd say things are totally FUBAR there--one way or the other. Things are well on their way to being totally FUBAR everywhere, but I repeat myself.

So I think I am right about them because I see enough here that has contaminated this state, and I've seen enough nationwide to conclude that California is totally off the rails. Texas is sort of better, but it could have been a lot better. So we are not that much better off, truth be told.

The story in Israel is that the miscalled "vaccines" do not work. The story in other places clearly shows that Ivermectin DOES work. If these "leaders" had done the thing that works in place of the things that won't ever work, we'd have been done with this a long time ago. The conclusion should follow, because it SHOULD BE OBVIOUS. It was never intended to work, but to destroy the nation, and "rebuild" upon other lines. Those lines are clearly communist. Make no mistake about it.

Collyfornia is the Collyforniest

It is said that the land of fruits and nuts is the way the rest the country will go in the future. If that is really true, and it might be, we are in the deepest possible poo-poo.

Not much got written here about the recall, but I suppose I could have written something. But no. Frankly, I wasn't expecting good things, but there was a pathetic hope that something good could come from there. Now the reality smacks me in the face, like a dash of ice cold water.

Whatever the true state of public opinion, the actual state is lost. There isn't much hope for a place with the kind of government that it now has, and cannot seem to correct anymore.

It does seem like it will happen elsewhere in the country too. Nothing is being done to stop it. Something COULD be done, but the fact is that NOTHING is being done. A silly recall effort will do nothing but waste time. The problem is not being addressed at its roots.

Sen. Manchin looks a bit wobbly there in DC. Looks like the Feds will take over the election system nationwide. The whole point is to wreck what's left. Again, nobody is doing a thing about it.

Collyfornia here we come, indeed.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

How to make biodiesel

How to make biodiesel

Very interesting video. It looks like a lot of work, and there may be some pitfalls to avoid. However, his final product looks very good.

Another biodiesel video

This video is a bit more sophisticated. But it is still the same stuff.

Highly "vaxxed" Israel has more covid than ever

Highly "vaxxed" Israel has more covid than ever

This one would be a real head-scratcher if you were trying to figure out their reasoning for a jab mandate. The jab should work in order to justify a mandate, right? Wrong. It doesn't have to work for them to achieve their purposes, you see. It's not for your benefit, it's for theirs.

The other thing that they get in the bargain is the damage that they can do in the meantime. The idea is to cause damage, not to relieve distress. In other words, not to relieve distress, but to cause it. It's the coal level of narcissistic supply that we are looking at. They need this to function. It feeds their egos. They need the control, the results don't matter.

So it isn't a head-scratcher as soon as you start looking at the real reasons for their moves.

The Jab Mandate should be toast, but not guaranteed


Since I left Twitter nearly two years, there has been no opportunity to read one of my favorite reads--TechnoFog. It so happens that TechnoFog has a substack account that allows you to keep up with his/her writings. Assuming that he is a he, but who knows these days?

TechnoFog goes over why the Jab Mandate is a non-starter. Even so, TechnoFog does not predict the likely outcome of a case in the Supremes.

In any event, I'm not getting the jab. I'm not counting on the Court to behave honestly nor courageously, nor with any sort of integrity. If they had that, they would have shitcanned the fraudulent "election" in 2020.

Therefore, on the merits, the right side should win, but the way things are going, this is not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. If they let Corn Pop get away with this, then there will be no limits. This is precisely where we are headed if something doesn't stop these pinkos. You'd think that this was a no-brainer. Well, it would take much brains, but evidently that is becoming a rare thing.

Narcissism coal supply in action on the political stage

Robert Reich is not worried about big government, nor about conservatism

The thrust of Reich's argument about Texas' abortion limits is that it is hypocritical. He thinks that the conservative arguments about limited government do not reflect what their true intentions are. This from a guy who speaks for people who want to add trillions of dollars in new spending to the budget.

Reich isn't worried about conservative's lack of consistency, no siree. He's more concerned about winning on that issue. This issue is abortion, not the consistency of conservative's beliefs, as HE claims to see it. I use the word "claim" because Reich's arguments are the usual Commie dishonesty. It is so dishonest that it is offensive to the extreme, if that is what offends a person.

But it isn't going to offend me. Here's this guy, who uses these dishonest arguments for no other reason than to win a political fight. He is not concerned about our morals here. He's not concerned about his own inconsistencies. He's just concerned about power.

