Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Highly "vaxxed" Israel has more covid than ever

Highly "vaxxed" Israel has more covid than ever

This one would be a real head-scratcher if you were trying to figure out their reasoning for a jab mandate. The jab should work in order to justify a mandate, right? Wrong. It doesn't have to work for them to achieve their purposes, you see. It's not for your benefit, it's for theirs.

The other thing that they get in the bargain is the damage that they can do in the meantime. The idea is to cause damage, not to relieve distress. In other words, not to relieve distress, but to cause it. It's the coal level of narcissistic supply that we are looking at. They need this to function. It feeds their egos. They need the control, the results don't matter.

So it isn't a head-scratcher as soon as you start looking at the real reasons for their moves.

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