Monday, September 13, 2021

Another perspective

What you need to identify yourself to police in Texas.

This is the second of two videos that I watched just prior to making this post. The reason I put it up was because of something that kinda clicked inside my mind...

The first video won't be linked because it is related to an actual traffic stop, in which the man who was stopped began giving the cop a hard time. Which is kind of illuminating in its own right. It shows something that may give insight into the mindset of people who are out there. There are all kinds, of course. But the main thing to see is that people can be sheep, or they can be something else. The guy who was stopped was definitely not a sheep.

The reason I didn't put it up was because somebody who didn't know what he was doing could get themselves into a lot of hot water by trying something like that themselves. It was like a traffic cop stopping Perry Mason. If you are Perry Mason, and you're really good, you can flummox these cops. But is that what you really want to do???

I don't know that for law-abiding types that this type of behavior would be advocated. But when the cops are out of line, and you know what you are doing, it can be a positive thing.

The only reason for this post is to get people to THINK about the times we are in. The Federal government is just like a traffic cop. I believe that you CAN deal with them, if you are prepared. But you've got to be prepared, and you have to know what you are doing.

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