It is that narcissistic thing again, with people who ARE concerned about these things to have a guy making such a dishonest argument, then let it BOTHER them, as I suspect that this is one of their main reasons for making such arguments in the first place. They need to keep people in a state of agitation. If the real point is to allow abortion, then the Texas law does not do anything but limit it somewhat. That choice is still available. Nothing much is being taken away except the unfettered and completely unregulated use of abortion up to the point that people of concience would be bothered by it. But this doesn't concern the narcissist. He just wants to stir the pot.

The only reason to respond to it is to point out his own hypocrisy. If he thinks that it is hypocritical, he may want to try looking in the mirror for a change. Just laugh at this, don't get mad. That's what I'll do.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Lifetime batteries

Nuclear waste batteries?

The reason I'm linking to this page is because this dude puts out a lot of videos like this, and it may be worth paying some attention to.

I haven't stuck with any of the videos all the way through, though. It may be that my bravo sierra detectors may have been alerted.

However, it may be worth taking a look at some of these. Hence, I'm making a note of this.

Another perspective

What you need to identify yourself to police in Texas.

This is the second of two videos that I watched just prior to making this post. The reason I put it up was because of something that kinda clicked inside my mind...

The first video won't be linked because it is related to an actual traffic stop, in which the man who was stopped began giving the cop a hard time. Which is kind of illuminating in its own right. It shows something that may give insight into the mindset of people who are out there. There are all kinds, of course. But the main thing to see is that people can be sheep, or they can be something else. The guy who was stopped was definitely not a sheep.

The reason I didn't put it up was because somebody who didn't know what he was doing could get themselves into a lot of hot water by trying something like that themselves. It was like a traffic cop stopping Perry Mason. If you are Perry Mason, and you're really good, you can flummox these cops. But is that what you really want to do???

I don't know that for law-abiding types that this type of behavior would be advocated. But when the cops are out of line, and you know what you are doing, it can be a positive thing.

The only reason for this post is to get people to THINK about the times we are in. The Federal government is just like a traffic cop. I believe that you CAN deal with them, if you are prepared. But you've got to be prepared, and you have to know what you are doing.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

FOAM CONCRETE, affordable house built in 6 days!


Interesting video. However, they've got a professional crew doing the work. Some jackass like me couldn't build a house like this in 6 days, if at all. Way too much work. One thing that I am not too good at, is work. Especially these days.

I'm getting an idea of those quonsets again. The idea of using concrete seems intriguing. The quonset that I built on the property out west didn't last because the only thing holding the darn thing in one piece was plastic tarp. It got shredded by the windy conditions out there.

So the idea of stretching a sheet over the top the tarp, then plastering it with concrete does seem like a possibility. The concrete will harden, and it will hold up better, one presumes. Maybe several coats would be needed!

Foam concrete is something new. Not all of this job is foam concrete. So what may appear to be easier is not as easy as all that. There's a lot of work to do here.

Still an interesting video.

Maybe a key to winning this fight

It may be recalled that there was a post about narcissism. It may also be recalled that a connection was made between narcissism and public officials. Now to connect a few more dots...

If narcissists enjoy making others miserable, then the kinds of things happening recently should be more understandable. At least, this is how I will understand it. Therefore, a really botched exit from Afghanistan is not a bug, but a feature. As a matter of fact, it is a big plus to inflict this much distress on Americans, because this is what they enjoy the most.

Rebecca Zung mentioned a "coal level" supply for narcissists. Making others miserable is their "coal supply". In a position of authority, like the Presidency, a whole lot of miserableness can be dished out. This must be offering 'ol Corn Pop a whole lot of enjoyment. He gets to see patriots fume at the miserable failure, and to be powerless to stop it makes patriots unhappy.

All of it fits. Even if the mandates fail, he can enjoy the consternation and damage that he can do while it is still effective. It won't blow back on him, and even if it does, he can count on his accomplices to keep him afloat. He can be as nasty as he wants to be. He may not even be worried about re-election, because he may well know that he won't last that long anyway. A real bonanza of coal supply.

Rebecca Zung says that you have to deny them their supply. One way to do that is to refuse to be miserable. If that is successful, their coal supply goes away. Also, if the politics can be turned against them, their "diamond level" of supply, ie. the office and the power, will also be in jeopardy. According to Zung, it is the diamond level, because they will do anything to keep it. This may make them ever more dangerous, or paradoxically, it might even make them more reasonable. But don't count on them to stay that way.

The best thing for the rank and file is to keep your chin up and be happy in spite of all the crap they're dishing out. They really hate it when they cannot get to you that way. Even if they make you suffer so badly that it could kill you, you have to stay happy. This could be a lot like holy water to a vampire. ( Not kidding. I think this could work.)