Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Narcissism coal supply in action on the political stage

Robert Reich is not worried about big government, nor about conservatism

The thrust of Reich's argument about Texas' abortion limits is that it is hypocritical. He thinks that the conservative arguments about limited government do not reflect what their true intentions are. This from a guy who speaks for people who want to add trillions of dollars in new spending to the budget.

Reich isn't worried about conservative's lack of consistency, no siree. He's more concerned about winning on that issue. This issue is abortion, not the consistency of conservative's beliefs, as HE claims to see it. I use the word "claim" because Reich's arguments are the usual Commie dishonesty. It is so dishonest that it is offensive to the extreme, if that is what offends a person.

But it isn't going to offend me. Here's this guy, who uses these dishonest arguments for no other reason than to win a political fight. He is not concerned about our morals here. He's not concerned about his own inconsistencies. He's just concerned about power.

It is that narcissistic thing again, with people who ARE concerned about these things to have a guy making such a dishonest argument, then let it BOTHER them, as I suspect that this is one of their main reasons for making such arguments in the first place. They need to keep people in a state of agitation. If the real point is to allow abortion, then the Texas law does not do anything but limit it somewhat. That choice is still available. Nothing much is being taken away except the unfettered and completely unregulated use of abortion up to the point that people of concience would be bothered by it. But this doesn't concern the narcissist. He just wants to stir the pot.

The only reason to respond to it is to point out his own hypocrisy. If he thinks that it is hypocritical, he may want to try looking in the mirror for a change. Just laugh at this, don't get mad. That's what I'll do.

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