Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Collyfornia is the Collyforniest

It is said that the land of fruits and nuts is the way the rest the country will go in the future. If that is really true, and it might be, we are in the deepest possible poo-poo.

Not much got written here about the recall, but I suppose I could have written something. But no. Frankly, I wasn't expecting good things, but there was a pathetic hope that something good could come from there. Now the reality smacks me in the face, like a dash of ice cold water.

Whatever the true state of public opinion, the actual state is lost. There isn't much hope for a place with the kind of government that it now has, and cannot seem to correct anymore.

It does seem like it will happen elsewhere in the country too. Nothing is being done to stop it. Something COULD be done, but the fact is that NOTHING is being done. A silly recall effort will do nothing but waste time. The problem is not being addressed at its roots.

Sen. Manchin looks a bit wobbly there in DC. Looks like the Feds will take over the election system nationwide. The whole point is to wreck what's left. Again, nobody is doing a thing about it.

Collyfornia here we come, indeed.

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